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As sad as this disaster is; people ar eover hyping it. At last count, not even 1k people have died. That's not to put lightly those who have died as one dead is never good; but people made this seem like the entire world was collasping. It isn't. One city poorly managed by an incompetent mayor, and FEMA being run retardedly is why the disaster was as bad as was; but nowhere as bad asome claim it was. I'm still waiting for the 10s of thouands of bodies that the mayor promised me. I sure as heck don't see 'em.


And, every single NO police officer should be fired. They were pathetic. Long live the NYPD who show how a city's police should handle a crisis.


Mother Nature was to blame; but theose who live in NO, and those who supposedly 'ran' NO did their jobs so pathetically it's so pathetic. I feel sorry for the innocent No citizens who had to suffer with  whiny useless mayor, an inept police department, and the scum who came out of hiding to comment hideous crimes during the crisis.



Perhaps those officers placed more import on the safety of their families rather than their jobs...

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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He was caught lying about his qualifications supposedly and that is why he is resigning.


I don't know if it is true, but I heard on that radio someone was on a fact-finding mission and found that he lied about his resume.



Bush knew him before hand. If he lied on his resume, it should have been obvious.


You guys do know his previous job was a judge of horses.

What can I say, Bushie liked the smell of horsie. That'd be enuff ta' get yer hired sonny.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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"Perhaps those officers placed more import on the safety of their families rather than their jobs..."


Then they shouldn't be police officers if they can't handle the toughest part of their jobs. No one said policing was an easy career. Then again, NOPD officers showed theya re absolutely pathetic human beings who only care about themselves.


I spit on their cowardice, and I praise the NYPD officers who sowed how dealing with a crisis should be handled by those who have such tough responsibilities.


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Well, we must differ in our moral structure...I happen to value family and friends over my reputation. If I were to be branded a coward, and my loved ones were unharmed, I wouldn't care.



Yes I see where you're coming from, but tell me, what can a police officer do against a hurricane, coupled with mass flooding? Surely, you understand that they could very well have opted to "protect, honor, and serve" their kin...if only to make sure of their safety.



Then again...if this were the case, they'd be back to work by now. Or not, I'm not down there, so I don't really know the situation beyond what the news tells me.


I'm only saying...don't immediately assume the worst about these people, they must have their reasons.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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It's not about reuptation. i persoanlly don't care about repuatation. Heck, my posting style is proof of that. LOL


I just feel that if you take a job that is inherently risky; it's your duty to follow through even if that jobs gets really risky.


And, no, I don't expect them to 'fight a hurricane'. That would be silly. I respect bravery; not stupitiy.


However, they should have been there guariodng the streets - instead of us ahving to hear the whiny mayor crying for the army.


It seems odd to me that the NOPD can handle their work in non cris times; but as soon as something out of their contro, happens those same thieves and thigs they'd be arresting are instead given a pathway to commit their heinous crimes right in front of said police officers with only a shrug.


I vavlue friends,a nd family too. That's why I expect the officers to do their job. And, their families should expect them to too.


I wonde rhow a NO cop would feel if one of their family members happen to be in, say, NY, and got robbed and/or killed while a NYPD police officer did nothing because they were too busy trying to evacuate THEIR family after the 9/11 bombings? Not happy to be sure.



That is all.


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Police Officers aren't trained to deal with hurricanes.


Even though you grossly compare them to 911, which is a situation that would not result in rampant looting, and for the most part was overwith relatively quickly compared to New Orleans, you wouldn't make such silly allegations.


What's more pathetic? Someone that shows fear in a horrible situation that they have not been physically or emotionally prepared for, or someone sitting in his cozy chair passing judgement on those whom he cannot relate to?

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The "lie" on his resume was supposedly from the early 70's, so unless Bush had detailed knowledge of him 30 years ago, he wouldn't necessarily know about the lie.


Even my best friend in the whole world doesn't necessarily know the intricate details of what I do and don't do at my job.


The lie was about how much responsibility he actually had in his first job. So I don't know how true it really is, but considering he resigned it might be.

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"Police Officers aren't trained to deal with hurricanes."


Aye. And,w e all know when entering the army, all recruits are trained in Hurricane Safety 101. R00fles!


Bottom line here is that both the army and police officers are trianed ind ealing with emergenices of all kinds. Hell, police officers have an emergency number mad eout for emergnecies. Go figure.



"Even though you grossly compare them to 911, which is a situation that would not result in rampant looting, and for the most part was overwith relatively quickly compared to New Orleans, you wouldn't make such silly allegations."


The simple reasonw hy there was no looting on 9.11 wa sbecause the police wer eon the scene right away. Where were the NO police after the hurricane? Either running away, satnding by the mayor crying for their army, or picking their nose while watching looters steal. Their job is to stop theives and they didn't do it.



"What's more pathetic? Someone that shows fear in a horrible situation that they have not been physically or emotionally prepared for, or someone sitting in his cozy chair passing judgement on those whom he cannot relate to?"


They'r epolice offciers. They're tained to dela with emergencies. I'm not asking them to dela with the flood; but with the people AFTER the flood.


And, you don't know if I even have a chair or if I do if it's cozy.


All i gots to say is the NYPD had no problem risking their lives for their job while the NOPD's only cocnern was protetcing their own sorry skin. And, oh, the NYPD were likely scared too. You lose.


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Hey, I leave and come back and read your message Commissar. doofus.


Ha, but Vol's been giving you guys hell in the meantime, so I'm happy anyhow.

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Aye. And,w e all know when entering the army, all recruits are trained in Hurricane Safety 101. R00fles!


Bottom line here is that both the army and police officers are trianed ind ealing with emergenices of all kinds. Hell, police officers have an emergency number mad eout for emergnecies. Go figure.


Police are not trained to handle emergencies in any sort of measure that the military is. That's why the National Guard exists.


To suggest that Police are trained in dealing with emergencies of all kinds is, well, asinine. I suggest you research a bit more on the two prior to making such statements in the future.



The simple reasonw hy there was no looting on 9.11 wa sbecause the police wer eon the scene right away. Where were the NO police after the hurricane? Either running away, satnding by the mayor crying for their army, or picking their nose while watching looters steal. Their job is to stop theives and they didn't do it.


I suppose scale and duration would have nothing to do with it. You're comparing apples to oranges. The situations are very different.


They'r epolice offciers. They're tained to dela with emergencies. I'm not asking them to dela with the flood; but with the people AFTER the flood.


That's why they created the National Guard.



What's the population difference between New York City and New Orleans?

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"What's the population difference between New York City and New Orleans?"


Irrelevant for so many reasons.


I, afterall, would think that NO had enough police officers hired to police their population. Add that the fact that large faction of No's population had left the city; they had the numbers to police the city.


They have no exuse. None. Zilch. Zero. Nadda. The police are trained to deal with emergenices of all kinds. This is a fact. Well, maybe not in NO; but it's another reason to say how much better the NYPD are comapred to NOPD.


Absolute pathetic showing. They are a shame to all police, and the bravery, skill, and honour that most police show.


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You didn't address any other parts of my post. Probably because you couldn't. Typical for a troll though. Just pick the part of the argument that you liked. I was just asking what the population differences of the cities were. r00fles!



But you think that a city block getting destroyed is the same as an entire city getting destroyed.




The police are trained to deal with emergenices of all kinds


Then why was the National Guard created?


The training regimine of the military is waaaaaaaay more intense than the police officers.

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Likely not on grand a scale of NO or else we wouldn't just hear 'mythical' stories of looting - we'd actually see it. And, remmeber some looting is basically common criminals who would other wise steal disaster or no disaster. Afterall, how manyc rimes are commited during a typical NY day? I guess it's higher than 0.0.


And, oh, bottom line, police are trained to detail with all sorts of special circumstances, and disasters - just like the army. Just like the army, some ar ebetter trained than others.


In essence, NYPD > NOPD.


Game over.


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There were stories that not only did looting occur during 9/11, but that firefighters and police also took part in it.


The water bottle story?


A firefighter "stole" a bunch of water for his unit and people that got out of the buildings. He basically just walked out without paying. Needless to say, Starbucks dropped the charges quickly....


Theft did occur, but barely.


If 9/11 didn't occur, those crimes might have still occured (more or less) on that day.

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That's not looting in the sense we're trying to use it. Those FBI agents stole things after the disaster was over. They stole it during the investigation. it's morally wrong of course; but ti's not the same crime as looting during a disaster taking place. Of course, looting is just another way to say 'stealing during a major crisis' so meh it comes down to the same thing.


And, as before, sure there was likely actual looting taking place during 9/11; but nowhere near the level we've seen in NO even taking into account the fact that the NO disaster lasted about a week while 9/11 was basically over in less than day.


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No, I remember reading stories about serious looting.  Even the FBI got in on the act.




That, while it doesn't make you beam with pride, isn't that bad. If I was there on 9/11, I might have grab a chunk of the building. I'm sure ALOT of people did. As long as you don't turn around a ebay it or accidently grab the black box or something.


I have a buddy whose father was on the first plane to hit the tower. He has a chunk of metal that someone gave him. I suppose it's all in your motive for keeping it.


It's not looting really and especially not on a large scale.

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The police force and the military are trained for different things. The military, regardless of what folks might think, is not a very effective police force. This is particularly true in the United States.


The police are much better at dealing with the civilian population.

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A large part of military training is attempts to allow the soldier to disconnect themselves emotionally from a situation. This is obviously done in an attempt to make them more efficient killers.


Furthermore, the bulk of a city's police force are not trained for large scale situations. Riot police are police officers that have more specific training in large scale riots for instance. The mere fact that police officers have specialized teams such as SWAT is evident that police are not trained for a wide variety of emergencies, particularly unusual ones.



On a final note, a typical police force does not have the manpower to effectively deal with a city wide crisis, and certainly not the evacuation of an entire city. However, Volourn would like to think that the relatively small scale and isolated incident of the World Trade Center is somehow comparable to the evacuation of an entire city. Lets see how the NYPD would handle the evacuation of NYC (a city where the local police force is complaining of being overworked and understaffed as it is, with decreasing numbers of officers as a result. A city where the local police force feels as though their mayor "treats them like garbage and pays them for [shyte]." The same police force that the current challenger for mayor feels that NYC requires the hiring of an additional 1,000 police officers).



Police may be better at dealing with the civilian population, but the addtional bodies, with a no nonsense attitude, of military men is always appreciated. Particularly if situations arise where martial law is invoked (i.e. when looting becomes rampant).

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