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Child of Flame

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I shoudl also say that in the Anglican faith, priests are almost expected to have these kind of doubts. AND they can get married.


Join us. Join us on the Tea and Biscuits side, Luke...


(not actually Anglican, but if it gives me the chance to tempt Holy Men then wahoo!)

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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"Oh, I'll always be a deist whether I follow the Christian religion or not until the exact minute science can explain the creation of the universe, no supernatural forces setting things in motion."


So, you would say that the foundation of your faith is ever diminishing, as science makes more and more progress?




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There seems to be some confusion here.


I am not Catholic, I am very, very Protestant.


The problem arises from the girl being of a different faith, not because I want to be a priest and never get married.



But the bible doesnt say anything about you having to marry someone from the same religion, does it?

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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There is a lot of pressure to do so though which usually comes from the families.


If your not getting any joy praying (which is essentially talking to your subconcious , then give a counsellor a try).


Or for some real fun, do the rounds of all the different religions.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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There seems to be some confusion here.


I am not Catholic, I am very, very Protestant.


The problem arises from the girl being of a different faith, not because I want to be a priest and never get married.



But the bible doesnt say anything about you having to marry someone from the same religion, does it?



Yeah, it does. It's the part about uneven yokes. I would dig it out right now, but I have the flu and am trying to relax. It is also a very logical part as was proved my my Aunt's marriage/family.

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Well one example doesnt count as a proof that every instance of mixed faith marriage will go wrong. Hoever seeing as i dont know the people its impossible to comment etc. etc.


What is most realistic is that even if you and your potential wife get along great and have no faith problmes with kids. It is mostly likely the community that will judge and cause problems.

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You get the same sorts of problems with mixed faith marriages as you do in mixed race marriages. It may not always be apparent to the people actually getting married. But it will likely have consequences for your kids.


We reconciled it by getting married twice. Once christian, once shinto (both equally meaningless , but for the benifit of our families).

It's much more difficult to reconcile religions as they are just inherently unreasonable.


Grandparents will probably be your biggest cause of conflict. Not so easy to ignore as the populace in general.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I've never had the slightest problem with dating people of other faiths. Why should it be a problem in a marriage?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I've never had the slightest problem with dating people of other faiths. Why should it be a problem in a marriage?


The most common one is what to raise the kids as. If you actually believe your fighting for their immortal souls it's bound to be a heated battle.


Theres dating and theres dating

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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God is not just.  No matter the sin no one deserves eternal torture.


You've obviously never spent the afternoon with ME.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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One who is motivated by fear has already lost the will to live.  Those who rule by fear loses whatever enlightenment they wish to share.  Those who have no fear in their heart and fights tyrants who use fear are martyrs of true justice.


Thats the trick though. It's fear that offers no escape (not even death). The only way to escape it is through compliance.


Like any fear though it can be conquered through rationality.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Then one does not escape. I follow my own brand of religion. I know there is a Hell waiting for me when I die and I accept that. I am what I am and there is nothing I want to change, except lose a few pounds. I will not bow down and worship to any man, woman, saint, prophet, ghost or God. If He almighty can't accept me as I am then I have no place in Heaven. Plain and simple.

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Then one does not escape.  I follow my own brand of religion.  I know there is a Hell waiting for me when I die and I accept that.  I am what I am and there is nothing I want to change, except lose a few pounds.  I will not bow down and worship to any man, woman, saint, prophet, ghost or God.  If He almighty can't accept me as I am then I have no place in Heaven.  Plain and simple.

Certainly like to spout catchisms don't you?


COF why are your worrying about Marraige? I mean your younger than me and (if I remember correctly) still in high school. By the time your older you will probably have had several different girlfriends. And ultimatly you should have no problem marrying anyone unless one of you is either jewish (those jews have problems marrying outside the religion so you would have to convert) or Mormon (same thing)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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But the bible doesnt say anything about you having to marry someone from the same religion, does it?

Yeah, it does. It's the part about uneven yokes. I would dig it out right now, but I have the flu and am trying to relax. It is also a very logical part as was proved my my Aunt's marriage/family.


Oh, but we're not talking marriage here are we? We are talking having a relationship with someone you love.



And a religion that prevents people who love eachother from being together is a poopie religion :)

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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When I was in highscool I think I "loved" everyone of the opposite gender. It's just that sort of age.


I'd guess that his outlook dosnt allow for a relationship that dosnt potentially end in marriage.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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You're going to hell, Hades. Everyone else is going to heaven, just not you. But just remember: a man who sees nothing wrong with himself has something wrong with himself. :-



On a serious note, CoF, isn't it rather early for you to be assuming you're spending the rest of your life with this girl? I mean, you're only 18. You still have your whole life ahead of you. Don't you think it's a tad premature to start worrying about this now?


*ahem* As Calax pointed out above.

Edited by Mothman
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1.  I cannot explain the omnipotence/infinite benevolence of God at the same time. 

2.  I have a hard time believing completely in the infallibility of scripture. 

3.  If I were to become an actual preacherman I would not be sure whether I was teaching my religion or God's. 



All the great theologians have wrestled with these issues. I would recommend studying further; just because you cannot reconcile these concepts now doesn't preclude you from doing so when you are older (read




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I've never had the slightest problem with dating people of other faiths. Why should it be a problem in a marriage?


The most common one is what to raise the kids as. If you actually believe your fighting for their immortal souls it's bound to be a heated battle.


Theres dating and theres dating

My father's parents were mixed religions: he a protestant, she a Irish Catholic. My father used to gleefully tell the story of when his father threw the local priest out of their home when the "holy man" decreed that they were not married in the eyes of God.


My partner is Catholic. I enjoy giving her grief about it (stupid guilt-driven religions: whenever she tries to motivate me with guilt I just laugh and say "It doesn't work on me




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