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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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Wooops... you're mistaken. Lord Kaan (1000 BBY) proclaimed all most powerful memebrs of the Brotherhood of Darkness DARK LORD OS THE SITH (stupid for me, but... it's canonical)*. Prior to that moment there could be only one Dark Lord... and other were merely Sith Lords (who eventually created a Sith Council as portrayed in Dark Horse Comcs concering the Great Hyperspace War).


So, there is a problem with the title. If there was a dark Lord of the true Sith... then Revan was an usurpator. :D


*So Palaptine was a Dark Lord of the Sith, Maul, Tyranus and Vader also... However, Palpatine held the title of Sith Master, the others - Sith Apprentice.



Hmm, there seems to be some uncertainty about when exactly the traditions were implemented by the Sith. I had the impression that the 'only one dark lord' rule was set up by Darth Bane in the 'Jedi vs. Sith' comic book set a millennia before the movies, but the information at both Wikipedia and answers.com both seem to use the phrase:


"To guard against the Sith again engaging in fratricidal internecine war or losing sight of their "ideals" again, Bane took only one apprentice, starting a "one master, one apprentice" tradition to prevent the Sith from destroying themselves again."


This, of course, suggests that you might be right in the 'only one dark lord' principle having been in place for a long time before that, though not that of only one apprentice that Darth Bane apparently implemented.


Even so, I still don't think this tells that the 'only one dark lord' principle was in use during the KotOR era. In fact, I continue to see the Ludo Kressh vs. Naga Sadow confrontations as suggesting otherwise (they only postponed war from the beginning of the 'Golden Age of the Sith' comic books because the spirit of departed Marka Ragnos forbids it). We might yet see the principle being established in the KotOR era.

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Hello all!

Well, I do hope that KoToR 3 have a more engaging combat system and it gets on PC too. IGN News...


Now, I thought about perhaps they could make a kind of... Open ending, like an ending where you go keep building a Jedi Acedemy or something... Helping around people not just end the game and then do it from start again... An open gameply ending, but a nearly closed Story ending...

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The Exile can't be the main character in 3 because he or she is now a force god.  Somewhere in the late 20's early 30's in level on a normal play throgh and that is without proper epic rules for Star Wars when there aren't any.  I don't particularly feel like starting the game as a freaking god.



Why do you need proper Epic rules?

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Because the game is based on the d20 System version and there are certain aspects of the game than needs to adhere to the original set of rules in order to promote game balance.  Yoda was only a 19th level Jedi Consulor.

then why not introduce the d100 system or something like that?




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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As I said in the other thread... Group Stealth. And group stealth run.


And for goodness sake, make the game challenging. Having just completed my fourth run through it... I can honestly say that nothing ever threatened me. Not once was I close to dying or even feeling threatened. Even on "difficult". *glare*


I got my prestige class on my third planet (well, if peragus & telos count as being 1st and 2nd planet). I was level fifteen before I completed Nar Shadarr. :).

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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Guest MacLeodCorp

Could the creators of 'Empire at War' be creating KotOR 3? Since the game is near release, the rumors of another KotOR has picked up steam. If Petroglyph created KotOR 3, would you buy it?

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Could the creators of 'Empire at War' be creating KotOR 3? Since the game is near release, the rumors of another KotOR has picked up steam. If Petroglyph created KotOR 3, would you buy it?


Aren't they known for their RTS games? Why would a developer who specializes in one genre of games move to another?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Could the creators of 'Empire at War' be creating KotOR 3? Since the game is near release, the rumors of another KotOR has picked up steam. If Petroglyph created KotOR 3, would you buy it?


Aren't they known for their RTS games? Why would a developer who specializes in one genre of games move to another?


Worked for Volition.


I was really impressed with how consistently good TSL was, so I certainly hope that Obsidian makes the game. They didn't reinvent the wheel with the sequel, and they didn't necessarily have to, but they've proven that they know what they're doing and can turn out a quality product. I wouldn't be really upset if another developer made the next game, though, because I'm more interested in the quality of the finished product and the continuing story line than I am concerned about who wrote the code.

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Meh. I always figured it made best business sense to stick with what you know best.


For instance, Obsidian has been involved in (in various incarnations) the RPG genre for years and is quite successful at it. But I wouldn't exactly think they'd take that success and give it a try making a sports game.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Meh.  I always figured it made best business sense to stick with what you know best.


For instance, Obsidian has been involved in (in various incarnations) the RPG genre for years and is quite successful at it.  But I wouldn't exactly think they'd take that success and give it a try making a sports game.


Funny you should mention that. Big Blue Box, the makers of Fable and its expansion, said that their RPG was such a pain in the rear to develop that their next project would be something easy - like a golf game. They've been very silent since the release of the game, but I'd laugh if they weren't joking.


I'm not saying this rumor about Petroglyph has legs, but game developers do change up genres all the time, depending on what sells and what the team would enjoy making. Volition has gone from developing the greatest fighter pilot sim ever made, Freespace 2, to third person shooter The Punisher. Ritual has contributed to American McGee's Alice, but also developed Star Trek: Elite Force 2, a first person shooter. Before ION Storm broke up, they put out Thief: Deadly Shadows, a first/third person sneaking game, Deus Ex, an RPG/FPS hybrid, and Anachronox, a turn based RPG that introduced the prototype for Gir.

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Because the game is based on the d20 System version and there are certain aspects of the game than needs to adhere to the original set of rules in order to promote game balance.  Yoda was only a 19th level Jedi Consulor.



But why does it need a specific Epic ruleset? How does that ensure balance?

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Could the creators of 'Empire at War' be creating KotOR 3? Since the game is near release, the rumors of another KotOR has picked up steam. If Petroglyph created KotOR 3, would you buy it?


Aren't they known for their RTS games? Why would a developer who specializes in one genre of games move to another?



I think he just really, really, really wants KOTOR 3 to come out and doesn't really care about much else.

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Wooops... you're mistaken. Lord Kaan (1000 BBY) proclaimed all most powerful memebrs of the Brotherhood of Darkness DARK LORD OS THE SITH (stupid for me, but... it's canonical)*. Prior to that moment there could be only one Dark Lord... and other were merely Sith Lords (who eventually created a Sith Council as portrayed in Dark Horse Comcs concering the Great Hyperspace War).


So, there is a problem with the title. If there was a dark Lord of the true Sith... then Revan was an usurpator. :D


*So Palaptine was a Dark Lord of the Sith, Maul, Tyranus and Vader also... However, Palpatine held the title of Sith Master, the others - Sith Apprentice.


Thats like in 'real life' some kingdoms had at once more than one king. :-"

Maybe this leads to a 'SW' to have the title securedfor only one ruler :p


Feel the power of the LOL side of the Force :ph34r:


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Wooops... you're mistaken. Lord Kaan (1000 BBY) proclaimed all most powerful memebrs of the Brotherhood of Darkness DARK LORD OS THE SITH (stupid for me, but... it's canonical)*. Prior to that moment there could be only one Dark Lord... and other were merely Sith Lords (who eventually created a Sith Council as portrayed in Dark Horse Comcs concering the Great Hyperspace War).


So, there is a problem with the title. If there was a dark Lord of the true Sith... then Revan was an usurpator. :D


*So Palaptine was a Dark Lord of the Sith, Maul, Tyranus and Vader also... However, Palpatine held the title of Sith Master, the others - Sith Apprentice.


Oh, and I forgot :- :

Darth Maul was a master already, and not just in lvl-s, and not just a 'dark knight'.


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He was a Sith Apprentice, not a Master (Palpatine).


Anyway, we will have to wait for KotOR III. The game should reveal this problem...


P.S. Before KotOR it was Bane (I don't remember exactly... maybe another memeber of the Brotherhood of Darkness), who took the "name' 'Darth' (DARk lord of the siTH?), starting the tradition. However, in KotORs... Malak, Revan, Sion, Nihilus and Traya had this 'name'. So, was it Revan who 'invented' it? :D

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He was a Sith Apprentice, not a Master (Palpatine).


Anyway, we will have to wait for KotOR III. The game should reveal this problem...


P.S. Before KotOR it was Bane (I don't remember exactly... maybe another memeber of the Brotherhood of Darkness), who took the "name' 'Darth' (DARk lord of the siTH?), starting the tradition. However, in KotORs... Malak, Revan, Sion, Nihilus and Traya had this 'name'. So, was it Revan who 'invented' it? :D


No, there were many others, there were even some they were one but didn't use it in-name (I mean the 'Darth')


PS: did ya realise ,that many IWD & BG & NWN chars do look like sith/jedi? :-

Edited by jorian


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Because the game is based on the d20 System version and there are certain aspects of the game than needs to adhere to the original set of rules in order to promote game balance.  Yoda was only a 19th level Jedi Consulor.



But why does it need a specific Epic ruleset? How does that ensure balance?


Actually, if it wasn't because the two first KotOR games used the d20 system, I'd rather have them use WEG's Star Wars RPG system, which was way better than d20 IMHO.


For me d20 was actually a reason against playing KotOR, but I like Star Wars and found the plot interesting, so I played it anyway and liked it. But that was in spite of it being d20. Those are not good rules in my book.

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Not sure how that really addresses my question however. I wasn't talking about whether or not d20 was a good rule system or not.


I'm curious why you need Epic rules for it to be balanced, and all I really got is "Yoda is only level 19."

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Actually it is more balanced without them. Epic Rules and going above 20th level is really broken in the d20 System. You really need to read the rules system to understand but take a look at HotU on how epic levels work in the CRPG format. It was really way too overpowering.

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Actually, over the centuries, the knowledge of jedi and notraceSith has lost much of it,

and thats why one of the 'new age masters' is just lvl19, Luke was not so great too,

but after the fall of The Empire he searchs for relic-s from past,

and he gets more lvl-s, opens an academy, etc.. :lol:












Feel the LOL side of the Force :ph34r:


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P.S. Before KotOR it was Bane (I don't remember exactly... maybe another memeber of the Brotherhood of Darkness), who took the "name' 'Darth' (DARk lord of the siTH?), starting the tradition. However, in KotORs... Malak, Revan, Sion, Nihilus and Traya had this 'name'. So, was it Revan who 'invented' it? :D


I think the idea is that Bane "revived" the use of the Darth title. Revan is, in fact, the first one to use the title (we effectively have a continuity change and not everybody is happy about that).


However, the EU explaination of Darth is that it simply means "Dark Lord of the Sith".....others have used the more drawn-out title, such as Marka Ragnos. It is the abbreviation that started with Revan (and before there was a Revan, yes, it was Bane who started the abbreviation).

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