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Need Help Defeating Hannar with Mira

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And if you find that too easy i recommend my personal favorite, trying to play while doing a headstand, singing loveshack, and balancing kitchen knives on your feet.


jk :wub:, just trying to lighten the mood.

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And if you find that too easy i recommend my personal favorite, trying to play while doing a headstand, singing loveshack, and balancing kitchen knives on your feet. 


jk :p, just trying to lighten the mood.

Blades or handles first?

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blades, it's always the blades on this board.


If you want a challenge go toe to toe with a vibroblade and every turn go to the inventory and either shoot up on stims or med pack yourself.

Edited by Calax

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Which attempt? Jekk Jekk Tar it's run and gun, Malachor it's Force Powers




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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As kotorkyle said it, Mira is more dangerous with a blaster than with a sword. Just gave her two good blaster and if she has quick shots, it can become interesting.

Edited by Enha_Dyone

"Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you could see the Jedi he would slay etched on his soul."


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For crazy fun and brutality just use adhersive greandes or parallysis darts+LOTS of thermal detomatros and other types of grenades and to make the fight even more interesting, don't level Mira up and equip her with the dancer outfit.

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" Ohhh Hanharr your so manly!"


Huuuh, does this have to do with my previous answer. :o:huh:

What I ment back there was that Hanharr went flying from al my thermal detonators :thumbsup: . The last two tings were for the joy of the player(me). ^_^ :)

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Also, remember that mira doesnt trigger mines to explode. I would try paralysing him ormaking him immobile somehow, then planting as many mines in the same spot as you can and stand away from them so that he runs at you through the mines.


Somehow i managed to glitch this part, and he stood there not attacking me. He would only attac if i attacked him with melee, if i stopped he stopped. Wierd.

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One time when I set him fly with a thremal detonator, he landed hear a mine and a second after he got up, he stepped on it and died. :sorcerer:

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I usually level Mira up, and increase her Con to 14, or 16 helps. Also, keen her blasters, especially if they are Mandalorian pistols. As Hanharr chases Mira, use hit and run tactics by firing and just keep your distance from him. (Onasi blasters, if possible) Run around the pit and repeat till he is defeated. (And by the way, before you decide to fire a last shot that will defeat him, make sure Mira is standing at the opposite end of the door which will open to release kath hounds later)

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The disigners decided that Mira/Hanhar needs more baddies to kill.

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John Lenon


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There's an old saying, that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure.


Before your exile goes to the docks, start upgrading some weapons for Mira. Whether it's a vibrosword or a blaster, is your choice.


Put in the best upgrades that you can build, provided that the upgrades don't require any special feats (forget about the best Vibration cells, for example).


Make sure that you have a good number of Mandalorian Melee shields in your inventory. If you don't then stop by the workbench first (in the Sullustan's place), and build a bunch.


When it's time to fight Hanharr, Mira will have that upgraded equipment available to her. At the very start, use a Mandalorian Melee shield and an Adrenal Alacrity stim (extra speed). Run through the mines, and let Hanharr follow you. He'll dumbly run through them (like he did before), and that will help whittle him down a bit. You can do this because Mira doesn't set off mines.


Keep running, and take an occasional turn to shoot Hanharr with your upgraded blaster, or perhaps engage in a round or two of melee combat with your upgraded vibrosword.


If your health gets low, go to your inventory screen, and use an Advanced Medikit or Life Support Kit from there, so you don't waste a turn. Keep running, and then re-apply the Mandalorian Melee shield and / or stims as needed.


Taking out the Kath hounds shouldn't be difficult. If you start out far away enough, you can use her wrist rocket launcher, and fling a couple of adhesive grenades, and incapacitate the lot, and follow it up with the more damaging grenades.

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Yes, but Mira takes minor damage from the hounds. (Though only sometimes)

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Victims live a life of fantasy.


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Turn her into a Jedi and give her a lightsaber, and make sure she has at least one heal technique. And most importantly DONT HIT FOR TOO LONG. Hanharr will kik your ass if dont run and heal yourself

If money is the root of all evil.....why is the world not destroyed?

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Turn her into a Jedi and give her a lightsaber, and make sure she has at least one heal technique. And most importantly DONT HIT FOR TOO LONG. Hanharr will kik your ass if dont run and heal yourself



By that time she CANNOT be turned into a jedi.

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John Lenon


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