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Well, since there's this stupid noob thread that I can't take part in, I'd like for you people to instead share your finest moments in online gaming with me!


I'll go first by telling you of a Jedi Outcast duel I had in the great old duel format they had. I came home from a night out drunk as a skunk, and since radical thought often falls victim to your severe intoxication I decided to do some online lightsaber dueling. Well, in fact it would seem my self-confidence got a boost from the alcohol or somerthing, because I proceeded to virtually own everyone I played against, and the best part was when I (with a great deal of luck I'll admit) killed a guy in like two seconds! He ran up to slice me when I moved slightly to the side and took a swing, after which I made a spin-swing at him as he went by which killed him instantly. The poor old crybaby whinged about what a lucky SoB I was and left the server. >_< I've also beaten people playing with invisible skins.

^Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum

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I once beat 3 people in a game of Brood War ladder match. It started out as 6 person match where we were going to play as if it was a 3v3, but the two people that were on my team were dropped 10 seconds into the match. I ended up fending off combined assaults from three other players and managed to kick their asses.


Then my ladder ranking dropped because it said I lost for some reason when I obviously owned those punks. :)

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I don't play online very often, so my finest moments are pretty mundane. So far my finest moment is making it to level 14 in City of Heroes. Thats where you get your travel power, so now I can fly.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Game: Starcraft


Service: BNet


Pwned: I used to save the Terran for last in large games when I was Zerg. I flew in with a bunch of mutas (effectively suicide when terran "turtle" up) and a few queens. I use the mutas to attack the guys Command Center till it's red and then take it over with my queen.


I then cover it with my remaining mutas and fly it out of his base.


How dishearting is that? People almost always quit afterwards.

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Speaks for itself. ^_^


Not my best...that was 108 kills and 24 deaths.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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My finest moment was back in NWN (the original on AOL).


I was playing my drow character and was heading to some RP meeting with the house leader when we were jumped by 6 other players.


Now NWN PvP was different then todays games in that it was real turn based combat (on a 20 seconds per turn timer) and required ALOT of quick thinking and stratagy. Unlike todays MMORPGs, to initiate PVP combat you had to initiate a monster combat and then fight them and the other PCs (which brought a whole new dimension to the PvP fight since you had limited spells and mellee combat didnt work vrs Player characters).


Anyways, Mav died instantly almost which left me facing 6 fresh and full power opponents.


Through master monster manipulation (blocking their access with a stink cloud or cloud kill, getting outta range of other players so monsters would attack them rather then me) and careful use of my limited defence spells, I managed to defeat all 6 opponents and creatures. Was a grand fight that lasted 30 minutes and the opponents all sent me tells thanking me for such a excellent combat even though they lost.


Its so rare in todays games but its a real feeling of pride to have unknown players congratulate you on your win with no screams or whines about cheating and such, as is so common in todays MMORPGs.


They later posted on guild forum thanking me again for the combat and saying that they learned more about NWN PvP in that one fight then they had in the 6 months prior to that, that they had been playing.


The other one that comes to mind wasnt on such a grand scale and to the casual onlooker wouldnt have meant anything at all.


I was very active in NWN PvP Ladders and gained some what of a rep (good rep)even though I never actually broke into the top 10 listing for singles pvp. However my partner and I were ranked 3rd for the doubles ladder in the game.


When we faced the first ranked team (excellent pvpers who also were BOTH in top 5 listings for singles) we had a good fight which we eventually lost. After the fight we were just chatting and the Arks mentioned how they planned and stratagized for us saying they knew it would be a hard fight since all 4 players had E-cloaks (rarest item in game and could only be won via multiple GM run events). Thing is I didnt have a e-cloak but my use of spells was so good that everyone thought I did. Small thing but was a great compliment in a round about way :thumbsup:

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Game: Starcraft


Service: BNet


Pwned: I used to save the Terran for last in large games when I was Zerg. I flew in with a bunch of mutas (effectively suicide when terran "turtle" up) and a few queens. I use the mutas to attack the guys Command Center till it's red and then take it over with my queen.


I then cover it with my remaining mutas and fly it out of his base.


How dishearting is that? People almost always quit afterwards.


You must play n00bs only :)

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I just made lvl 40 on my main Hero... I officially Pwnzored j0 Oerwende! :) Kidding


Anyway my funnest thing was on my poor scrapper (19) I tanked against Dr. Vhalzok.


Back when I played CS I was horrible because I didn't play it that much. usually I'd die about 5x as many times as I killed people. I was happy when I managed to kill five guys in one round by myself (I was the last one alive) and win the match... I was a total newb.


Then there is always launching a 4 man carrier fleet in Brood Wars and making everyone drop because of the lag... that's always fun. 4 man being four players each maxed out in carriers and they all launch their interceptors :D

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Game: Starcraft


Service: BNet


Pwned: I used to save the Terran for last in large games when I was Zerg. I flew in with a bunch of mutas (effectively suicide when terran "turtle" up) and a few queens. I use the mutas to attack the guys Command Center till it's red and then take it over with my queen.


I then cover it with my remaining mutas and fly it out of his base.


How dishearting is that? People almost always quit afterwards.


You must play n00bs only :lol:


Another funny thing to do when playing a noob is as a Protoss. Make a Dark Archon with the Mind Control ability and Arbiters with the recall ability.


Use a drop ship to land the dark Archon at the enemy base, preferably Terran or Zerg. Immediately mind control one of the harvester units and immediately have the Arbiter recall both Dark Archon and the mind controlled unit back to your base.


Use mind controlled unit to build terran or zerg forces and attack the opponent with those.


It's especially funny when you attack the opponent's Terran base with two fleets of battlecruisers.


This only works with noobs as you can probably tell.

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Game: Starcraft


Service: BNet


Pwned: I used to save the Terran for last in large games when I was Zerg. I flew in with a bunch of mutas (effectively suicide when terran "turtle" up) and a few queens. I use the mutas to attack the guys Command Center till it's red and then take it over with my queen.


I then cover it with my remaining mutas and fly it out of his base.


How dishearting is that? People almost always quit afterwards.


You must play n00bs only :)


Well, anyone who "turtles up" isn't nessasarily a noob, but just know how to use terran well.


Still, it's just fun

Edited by kumquatq3
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Terrans have two strategies. Turtle, or go all out with marines (I've done this... usually a group of 150 marines can wipe out a base pretty quick they loose most of their number but still... it's even faster if they have medics in their number)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Speaks for itself.  ^_^


Not my best...that was 108 kills and 24 deaths.


You're a Nazi?! :p

::cough:: :ph34r:



This "Nazi" will put a digital rifle round through your head half way across the map. :)

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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