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Elusive sniper saps US morale in Baghdad


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Here's the link about the story.


If anybody wants to watch the 15 minute video - ask and I'll PM you the link. But be warned, even for me being all anti-US military and anti-US in general, it was disturbing for me to watch and it certainly would be for you Yanks.

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Yeah, I saw that video already, if it's the same one (where a guy on a bicycle rides by a few moments before the shooting starts). I didn't like it one bit.

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"Would you be happy if someone you cared about was killed in an automobile accident and someone posted it all over the internet?"


Go ahead. I'd even send ya the pics. Seriously, onlyc rybabies worry about that. The person I cared about is dead. Pics being shared with others isn't gonna to change it. Period.


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"Would you be happy if someone you cared about was killed in an automobile accident and someone posted it all over the internet?"


Go ahead. I'd even send ya the pics. Seriously, onlyc rybabies worry about that. The person I cared about is dead. Pics being shared with others isn't gonna to change it. Period.

...I'm glad I don't think like you do. :p

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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"Would you be happy if someone you cared about was killed in an automobile accident and someone posted it all over the internet?"


Go ahead. I'd even send ya the pics. Seriously, onlyc rybabies worry about that. The person I cared about is dead. Pics being shared with others isn't gonna to change it. Period.



Just because you're jaded about it doesn't mean everyone else has to be.

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Huh? Not jaded; just not worried about soemthing that small. I'd be worried about the fact the person died, and how I and others close to them would deal with it. Not whether or not others saw the dead body. Afterall, the cops, the cornoers, and those at the scene did already.


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Huh? Not jaded; just not worried about soemthing that small. I'd be worried about the fact the person died, and how I and others close to them would deal with it. Not whether or not others saw the dead body. Afterall, the cops, the cornoers, and those at the scene did already.


It's probably a bigger issue with the event itself. I'm not sure how I would feel if someone immortalized by brother's accident by taping it, and then let the viewing world see it.


Especially considering his accident would probably make many people go "OMG! That was totally awesome!"

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Hades and volourn aren't real people nor are they representative of human kind maybe not even of mammals so i'd give trying to reason with them a miss, alanschu.



On topic, whats with hilde/kinslayers snuff video fetish? was it not enough to simply post the article?

Edited by Surreptishus
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