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Canadian Election


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Slightly agressive aren't we (before the mod edit that is...)? This is exactly the kind of thing I was writing about.


Of course language is part of a culture, as a means of communicating it to the people concerned.

The thing is that in Quebec, anglophones are part of our culture, wether the francophones accept it or not. Putting together a language police in order to block(no pun intended) a part of this province's distinct culture is wrong.

And the fact that a lot of francophones in Quebec are ready to become violent about it is proof of their narrowmindedness.


And the problem is on both sides. Anglophones are sticking together as are Francophones. One can pinpoint French and Anglo ''gettos'' in Montreal. We need to mix things up, make friends with each other. This war is over!


We need to grow up as a society before we even think about becoming a country. Thats all I'm saying.


We do not "block" anglophones, we make sure that everything is available in french. As for mixing things up, I think it's in the making. More and more people are bilingual, on both "sides", as the older generations are going away (in Florida :mellow: ).

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In Finland states that have more finnish swedish than finns have all their signs for places first in swedish and then in finnish. I think it

Edited by kirottu

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Man, why couldn't we humans just develop one language, Common.  I mean it would save a lot of headaches.

Latin has been known as the universal language in the scientific community. They should teach it world wide since some languages originated from it like French, Spanish, etc.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Man, why couldn't we humans just develop one language, Common.  I mean it would save a lot of headaches.

But eventually, it evolves, and we will have a lot of dialects and more headaches (Why is there multiple dialects of English?).



There is an artificial language, Interlingua, but it is not that popular.

Edited by Diamond
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"Now explain that cowardice part in your post, I'm not sure I get that."


Simple. Instead of running away from the problems of a multi cultural Kanada they should be working with fellow Kanadians to work out differences. Instead, Seperatists want to take their bagagge and split just ebcause the country isn't perfect.


Running away from your problems is *always* the cowardly way.

Edited by Volourn


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But we do not feel Canadian. For us Canadians are strangers, just like Americans. For us, separation is not running away from the problem, it is solving the problem. I am sure that Canada will be a lot better without Quebec, as I am sure we will be a lot better outside Canada.

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to diamond; can I just ask why your spelling Canadians with a K instead of a C????


and I don't think quebec should seperate, theres no reasonable reason for it. heh

edit: course I don't live in quebec and have never been there and have no plan on going there exept maybe to see my cousin get beat by donald brasheir

Edited by Jedihuh?
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It does make a difference, you know.

How? It is not like all non-French Kanadians will move out on the day of separation. Also all business and administrative issues will take years to sort out, not to mention legislation.

Of course it wouldn't be something they could see or touch the next day, but it would be comforting to know, perhaps? Hell I don't know for sure, I'm just picturing my nation being part of some other power.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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But we do not feel Canadian. For us Canadians are strangers, just like Americans. For us, separation is not running away from the problem, it is solving the problem. I am sure that Canada will be a lot better without Quebec, as I am sure we will be a lot better outside Canada.



You should be careful with the "we's"



Personally I think Quebec would be in a world of hurt without Canada.


And I don't think Canada would be better off either.

Edited by alanschu
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"Personally I think Quebec would be in a world of hurt without Canada.'


So do the Seperatists... hence why they don't want to give up the rights of being Kanadians... just the responsibility.


Afterall, they're xenophobes who can't tell time. LOL


P.S. Yes, I'm bigoted towards Seperatists.


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But we do not feel Canadian. For us Canadians are strangers, just like Americans. For us, separation is not running away from the problem, it is solving the problem. I am sure that Canada will be a lot better without Quebec, as I am sure we will be a lot better outside Canada.



You should be careful with the "we's"



Personally I think Quebec would be in a world of hurt without Canada.


And I don't think Canada would be better off either.


The "we" I'm refering to is the separatists.

And Volourn, yeah, sure, we're all xenophobe bastards. :thumbsup:

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I never said you were bastards...



"For us Canadians are strangers, just like Americans"


Really? One of the Seperatist ideas floating about was Quebec joining the US.....

Edited by Volourn


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to diamond; can I just ask why your spelling Canadians with a K instead of a C????

Perhaps because of reading too much Volourn's posts :ermm:



And to separatists here.

Economy of the country is tightly integrated, how are you going to stand on your own?

What are you going to without the resources of the rest of Canada?

What about the impact on foreign relations?

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It's not exactly a secret that Quebec gets rather large amounts of money (equalization payments and whatnot) from the federal government of Canada.



How are Canadian's "strangers" to you? I lived with a guy from Amos, Quebec, and he had no problems relating. Though he admitted he was not a separatist.

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But we do not feel Canadian. For us Canadians are strangers, just like Americans. For us, separation is not running away from the problem, it is solving the problem. I am sure that Canada will be a lot better without Quebec, as I am sure we will be a lot better outside Canada.


There is a silent majority in Quebec that disagrees with you. We are canadians first, Quebecers second.

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