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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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Guest MacLeodCorp
A sequel, in games,books, and media, means that it is a story based on the events of a prior peiece of work in a direct fashion.  The number of them is irrelevant.  For 2, the original and one sequel, its called a Duology.  The original with 2 sequels is called a Trilogy.  An original with 4 sequels is a Quintet, and so on.



KotOR 1 and 2:  Duology.

X-Com 1, 2, and 3:  Trilogy.

The Cleric Canticle books 1 through 5:  Quintet.


Thanks for clearing that up! :)

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maybe is it all about what the definition of is is.

or what a sequel is.


I don't know that I would consider the Two Towers and the Return of the King as sequels...they are, rather, just direct continuations of the same story. Yes, I know, it is all semantics but perhaps that is what they meant when they said "it is not a sequel".....a brand new story arch within the same franchise would be a sequel...a continuation of the exact same story is not necessarily a sequel, properly defined.

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If it has the same main title, set in the same setting, and has the same themes as the previous games then it would be a sequel.


Bottomline, if PNJ has KotOR in its title, set in the Star Wars setting, and has similar themes set in the first two games then its a sequel. If it is a sequel then Feargus lied.

Edited by Judge Hades
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If it has the same main title, set in the same setting, and has the same themes as the previous games then it would be a sequel. 


Bottomline, if PNJ has KotOR in its title, set in the Star Wars setting, and has similar themes set in the first two games then its a sequel.  If it is a sequel then Feargus lied.


but then we can only begin to imagine the kind of push/pull politics between Obsidian and LA....by having a D20-based engine and plan set to go, that kind of ups the ante a little for LA because LA knows they could always do something else as they said they would...it forces LA to "fish or cut bait" kind of thing.


If that is what this is about, then I am not upset at all.

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If it has the same main title, set in the same setting, and has the same themes as the previous games then it would be a sequel. 


Bottomline, if PNJ has KotOR in its title, set in the Star Wars setting, and has similar themes set in the first two games then its a sequel.  If it is a sequel then Feargus lied.


but then we can only begin to imagine the kind of push/pull politics between Obsidian and LA....by having a D20-based engine and plan set to go, that kind of ups the ante a little for LA because LA knows they could always do something else as they said they would...it forces LA to "fish or cut bait" kind of thing.


If that is what this is about, then I am not upset at all.

Personally, I could give less of a damn if Feargus was "untruthful". So long as a quality title is released, and they support it like they should (Don't let it be a repeated failure...) I don't really care.


He has a right to protect his interests as much as you or I. If it means a bit of necessary deception then so be it.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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Bottomline, if PNJ has KotOR in its title, set in the Star Wars setting, and has similar themes set in the first two games then its a sequel.  If it is a sequel then Feargus lied.


I think it was John Morgan(Mr. Ass. Prod. still the coolest name ever) who said that it isn

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I prefer omittion than deception.  If someone lies to me and then I find out the truth I do not trust that individual, period.  I don't by products from companies I don't trust.

Your loss then. :)




Console only? No kotor3

The UNREAL3 engine? No kotor3, not a game at end 2006 (U3 is for 2007 people)

No sequel as said? No kotor3


How many hints is needed PNJ ain't kotor3?


ADDED: More proof



I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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Hi all (again)


I have found some more Kotor III talk but this time from theforce.net



feel free to agree or diagree, I won't stop you.


Cheero Bas







The last of the Star Wars prequels leaves many fans questioning the future of the franchise. While we already know the direction of Star Wars on the small screen, it's the video game future that we're all waiting with interest to see.


Kicking things off next year will be Empire At War, and judging by early previews and screenshots, this will be the strategy title that all fans have been wanting since Force Commander all those years ago.


But so far little has been mentioned about the rest of 2006 and what we can expect. So, being the curious type, I've decided to make mention a few New Years Resolutions that hopefully will come true:


* Knights of the Old Republic III: This one is a given. After the amazing results of the first two titles, LucasArts would be silly not to explore this series just a little bit further. Most will recall that some of KOTORII was removed due to time constraints, and that before LucasArts culled it's staff, KOTORIII was in some form of pre-production. So there must be something bubbling away in the pot. If there is, look towards E3 for the announcements, if not sooner.


* LEGO Star Wars II: The 2005 sleeper hit, without a doubt, was LEGO Star Wars. While not a LucasArts developed game, the title went on to become a huge success, possibly even bigger then anyone expected. Again, it would be silly not to expand this into a franchise. Personally, I believe you could get more then just one sequel out of it. But for now, look for a Classic Trilogy edition of LEGO Star Wars some time next year.


* Star Wars Galaxies: As we've already mentioned, Galaxies pulled many punches this year, some hits some misses, but mostly the series of expansion packs this year based around Episode III has helped settle the fanbase after the major changes made. There should be at least another expansion in the wings for 2006, it's just a question of what content will be included. Wise men will put money on a title forming the links between Episode III and IV. The outsider's vote may fall upon an Expanded Universe title.


* Darth Vader: This is an interesting one. Many rumours have been around for some time regarding a Jedi Knight/Outcast style game revolving around the rise of Vader and the Empire. It's all quiet on the Vader front lately, but it's possible this game may re-appear around E3 time if LucasArts make it a reality.


* Indiana Jones: We might not see our old friend till 2007, but there will be some announcements and screenshots of the new adventure over the year.


* PS3/Xbox 360/Revolution: Who knows what may come of our favourite Star Wars titles for the new console war. Already Nintendo's Revolution controller has people thinking of many original ideas, while the power of Sony and Microsoft's entries will always be interesting to follow. LucasArts' next generation titles will be on show over the coming year. Don't forget, of course, the PSP and Nintendo DS, both of which should have at least one Star Wars title released over '06.


After that, who knows. What we can be sure of is that Star Wars within the video game circle won't be vanishing into the night just yet. If anything, the new TV and animated adventures may inspire LucasArts. On the plus side, it also leaves the company with a little extra time to develop some original titles. Or there is always Monkey Island ... or Grim Fandango ... hmmm ...






Edited by Bastilla_Skywalker
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To BS: Although your K3 posts sometimes annoy me....but nevertheless I gotta hand it to you - you just don't give up, do you? :)


Merry Christmas Bastilla Skywalker and may your xmas wishes come true as we all know what one of them is. :)

Edited by Kinslayer
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@Kinslayer, No i don't give up. :) you may think I am annoying but then so be it. If I am hated for posting KIII stuff then so be it. :)



I expected people would disagree with me, any way, but I respect that. You can hate, love or like me, but theres nothing I can do about it. I just pass on the KIII speculation and talk people might want to hear. ;)



and PS to everyone this is a K3 thread isn't it? so I can post K3 spekky talk. the only thing that will stop me from posting K3 stuff is if a admin/mod or developer threaten to close my account at obsidian for posting K3 spekky news.

Edited by Bastilla_Skywalker
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Bastila, you of yourselfis not annoying. The sources you put up as "proof" as credible are. If you can post links that shows what Lucas Arts peeps or Obsidian peeps say directly towards people like Battlewookie, then just maybe I will take you seriously.


Technically Knights of the New Republic wouldn't be a sequel. It would be as much a sequel as Icewind Dale is to Baldur's gate meaning, its not.

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Guest MacLeodCorp

Merry XMas!

Happy Holidays!


I feel like something in the KotOR camp is about to break through. I have a weird feeling about this... PNJ could be another project they are working on, which has no relation to the KotOR series. However, they could be keeping a tight lip on this. If you remember a while back, the moderators cleaned house in the forums. They were closing KotOR III threads like crazy. Something is definatly boiling over. When was the last time you saw a developer post a thread, or even partake in a conversation about their intrest in KotOR III?


Latter this week, I am going to check the magazine stands. If Microsoft leaked out any information about KotOR III, there will no doubt be an anouncement soon..

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You rally have no clue do you. I will tell you why they are titght lipped about KotOR and Lucas Arts. A source has told me in the past the majority of Obsidian peeps were furious at LA for the treatment of their game and wanted to bash LA themselves but do to contractual limits there was nothing they can do and there was nothing they can say, With the next to nil support LA has allowed Obsidian to give I doubt very much any one of the people at this fine company would want to do a KotOR 3 after they ill treatment they recieved from KotOR 2.


Only way I can perceive Feargus and crew doing KotOR 3 is if LA puts in their contract no time limit for release, ad full allowance and funds to support the game post release. Along with full creative freedom for the game. That is the only way I can see Obsidian willing to sign the dotted line again.


If the Devs did post about the KotOR series it would be in anger and a long time ago oe or two did, but they were promptly deleted. LA screwed over KotOR 2 and Obsidian. Why the hell would they do a KotOR 3?

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