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If we're going to suddenly blame the President for local matters, then I blame Clinton for the OJ trial 10 years ago.


Surely the federal government was watching the mockery of a trial. The jurors said in their exit interview that since they didn't understand the DNA evidence (there is a 249,000,000 million to 1 chance that sample 13 belongs to the defendant....) so they ingored it. The assistant district attorney was caught on a time-dated camera going into OJ's house for evidence before a warrant was issued, etc.


Since they botched the trial, and the President is to blame for everything, then Clinton is CLEARLY responsible for a murderer walking free.

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A good photo-op might save Bush from a lot of heat right now. As I understand, he never even visited the worst hit areas.

One photo of him on a helicopter over the flooded areas in Time Magazine just might improve his image a lot, provided he do a good job showing concern and grief of course.

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I didn't see a still picture. I saw it on CNN last night. It was a pretty quick video cut, but the helicopter did appear to be flying over flooded areas.


I just checked the CNN.COM article, and it says today Bush made his third trip to the area, and this is the first one where he is on the ground in the streets of New Orleans. The one I saw yesterday, he took a helicopter tour of the area.

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Wow, how often does a "political" type thread last this long :ermm:


If we're going to suddenly blame the President for local matters, then I blame Clinton for the OJ trial 10 years ago.


I have missed several pages now, that I'm not going to read, but I sure hope your not trying to make the point I think your trying to make.....


seriously now

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The same article mentions that the Democratic Senator for Louisana feels that Bush is spin-doctoring by placing the blame on local governments, and that she feels the blame lays completely at the federal level.


She couldn't be spin-doctoring herself could she?


The federal government is responsible for relief efforts when states request aid.


However, the state didn't request aid until a full day after the hurricane hit. Relief was sent faster than with hurricane Andrews. The local government was responsible for evacuating people before the hurricane, and setting up shelters for people who couldn't or wouldn't evacuate.


Most people feel those two things were handled very poorly.


The local government was also responsible for maintaining the leevies.


The main critique to the federal government is that FEMA didn't respond fast enough, and hasn't done enough yet.


It takes time to find survivors. When there is no phone or internet, communication is difficult for the survivors to contact the outside world.


Yet FEMA has already doled out 758 million to 364,000 people affected by the storm as of yesterday.


I have no doubt in mind that things could have been handled better. They usually can. However, I don't think this has been as huge of a snafu as the political pundits may have wanted you to think.


It will take time to see.


The good news is that they are now saying all the original estimates for death tolls may have been quite high. In Louisana, they have only found like 124 bodies, and they are saying it is very unlikely we'll reach 10,000.

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I'm curious more people aren't talking about the drainage project. The government is under great pressure now to move as quickly as possible because of the media's declaration that federal response has been too slow.


Yet, if the water in NO is such a huge health risk, why are we pumping it directly into the gulf?


Shouldn't we filter it before we kill all the shrimp, and ruin the local economy before it has a chance to rebuild?

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The same article mentions that the Democratic Senator for Louisana feels that Bush is spin-doctoring by placing the blame on local governments, and that she feels the blame lays completely at the federal level.


She couldn't be spin-doctoring herself could she?


The federal government is responsible for relief efforts when states request aid.


However, the state didn't request aid until a full day after the hurricane hit.


I like you ender, but ALOT of that post was off and would take much to long to debunk bit by bit.


So, instead, I'll just post the link to the letter debunking that part about Governor Blanco not requesting aid and for that matter when she declared a State of Emergency for the State of Louisiana.




Both were declared and asked for a day BEFORE the hurricane hit. BEFORE.


If you don't want to read it, let me just quote my favorite part:


"I request direct Federal assistance for work and services to save lives and protect property" - page 3


Note it's date (Aug 28), who sent it (Gov. Blanco), and who it was also sent through (FEMA).


And all the rest about how you feel about the response, let me just quote Bush:


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Yet, if the water in NO is such a huge health risk, why are we pumping it directly into the gulf?


Shouldn't we filter it before we kill all the shrimp, and ruin the local economy before it has a chance to rebuild?


Because they are going for the lesser evil.


Building filters for that kind of amount of water would take way too much time.

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Bad, evil, naughty Launch...















I would've picked the one with...


10103337.jpg - ...extraordinary tummy pull-in instead. :wub:"



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Righteous indignation noted.  Looking back on my comments, I can understand your offense and so beg your forgiveness.


I have to say that my comments weren't actually aimed at you personally, but I think my rhetoric did get the better of me this time.  :Eldar's sincerely contrite apology icon:


Oh, and please get back to the Hurricane.  We need to beat on each other a bit longer and it's difficult with all the Hoff love going around.

Pff. I'm just trying to adapt. Everyone else around here has seemingly decided the thing to do when you encounter a viewpoint you don't like is to go into raptures of petulant indignation, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Hell, maybe I'll even stick you on my ignore list for a few days for saying something I don't like. That'll teach you, you big meanie.


For the record, I don't much care if an anonymous gent on an internet forum thinks I'm having a rare old time with the hurricane aftermath. What it is is what it is.

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Righteous indignation noted.  Looking back on my comments, I can understand your offense and so beg your forgiveness.


I have to say that my comments weren't actually aimed at you personally, but I think my rhetoric did get the better of me this time.  :Eldar's sincerely contrite apology icon:


Oh, and please get back to the Hurricane.  We need to beat on each other a bit longer and it's difficult with all the Hoff love going around.

Pff. I'm just trying to adapt. Everyone else around here has seemingly decided the thing to do when you encounter a viewpoint you don't like is to go into raptures of petulant indignation, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Hell, maybe I'll even stick you on my ignore list for a few days for saying something I don't like. That'll teach you, you big meanie.


For the record, I don't much care if an anonymous gent on an internet forum thinks I'm having a rare old time with the hurricane aftermath. What it is is what it is.




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Federal Emergency Management Agency director Mike Brown said Monday he has resigned "in the best interest of the agency and best interest of the president," three days after losing his onsite command of the Hurricane Katrina relief effort




his reasoning?


"I'm turning in my resignation today," Brown said. "I think it's in the best interest of the agency and the best interest of the president to do that and get the media focused on the good things that are going on, instead of me."


In that case I expect Delay, Cheney, Rove and Bolton to resign shortly.


I figured I would post this for those who still might think FEMA kicked butt. If Bush doesn't give you the Medal of Freedom, you "dun ****ed up".

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One might think Mr. Brown's job was to be head of FEMA and manage emergencies. However, like all members of any administration, his primary duty is to protect the president. He's resigned/been sacked because it helps the president to survive, by making it appear that someone is taking responsibility. Heads have rolled. Crisis? What crisis?

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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He was caught lying about his qualifications supposedly and that is why he is resigning.


I don't know if it is true, but I heard on that radio someone was on a fact-finding mission and found that he lied about his resume.



Bush knew him before hand. If he lied on his resume, it should have been obvious.


You guys do know his previous job was a judge of horses.

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As sad as this disaster is; people ar eover hyping it. At last count, not even 1k people have died. That's not to put lightly those who have died as one dead is never good; but people made this seem like the entire world was collasping. It isn't. One city poorly managed by an incompetent mayor, and FEMA being run retardedly is why the disaster was as bad as was; but nowhere as bad asome claim it was. I'm still waiting for the 10s of thouands of bodies that the mayor promised me. I sure as heck don't see 'em.


And, every single NO police officer should be fired. They were pathetic. Long live the NYPD who show how a city's police should handle a crisis.


Mother Nature was to blame; but theose who live in NO, and those who supposedly 'ran' NO did their jobs so pathetically it's so pathetic. I feel sorry for the innocent No citizens who had to suffer with whiny useless mayor, an inept police department, and the scum who came out of hiding to comment hideous crimes during the crisis.




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