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I bet you say that to all the Jedi

Statemeant: you cannot stop me you cannot harm me, in order to do that I would need to stop being one of you; I have concluded that this is something I am willing to accept!


In short you have just shown me your soft meatbag-like underbellies and said


Well, its just the irony in what the force is usually used for.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.




Bastila: breathless in the other room w/revan "OHHHHH YES!"

she comes out "What? we were just practicing combat"


Everbody else "Combat... Riiiiiiight..."

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.


First, petay: :);):):o:o



This thread has seriously gone bad...

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"


Yeah, we need to get back too the funny

Statemeant: you cannot stop me you cannot harm me, in order to do that I would need to stop being one of you; I have concluded that this is something I am willing to accept!


In short you have just shown me your soft meatbag-like underbellies and said


What I basically meant was that there consequences when the nature of the force is not understood. That was just simply it.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.




Revan: Spam I love Spam



Bastila: What is this spam you speak of?



Revan: Which one?



Bastila: I didnt know that there was Two.


Revan: Yes there is two types of Spam. The Good stuff is very meaty and quite tasty.



Bastila: and the Other one??


Revan: It is the annoying thing thru the mail, forums, emails and other forms of communation.



Bastila: Oh Really/



Revan: Yes really and there are other really fun things to do while you are at Earth. Some of them are really fun with me.



Bastila: I am always up for some little fun with you Revan.


T3-M4: I am the true lord of the Spam!

Statemeant: you cannot stop me you cannot harm me, in order to do that I would need to stop being one of you; I have concluded that this is something I am willing to accept!


In short you have just shown me your soft meatbag-like underbellies and said


Exile(in any dialogue): Oh, I'm sorry, I must have expressed my self too vague. Apparently you must have thought I meant "please, go ahead and bor me to death with your ranting", but what I really meant was: "I don't give a rats *ss about you or your petty problems, soget the [bleep] out of here before slice you up so bad your own mother won't recognice you!"


or possibly:

Exile(any time): [Force kill]

Sanity is for the weak!


I sort of feel that K2 could have had voice-overs for the PC which only K1 had. It would also have been interesting to have switched control to a character other than the Exile and let the exile be guided by Ai scripting, with quotes. By that, like Atton has quotes like "Where did that come from?" and all characters have their own favourites when fighting but the PC never has any. NWN actually had so much of that with your character. (Not spamming anyway)

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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