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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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If you remember a while back, the moderators cleaned house in the forums. They were closing KotOR III threads like crazy. Something is definatly boiling over.


So you think we got (from LA/OE) some special assignment to lock and delete Kotor III threads for... eh, what exact reason would that be? What would locking K3 threads help in making a kotor3?

It will only help keeping the forums tidy...

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Guest MacLeodCorp
If you remember a while back, the moderators cleaned house in the forums. They were closing KotOR III threads like crazy. Something is definatly boiling over.


So you think we got (from LA/OE) some special assignment to lock and delete Kotor III threads for... eh, what exact reason would that be? What would locking K3 threads help in making a kotor3?

It will only help keeping the forums tidy...


Hehehe... The Conspiracy Begins... Your secrets will be ours... :p

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kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Might be a clue, Ape. ^_^



I like the sound of Knights of the New Republic. Fits well, considering all the things you've done to either preserve, or destroy the Republic...or the Sith. All the stuff about a powerful enemy lingering out there, which Revan and the Exile go off to combat, leads me to believe that a New Republic would be required to fend off this threat.


As for LA being.......less than civil in their duties as a publisher...since KotOR is a Bioware license (Most likely wrong with this info) couldn't that developer lend a bit of a hand to Obsidian if LA tried their.....tactics....again?


And from LA's standpoint, Obsidian managed to create a pretty damned good title running on a ridiculous time limit and limited funds, using an older engine to boot. They brought in a fairly large sum of money. To me, this would seem like a good reason for LA to want to sign them on again......and hopefully, allow them more breathing room.


A far-fetched and stupid proposition, I'm sure, but hell, it'd be nice.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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As for LA being.......less than civil in their duties as a publisher...since KotOR is a Bioware license (Most likely wrong with this info) couldn't that developer lend a bit of a hand to Obsidian if LA tried their.....tactics....again?


Forgot this already?:

Obsidian Entertainment is indeed working on a third project. All I can really say is that it's in a state of pre-production at the moment and it is not a Bioware license.


Or do you mean "the game after PNJ"?


Oh, and with New Republic they mean POST-Episode 6, not a new republic in the KOTOR-time period...

Edited by Battlewookiee
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As for LA being.......less than civil in their duties as a publisher...since KotOR is a Bioware license (Most likely wrong with this info) couldn't that developer lend a bit of a hand to Obsidian if LA tried their.....tactics....again?


Forgot this already?:

Obsidian Entertainment is indeed working on a third project. All I can really say is that it's in a state of pre-production at the moment and it is not a Bioware license.


Or do you mean "the game after PNJ"?


Oh, and with New Republic they mean POST-Episode 6, not a new republic in the KOTOR-time period...

Did I mention I'm neurologically stunted, and that I have a tendency to cling to false hope? :p

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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@Kinslayer, No i don't give up. :* you may think I am annoying but then so be it. If I am hated for posting KIII stuff then so be it. :)


Hey I didn't say or mean I hate you, nor did I say you are annoying, just that sometimes your K3 posts are annoying, nothing else. Overall I don't think you are annoying and I actually share your desire too see K3 being made to a great extent. :p

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OMG i was just making some toast because i was like hungry and stuff and then LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!!! :p




Two signs in two days? I'm usually pretty sceptic but this must be true! Kotor 3 is coming!!! :wacko:)


If I saw that I'd be really freaked out at the sight of that...


And then I'd take up that offer of buying the Brooklyn Bridge




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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as far as leaks go, the most definitive thing we have at the moment, IMO, is what John Jackson Miller said the other day in an interview "there will be another Knights of the Old Republic video game for sure". And he goes on to link that with the new comic suggesting that the game will "provide momentum" for the comic.


that is pretty convincing to me that it is at least being *planned*. Now, for those who want ot think it is already in production, the fact is that there is no hard evidence to suggest that at this point.


we know it is planned....we know nothing else.

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That is not a "gaming mag" on par with Gamespy or IGN. I followed the hyperlink and found this article:


According to a few reports, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic III is supposedly in development over at Obsidian Entertainment. The reports (and logic) indicate that the game will be on a next-next generation console (never thought I'd hear myself saying that) and such a system is likely the Xbox 2.


While it does sound true keep in mind that no official announcement has been made and as such, KOTR 3 remains little more than a hope. If we hear any new rumors on this popular Star Wars title we'll let you know.


-Shiva Stella

[postED: 01/27/05]


this "news" was posted Jan 2005.

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I can understand secrets, like hey we're not doing K3. (In reality we are but we have to keep quiet about it) I can understand this.


If you tell me it's raining when in fact you are pissing on me, than I'll become very angry.

Edited by Gabrielle
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