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The Simpsons

Kor Qel Droma

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As long as they have an equivalent satire of their society, I don't see the problem. What makes The Simpsons great is the social satire, not the beer, bacon and burping. (Well, maybe the burping ...)




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The Simpsons is a crappy cartoon. IMO its been running for too long. It just isn't funny, I actually find scooby doo funnier than the simpsons. And no, im not just making a weak joke, its true. The characters totally suck, and not to mention all the 'subtle' propaganda they shove into each episode. For anyone who watches the simpsons: Try watching one episode of Family Guy, or Futurama.

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The Simpsons is a crappy cartoon. IMO its been running for too long. It just isn't funny, I actually find scooby doo funnier than the simpsons. And no, im not just making a weak joke, its true. The characters totally suck, and not to mention all the 'subtle' propaganda they shove into each episode. For anyone who watches the simpsons: Try watching one episode of Family Guy, or Futurama.

Are you sayng it was never good, or that the quality has declined in recent times?


I liked it a lot, but I haven't seen it at all for the last four or five years. I'm a little surprised to learn it's still going.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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I guess im saying it was never good. I stopped watching it when i was 10-11. It really does suck.


Matt Groening: Hmm...now what would make this episode better than it already is? Ooooh! how about a predictable joke about a celebrity that nobodys heard of?!?!? OMFG im a genius!!!


Family guy is the funniest cartoon EVER!

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To be honest you don't sound like the most astute critic of The Simpsons, i am guessing most of the funny went right over your developing head.


In its heyday it was the best cartoon and one of the best comedies on the air. Alas, it is the case no longer, since about 2001 thee has been a sharp decline in writing and quality.

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I dunno. I think the older Simpsons episodes are better than the new ones. But don't get me wrong - despite the fact that Matt Groening's political statements (those he potrays in his cartoons) sometimes annoy the hell out of me, I think he's a pretty funny guy. Most of the time, however, his satire is dead on. :wub:

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The social satire is what's important. The way that the Fox News anchorman and journalists are portrayed, how they (like all the characters) verbalise their sharply incisive interior monologue and expose their characters' aspirations, foibles and embarrassing moments is a joy.


A lot of the humour is observational and will only appear humorous to people who have met characters like those being lampooned, to wit: "Oh, I know a guy like him!"


To illustrate, the fact that the right-wing propaganda of Fox News is ridiculed in The Simpsons, which is a Fox programme, only makes the humour more edgy. "How dare these manipulating senior citizens spend all our hard-earned tax dollars on selfish medical care in the twilight of their lives, when we could all be vacationing in the Riviera, instead!", etc.




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Futurama's much better than the Simpsons and South Park throws up a few gems here and there.


However I'm not sure how those wacky Japanese managed to make an interesting/good cartoon about an aspiring 16 yr old baker but somehow they managed to do it in Yakitate Japan. When'll the subbed ep 42 be out :,(

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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The Simpsons isn't anything without the cultural relevancy, so I don't know how it's going to play in Tikrit. As a general observation, satire doesn't seem to be a big part of the Muslim world.


Family Guy's funny, sure, and I used to watch it, but stopped when I realized that far too many people quote from it in their daily lives.

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The Simpsons isn't anything without the cultural relevancy, so I don't know how it's going to play in Tikrit.  As a general observation, satire doesn't seem to be a big part of the Muslim world.

All the more reason to give them the gift that keeps on giving ...

Family Guy's funny, sure, and I used to watch it, but stopped when I realized that far too many people quote from it in their daily lives.

Knowingly, or otherwise ..? :thumbsup:"




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Akhan225 - Let's see. Fat guy without the slightest clue about anything but good-natured and always saves the day in the end. Add a hot wife he in no way deserves and a bunch of wacko kids. Don't you think the creators of Family Guy ripped off the Simpsons somewhat? Though I have to say that the character Stewie is pure genius. :blink:

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Akhan225 - Let's see. Fat guy without the slightest clue about anything but good-natured and always saves the day in the end. Add a hot wife he in no way deserves and a bunch of wacko kids. Don't you think the creators of Family Guy ripped off the Simpsons somewhat? Though I have to say that the character Stewie is pure genius. :thumbsup:

Well, tone down the "hotness" of the wife and make the wacky kids a bit older, and you've got "All in the Family." Or take the kids out, and you've got "The Honeymooners." Or make the husband thinner and move the kids to the background and, viola, "The D. Van Dyke Show."


Not to undermine your point in any way, though. Anyone can see that Family Guy owes much (I'd say most) of what it is to the Simpsons. I was just pointing out that family-based sitcom structures haven't changed a whole lot.


Anyhow, I'm a Simpsons fan (and yes, seasons 3-7 or so were the best) who never really appreciated Family Guy. Every time I see it, there's a decent gag or two, but the character-based humor just falls flat to me. (I pretty much feel the same way about South Park, with the added caveat that it gets way too caught up in ridiculously heavy-handed social commentary. When you lose subtlety, you lose humor.)


Edit: Filter did not like Mr. Van Dyke's first name. (And I'm not talking about Jerry.)

Edited by Enoch
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