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Something I often forget when a long time away from the states is the lack of Govt involvement with people. Living in our Socialist paradise [imagine, if you will the Red Flag being played on a kazoo] we assume that poor unfortunates will get nannied to safety by concerned bobbies. My observation was that the sherriff simply told people to get out and left it at that. Many of the poor folk on TV seem to have had no money to leave, and no place to go.


I think the very poor assumed it would be not so bad as all that. I guess maybe when you have bugger all you assume Ma Nature won't take that away as well.


I might also point out that evacuating these people in advance by truck and setting them up in temporary housing would have been both more humane and cheaper than winching them out, however good it looks on TV.


I did hear at least two people today comment that maybe the US establishment will take climate change more seriously now. But I doubt it.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Damn those French for building a city under sea level. We should have had the Dutch engineer it since we would have had good dikes, sea walls and whatever to keep the water out.


Now concerning the parasites on this planet (looters) I think they should be shot on sight.

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Something I often forget when a long time away from the states is the lack of Govt involvement with people. Living in our Socialist paradise [imagine, if you will the Red Flag being played on a kazoo] we assume that poor unfortunates will get nannied to safety by concerned bobbies. My observation was that the sherriff simply told people to get out and left it at that. Many of the poor folk on TV seem to have had no money to leave, and no place to go.


I think the very poor assumed it would be not so bad as all that. I guess maybe when you have bugger all you assume Ma Nature won't take that away as well.


I might also point out that evacuating these people in advance by truck and setting them up in temporary housing would have been both more humane and cheaper than winching them out, however good it looks on TV.


I did hear at least two people today comment that maybe the US establishment will take climate change more seriously now. But I doubt it.

If I'd been down there, I probably wouldn't have left, either.


On the other hand, I'm a strong swimmer with small-boat experience.


But seriously, I've lived (and occasionally slept) through three or four hurricanes, and they're never as bad as the folks say they will be. This one wasn't, either, but it was a hell of a lot worse than anything else we've seen, apparently. So the idea of evacuating everytime a named storm looks like it's going to come ashore doesn't cut any ice with me, either, so I don't necessarily blame the folks trapped.

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I did hear at least two people today comment that maybe the US establishment will take climate change more seriously now. But I doubt it.


Look, I'm pretty green, but it is a leap in logic to automatically assume this is from global warming caused by humans.

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Lovely. Gas prices have shot up 50 cents per gallon over two days. Time to dust off the ol' bicycle.



Five bucks (which doesn't get you two gallons of gas anymore) says the religious right calls the hurricane "God's punishment" for American tolerance of homosexuality. :-


(I suppose that last bit belongs in the other thread)

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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Whya re people keen on blaming humans for NATURAL disasters? I blame Mother Nature. She is the evil one who coldly murders innocent people. She deserves global warming. By the time, global warming actually effects the world ina really signifacnt way I will be either dead, or the human race will be living on other planets so she will suffer in the long run and we won't. A win-win situation as far as I'm concerned. We should stop pampering such a vicious creature like Mother nature.


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Five bucks (which doesn't get you two gallons of gas anymore) says the religious right calls the hurricane "God's punishment" for American tolerance of homosexuality.  :-


You mean like this?


Yikes. Yeah, that's pretty much what I expected.

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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Let's try this again. I was reading this thread thinking, "well, getting into more anti-Christian talk. *shrug* it happens."


Then I thought to myself, what other group would be a legitimate target for a statement such as "I hate ____."


Think of what the reaction would be if someone were to say, "I hate black people."


"I hate Mexicans."


"I hate Jews."


"I hate Muslims."


"I hate Arabs."


How about this, you can voice your dislike for the religion. You can cite specific instances of persecution, real or perceived, you have suffered at the hands of Christians. You can engage in arguments with Christians and advocate your personal beliefs. ...But you cannot target Christians in way that would not be permitted for other religions or ethnic groups. In other words, I will be handing down warnings and dishing out moderated status to folks who cannot be civil about other folks religious beliefs.


Then of course, the thread turned towards speculation of the sorts of violence the members could inflict upon Christians. That simply won't work.


If it would be a discriminatory statement against any other religion or ethnicity, I will consider it as such for Christians.


Discrimination: Obsidian has a zero-tolerance policy with regard to racial, ethnic, gender, religious, disablement, and/or sexually discriminating remarks.


You have been warned.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


Join the revelry at the Obsidian Plays channel:
Obsidian Plays

Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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You can't persecute the persecutor?


Normally, I would love to engage in friendly banter on the subject, but I'm afraid I'm serious. For that reason, I'll answer Servant's comment and then ask folks to address further questions regarding my stance, which is entirely in keeping with the policies of this board.


The rules are meant to protect folks from persecution. You give up your rights to protection once you take up the role of persecutor. As a moderator, enforcing the guidelines of this forum, I am not persecuting anyone. I am using my discretion to find the actual meaning of the guidelines.


Let me ask this, does anyone think I would have been quite so angry about a comment like "I hate Christians" had it not been for the speculation concerning violence that followed? I'm not going to be embroiled in legalistic arguments concerning Hades' and Calax' status as "persecuted" members of these fora. I am called to use my discretion, and I discern that hate speech against Christians is just as hateful as it is against any other group.


I will not engage in a long discussion in this thread. Hopefully, we can get back to a discussion of the unfortunate people down in New Orleans. If you have further questions, comments, or zings, address them to me in a PM.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


Join the revelry at the Obsidian Plays channel:
Obsidian Plays

Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I would like to see Denmark try to survive her...

Denmark is above sea level, unlike Holland and New Orleans.

Besides, nature doesn't hate us as much as it hates the US. :shifty:


Ooops, I said hate, am I going back to moderated status now? :)"



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Whya re people keen on blaming humans for NATURAL disasters? I blame Mother Nature. She is the evil one who coldly murders innocent people. She deserves global warming. By the time, global warming actually effects the world ina really signifacnt way I will be either dead, or the human race will be living on other planets so she will suffer in the long run and we won't. A win-win situation as far as I'm concerned. We should stop pampering such a vicious creature like Mother nature.

Volo you're a SCREAM! :)


How do you come up with stuff like that!? :shifty:



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Eldar, if I listed every single reason why I hate Christianity you guys would ban me anyway for spamming so I decided to just use three simple words. Saves on space and time. As a student of history and religious studies, as well with real life experiences I have came to that conclusion.


Throughout history Christianity has been marred by violence towards others who don't believe as they do. Some would say that is the same with all religions but Christians tend to be blind for their own transgressions and try to make themselves look like the victims. Turn the other cheek indee. :shifty:


Anyway to get back to the topic at hand, true human nature has started. Let the looting begin.

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Whya re people keen on blaming humans for NATURAL disasters? I blame Mother Nature. She is the evil one who coldly murders innocent people. She deserves global warming. By the time, global warming actually effects the world ina really signifacnt way I will be either dead, or the human race will be living on other planets so she will suffer in the long run and we won't. A win-win situation as far as I'm concerned. We should stop pampering such a vicious creature like Mother nature.

Volo you're a SCREAM! :)


How do you come up with stuff like that!? :shifty:



Er.. I believe Montgomery Burns said it first, and best.


"Oooh, so Mother Nature needs a favor?! Well maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts and floods and poison monkeys! Nature started the fight for survival, and now she wants to quit because she's losing. Well I say, hard cheese." -- Mr. Burns


And I agree with Eldar. It is not OK to uniformly denigrate a massive religion. Criticise persons who ascribe to the religion because there are bpeople who adhere to it and are vicious, ignorant, and hypocritical and not only are you essentially just criticising vicious brutal ignorant people (not christians), but YOU are almost certainly being a hypocrite.


This is about Ma Nature, not your desperate pleas for attention.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I have studied the tenets of Christianity and its 2000 years of history. I know what the religion teaches, how its followers act, and the history. I have studied the social dynamics of the religion and the actions that their members do and most likely will do. I also had extensive personal relations with members of the religion as well. I do not base my dislikes on ignorance.


Like I said on the topic on hand that human nature has shown itself again. People are looting and taking advantage of the situation down in hit areas to elevate themselves.


"In parts of the city that weren't submerged by flood waters people started looting food and clothing shops and a gun store, Coates said. Authorities in the New Orleans area announced a dusk- to-dawn curfew to stop thefts, he said."



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