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The Military

random evil guy

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Hey guys. Sorry it took me so long to respond to some of these posts. I've been catching up with a few people back home.




Dying for your "country". What a delightful ideal.


No, actually my objective is to make the other bastard die for his. And even if I should die for my country, I will have no regrets because I died defending what I love and believe in. So are you telling me that you would not fight and risk death for your country if it came under attack?


Congrats! Don't forget to post a few pictures of your equipment once you get it :))


I definitely will once I get to Ranger battalion. I have some pictures from airborne school, but they're on a disposable camera. But I'll try to get them developed and posted up on here ASAP. It's too bad I couldn't bring a camera with me on my jumps though :D



Yes, it is true. I'm no longer a dirty nasty leg :D  I just graduated Airborne school on thursday and now I'm on my way to RIP. So in another month I'll finally be a Ranger. But I lucked out and the Army gave me Christmas exodus, meaning I get two weeks to finally relax :cool: Just thought I'd give you guys a sitrep on my training.


congrats, you're a moron for joining... go get yourself killed for absolutely no reason. i wont even mention what a ****ed up organziation the army really is...




Yeah, you sound like you really know what you are talking about :( You just sound like a little punk who doesn't understand that the military is the one who protects the freedoms and rights that you hold so dearly. Maybe some day you will appreciate the sacrifices that the armed forces have made so you don't have to. While you sit at home on your computer talking on forums, they are out there fighting and destroying those who would do harm to you and the rest of the country. They fight so you don't have to.


But that makes them a bunch of morons in a ****ed up organization, right? :)



actually, i have served. norway has mandetory millitary service and i spent a year in the air force. the army is an inefficient kindergarten for retards, defects and other losers who can't make it in the real world.

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actually, i have served. norway has mandetory millitary service and i spent a year in the air force. the army is an inefficient kindergarten for retards, defects and other losers who can't make it in the real world.


Funnily enough that applies more to mandatory military service.





Edit: sorry about the double post.

Edited by Surreptishus
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And those sanctions were given about 2/3 months after Saddam was gone, and the US seized control of Irak...

Yeah, so? Do you expect life conditions to improve magically after Saddam's regime was dismantled? It's going to take a long time for their country to rebuild, but that link only proves how badly things were thanks to Saddam.


Boy, what a wonderful way of destroying one's own arguments!


EDIT: Heh, I misread your post. I thought you were referring to the time that data was collected, rather than the time when the sanctions had been imposed. But Flatus beat me to it.

Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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You can argue all day about how brave and dutiful you have to be as a soldier and how much youd like to drink a toast in their honour but I would say that to the people; any nurse, any schoolteacher, any farmer is worth twice as much as any soldier.



To work all your life to help, educate and feed other people is commendable. Killing fellow human beings because someone tells you to is not.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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You know, Bush f**k things up with Iraq. Plain and simple. Saddam was no threat to the US citizens on US soil. It was proven that he had no WMDs at the time we invaded. Bush's littl e bit of bloodlust has costed American lives and took a significant a,mount of resources and for what? So an Iraqi can pretend to have the same rights as an US citizen?


First and foremost charity begins at home and when the US has 100% medical coverage for all of its citizens and zero poverty then we can help other people in other countries. The US government need to puts its own citizens first. Bush has failed in that and whoever is president after him will have to clean up after his mess.

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I was in the military, it was all I ever wanted. I didn't quite know what I expected but I found the average joe quite... primitive really. At any rate, getting drafted here is just a means to have a little fun, get to shoot some weapons and then quit again, we didn't get spoonfed all the "we're doing this so other Danes can live free!" stuff.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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You can argue all day about how brave and dutiful you have to be as a soldier and how much youd like to drink a toast in their honour but I would say that to the people; any nurse, any schoolteacher, any farmer is worth twice as much as any soldier.



To work all your life to help, educate and feed other people is commendable. Killing fellow human beings because someone tells you to is not.

I certainly support the idea of commending those who serve society in such a fashion.


It's a shame that all those teachers, nurses, and farmers didn't use their magic abilities to stop the Nazis from rampaging through Europe towards the middle of the last century, though.


Militaries are necessary. Unless, of course, you're relying on someone else to get you out of a jam.

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I was in the military, it was all I ever wanted. I didn't quite know what I expected but I found the average joe quite... primitive really. At any rate, getting drafted here is just a means to have a little fun, get to shoot some weapons and then quit again, we didn't get spoonfed all the "we're doing this so other Danes can live free!" stuff.

You're also not high on anybody's target list. Denmark's not a world power, last time I checked. Like it or not, the US is. And it fully intends to keep that position for as long as possible. A competent military is an absolute necessity for such aspirations.


Competent militaries are rarely formed out of compelled service, by the way.

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You can argue all day about how brave and dutiful you have to be as a soldier and how much youd like to drink a toast in their honour but I would say that to the people; any nurse, any schoolteacher, any farmer is worth twice as much as any soldier.



To work all your life to help, educate and feed other people is commendable. Killing fellow human beings because someone tells you to is not.

Demagogy at its finest, to be sure.


Let's begin with the lesson.

  • The military is there not just to "kill" people. It's there to deal with national emergencies, lend humanitarian aid, and a lot of other things that you conveniently choose to ignore for the sake of your little tendencious rant.
  • For those schoolteachers, nurses and farmers to do their thing, there must be somebody that provides the basic conditions of security and stability. Guess who those people are - the soldiers!
  • In case you have forgotten to read your history books, time has proven that nations without a military are nothing but prey to the frequent outbursts of collective violence that mankind is so prone to. So far, there isn't a reliable way to prevent these outbursts, so the military will have to do for the time being.
  • The threat of military force is the only thing that maintains the comfortable society you live off from those who would see it burn. A society that was built, largely, by means of military force. If you'd prefer to go live in a cave, be my guest. But you won't for it's so much better to play Marx from your comfy chair in front of your computer.
  • Last, but not least, the military are responsible for safeguarding those freedoms you price so much, that were paid for in blood. And I'm not talking about outside threats, here.

Thus concludes our lesson in "World and Historical facts applied to everyday life"!


See you next sunday! :(

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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actually, i have served. norway has mandetory millitary service and i spent a year in the air force. the army is an inefficient kindergarten for retards, defects and other losers who can't make it in the real world.

First of all, you ought to be in your corner still. I ain't let you out yet.


Second of all, the Norwegian military isn't what one conjures up when the words "combat prowess" are spoken. I have nothing against any of our allies, but you're going to have to do better than that. Why not just take Norway's economy and use it to explain that of the United States?

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Competent militaries are rarely formed out of compelled service, by the way.

Well we're not gonna fight anyone on a mobilization basis, now are we? The guys we have as part in your little foolish oil crusade are all volunteers.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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It's a shame that all those teachers, nurses, and farmers didn't use their magic abilities to stop the Nazis from rampaging through Europe towards the middle of the last century, though.



And those Nazi's could do all that fighting BECAUSE they had a moronic orders-following army from crazy leaders.


Don't tell me gassing 1000's of Jews is "protecting your country"

Edited by Battlewookiee
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Now tell me the Arabic/Iraqi people are happy with the US-Forces...

Please tell me you are not providing Al-Jazeera links as actually reliable and unbiased sources?


Because if you are, it would seriously undermine your already lacking credibility.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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It's a shame that all those teachers, nurses, and farmers didn't use their magic abilities to stop the Nazis from rampaging through Europe towards the middle of the last century, though.



And those Nazi's could do all that fighting BECAUSE they had a moronic orders-following army from crazy leaders.


Don't tell me gassing 1000's of Jews is "protecting your country"

Tell you what.


You come up with a way to stop threats to world peace from materializing, I'll go along with your plan to abandon militaries as relics of the past.

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Now tell me the Arabic/Iraqi people are happy with the US-Forces...

Please tell me you are not providing Al-Jazeera links as actually reliable and unbiased sources?


Because if you are, it would seriously undermine your already lacking credibility.


You wanted opinions of Arabic and Iraqi people on the occupation of Iraq...here it is!

Edited by Battlewookiee
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Don't tell me gassing 1000's of Jews is "protecting your country"


I don't want to come about racist but in truth that is exactly right. Hitler needed to get his people motivated and nothing motivates a human being more than anger and hatred. In order for that anger and hatred to properly motivate his people to protect themselves, and their nation he needed something to focus it. That focus was set upon the Jews.

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Invading Austria, Poland, Tsjechie, Holland, Belgian, France and England were "keeping the country secure"


Hello, no they weren't!!!


Military forces can be used for peace-keeping yes, but note that the war they should restore was caused by militaries in the first place...


WO II was caused because soldiers followed the orders of Hitler without questions, like American Soldiers now follow orders of Bush without questions...

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