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Kotor 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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Hi. I originally started posting these on the Bioware forums and got a lot of positive feedback, so I decided you share it with the Obsidian forum goers.


I posted them in different parts and I tend to updated about every day. It's a pretty big read, but please take the time to read it. Feedback is much appreciated.



Quick info on gameplay mechanics:

Jedi robes would have optional cloaks with optional hoods.


Conversations will be based on KoTOR 1 level up style rather than unlocking more things through influence. But Influence would return, though only in conversation (eg. how you react to their stories/talk to them) and only some characters can be influenced. The character's influenced alignments will have some impact on an event later in the game.


Level up maximum would be about 25-30 (undecided).





So, here is how KoTOR 3 should be in my opinion:




Part 1



You start by creating your character and pick your base class (this is pretty much is there just to dictate your starting feats) Scout, Scoundrel or Soldier.


After character creation, the opening text scrawl explains that the Sith have not been seen since the attack on Telos five years ago but that recently Republic settlements, ships and space stations have been attacked by forces unknown.


The game starts with a few Republic fighters leaving a docking bay of this large Republic space station with

Edited by Fionavar
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See previous threads:

Please feel free to contribute to the ongoing discussion. There is a lot of interest in this topic and keeping input centralised and presented in a clear and articulate manner will have more impact and influence than posting to the contrary :-

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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Tatooine, Naboo, Kamino, Cato Neimoidia and Utapau


Please give us some info on Cato Neimoidia and Utapau please. I don't know these planets and I think a lot of us don't.

I am also not entirely sure about Tatooine and Kamino. Tatooine, because we have seen this planet so many times and Kamino? What's really the difference between Kamino and Manaan?

Building a clone army at that time???


About the characters. I think a lot of us wants to have Yudan in our party in stead of Ben Koral but maybe this is a little bit difficult if their would be a Jedi Council in your story as you suggests.

Maybe some of us would like to see a familiar name in the Mandalorian who joins you. How about Kelborn in stead of Jurron Ordo.


Anyway, your story looks good but somehow I think a lot of us would appreciate a somewhat "darker" story because IMO this feels somewhat similar to Kotor I and your main character backstory is maybe also a bit to familiar from what we have seen in the previous games.


I hope to see your reply in this topic as this is meant to be constructive criticism.

Master Vandar lives!

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Thanks for reading and don't worry, I can take criticism. :)





Cato Neimoidia was seen very briefly in Star Wars Episode III, and wasn't actually named in the film, so I didn't expect many to get that. It was were Plo Koon was shot down.




Fog-shrouded tree-lined mountains; city-bridges

It is a planet of misty mountains, with bridges that have cities on them.

In my story, it only has one city bridge and is populated by Duros and Neimoidians.




Utapau is the planet General Grievous was chased to in Episode III.

The surface is rock and sand, and has sinkholes that the Utapauns live in.

"Ringed by numerous moons, the remote sanctuary of Utapau is a planet pitted with enormous sinkholes. Its windswept surface is dry and desert-like, but deep in the porous crust, at the bottom of the sinkhole are pools of life-giving water. Many of the sinkholes on one of the planet's small continents are lined with intricate cities that stretch deep into caves and crevices beneath the planet's surface." -Star Wars Databank



Temperate, windy and arid


Desert surface and sinkholes





Hope that helps with Cato Neimoidia and Utapau. Tatooine, I can see your point on.

Kamino should be quite different to Manaan and as far as I'm concerned, cloning doesn't exist in the time of KoTOR.


Having a Yoda-species character would've been a good idea. Shame I didn't think of that.

Yeah, having a Dxun Mandalorian would've been a REALLY good idea. I'm quite annoyed I didn't do that. :-


I think KoTOR II covered the 'darker' story thing, and I thought it'd be good to go back to a more cheerful game.

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Thanks for the story plot. I don't really mean to shoot it all down, but I see several potential problems with it...


For one thing, Naga Sadow can never have ruled anything on Coruscant. He wasn't even aware of the Republic until a wayward ship found it's way to Korriban, and then he promptly used that to stage a failed assault on the Republic (the Great Hyperspace war) that got him exiled from the Sith empire and stranded on Yavin IV (this is all from the "Golden Age of the Sith" and "Fall of the Sith Empire" comic books). So Naga Sadow had very little knowledge of the Republic and could not have spread his idea far. That would fit much better for Exar Kun, though his reign was also very short.


The whole beginning has KotOR1 written all over it. You're non-jedi waking up in a ship (okay, a space station) under attack by the Sith, and your backstory is a bit foggy. Then later you discover (or it's just revealed to the player - the net effect is the same or worse for a player, since it means he didn't know the character he was playing) that you have a history as a jedi, which you then promptly rededicate yourself to, though why the council would allow this is uncertain... It reminds me far too much of Revan. I'd rather begin as a young jedi padawan studying quietly under a master and then slowly becoming involved in the greater plot of the story. The thought of a master teaching my character 'the ropes' with murder investigations, smuggling, and other "jedi business" as the 'police' of Coruscant has far more appeal somehow.


Though you have not described it all, I don't like the way Revan and the Exile are cast by the wayside just to make Darth Kayne seem threatening (ooh, this person killed Revan *and* the Exile? Must be one tough customer...). I guess many of us want some great revelation as to what has become of these characters, not just have them written out of the story with a throwaway comment. They should both be central to the story, as should their choices to seek out the true Sith, or else the time the player has invested in the previous games will seem pointless and hollow. I would much rather have them return as Sith lords to be defeated/converted, as I have described in my own suggestions.


The death of Mandalore/Canderous is also very unsatisfying. This guy is supposed to be one of the toughest and hardest warriors around, yet the plot sees him killed at a point, when the main character is presumably still rather inexperienced? I'd much rather have him as a military leader commanding squads of Mandalorians in defense of the Republic during a big finale, even if that is just as a cutscene.


And Coruscant as a jungle planet? Nar Shaddaa is more of a city-planet than the center of the galaxy? That just seems wrong somehow. If you really want a jungle planet with ties to Naga Sadow (though why eludes me - Naga Sadow has been used far too much beyond his potential IMHO), then Yavin IV is ideal. I added a jungle planet in my own suggestions, but I picked Myrkr for the obvious irony with regard to the force...


As for the jedi council, it has been argued repeatedly whether there even is one anymore or not. I don't think that all the jedi are gone, but given the events of KotOR2, there can't be many - the jedi were all but wiped, and then masters you find are also killed by the plot... I put what you'd call a 'pretender' council in my suggestions, but they were inexperienced jedi and not masters, and if you set the Exile to light side, then they were all of the Exile's companions - Atton teaching mental resistance, Handmaiden history, Bao-Dur lightsaber-creation, etc.

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Thanks for reading and don't worry, I can take criticism. :(





Cato Neimoidia was seen very briefly in Star Wars Episode III, and wasn't actually named in the film, so I didn't expect many to get that. It was were Plo Koon was shot down.




Fog-shrouded tree-lined mountains; city-bridges

It is a planet of misty mountains, with bridges that have cities on them.

In my story, it only has one city bridge and is populated by Duros and Neimoidians.




Utapau is the planet General Grievous was chased to in Episode III.

The surface is rock and sand, and has sinkholes that the Utapauns live in.

"Ringed by numerous moons, the remote sanctuary of Utapau is a planet pitted with enormous sinkholes. Its windswept surface is dry and desert-like, but deep in the porous crust, at the bottom of the sinkhole are pools of life-giving water. Many of the sinkholes on one of the planet's small continents are lined with intricate cities that stretch deep into caves and crevices beneath the planet's surface." -Star Wars Databank



Temperate, windy and arid


Desert surface and sinkholes





Hope that helps with Cato Neimoidia and Utapau. Tatooine, I can see your point on.

Kamino should be quite different to Manaan and as far as I'm concerned, cloning doesn't exist in the time of KoTOR.


Having a Yoda-species character would've been a good idea. Shame I didn't think of that.

Yeah, having a Dxun Mandalorian would've been a REALLY good idea. I'm quite annoyed I didn't do that. :*


I think KoTOR II covered the 'darker' story thing, and I thought it'd be good to go back to a more cheerful game.

Thanks for your post. Maybe the story could be taken into consideration. The Naga Sadow journals left me thinking. If you do some research you notice that Naga Sadow had a Massassi Temple on Yavin IV and was born on the Sith planet Ziost, There was also a decoy fortress on Khar Shian. It's not only the terrain that matters. It's also the atmosphere.


Maybe we should take up at least these planets to explore.

The planet list could then be:


1) Coruscant (surely a good planet to start with)


Then in any order:


2) Yavin IV

3) Khar Shian

4) Ziost

5) Perhaps Korriban as there is Naga Sadows tomb. Allthough, it is a barren planet where there shouldn't be anyone left and it may be too boring to set foot on that planet again.


5a) Naboo, Utapau or anyone of your selection of planets

6 (will get in between planet 4 and 5) Kotor mostly consists of 7 planets so that leaves 1 for maybe a planet which you get dumped at because you may get captured. This planet should be a planet with very tough beasts where you unlikely would survive. It would be a step up from what we have seen in Kotor I and II so far.

The Leviathan and Goto's Yacht are far too easy to escape from. A planet with more deadly beasts which are far more dangerous then Dxun. Maybe some volconoes so you cannot step safely at certain points etc. etc. and a confrontation with Darth Kayne, but maybe a bit different to the confrontations with Sion or Malak


7) The confrontation planet with Darth Kayne and the final battle.

Master Vandar lives!

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For one thing, Naga Sadow can never have ruled anything on Coruscant.
Well, although I must admit that I am not too well versed on Naga Sadow, I just did a little research on him for the story. But my idea here, was that Naga Sadow spent some time in the Coruscant jungle rather than 'ruled' there, and I also figured this was before the Republic was there. I could easily be wrong on some SW history here though.




The whole beginning has KotOR1 written all over it. You're non-jedi waking up in a ship (okay, a space station) under attack by the Sith, and your backstory is a bit foggy.
Yup. I've been criticised for this on the BioWare forums too. I really liked that kind of beginning though.




Though you have not described it all, I don't like the way Revan and the Exile are cast by the wayside just to make Darth Kayne seem threatening (ooh, this person killed Revan *and* the Exile? Must be one tough customer...).
Well, Revan and the Exile's deaths are elaborated on somewhat a little later. There's nothing too grand, but it's not as quite as simple as 'Darth Kayne killed them'.




I guess many of us want some great revelation as to what has become of these characters, not just have them written out of the story with a throwaway comment. They should both be central to the story, as should their choices to seek out the true Sith, or else the time the player has invested in the previous games will seem pointless and hollow.
Well, see, I find there are far too many variables in the KoTOR story, there's like 4 versions of each character, I felt it best to try and make this a 'fresher' story and distance it from them. It ties off some loose ends if they're just dead. It would be far too complicated to have a Revan/Exile DS/LS, M/F, etc. selector in the game.



This guy is supposed to be one of the toughest and hardest warriors around, yet the plot sees him killed at a point, when the main character is presumably still rather inexperienced?
The idea was that he was getting old and losing his fighting ability. His time in the story seemed up to me too.

Strangely, you're the first to complain about Canderous' position in the story.




And Coruscant as a jungle planet? Nar Shaddaa is more of a city-planet than the center of the galaxy? That just seems wrong somehow.
Hmm. I see your point there. Although no more wrong than Nar Shadaa being the same as it is 3900 and something years in the future.




As for the jedi council, it has been argued repeatedly whether there even is one anymore or not.
While I see your point here, I felt it best to just say "more Jedi came out of hiding". Although I may have benefited setting this further after KoTOR 2.



EDIT: Argh, people posting while I was answering jediphile.


If you do some research you notice that Naga Sadow had a Massassi Temple on Yavin IV and was born on the Sith planet Ziost, There was also a decoy fortress on Khar Shian. It's not only the terrain that matters. It's also the atmosphere.
Darn. As I said, I just did some basic research and didn't get any of this.


maybe a planet which you get dumped at because you may get captured. This planet should be a planet with very tough beasts where you unlikely would survive. It would be a step up from what we have seen in Kotor I and II so far.
I like this idea quite a lot, would you mind if I used it?



Perhaps Alderan, or even Geonosis, I'd like to see a few quests involving them.
Alderaan was basically Naboo. All grasslands and big architecture. And Utapau is a lot like Geonosis.



And thanks for reading, guys.

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Don't know about Cato, but Utapau is a good idea since it actually has good reason to be apart of the story. Utapau is believed to be ONE of the birthing places of the Jedi Order.


Other planets:





2 Unknown Region planets

Corellia/Center Point Station


Kashyyk,Onderon, Slheyron, Manaan make cameo appearances.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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As for your Ideas,as the Mane of idies, Naga Sadow was laid to rest on Yavin. So there is no way he's on Coruscant.


As for Naboo it isn't settled for sometime after the Events of KOTOR. So you'd only be seeing Gungans. Therefore Alderaan which is both settled, and a planet that hasn't been explored much has more reason than Naboo to be on KOTOR 3.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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Well, see, I find there are far too many variables in the KoTOR story, there's like 4 versions of each character, I felt it best to try and make this a 'fresher' story and distance it from them. It ties off some loose ends if they're just dead. It would be far too complicated to have a Revan/Exile DS/LS, M/F, etc. selector in the game.


Why? My proposal was to have the player set it during jedi history lessons early in the game (which turns out to be taught by handmaiden if Exile is set to light side). That's a very easy way of doing it, and it's even quite open about - no attempt to hide it in some subtle conversation or such. Yes, the setting of Revan and Exile's gender and alignment is getting a bit much, so I want their fates settled in KotOR3, but I want their sacrifices and choices to have meaning and impact on the evolving plot before I let them go. But KotOR3 should close the current plot. If there is to be a KotOR4 one day, that should be a fresh start. But we need resolution to the plots and characters we have now first.


]The idea was that he was getting old and losing his fighting ability. His time in the story seemed up to me too.

Strangely, you're the first to complain about Canderous' position in the story.


Seeing Canderous die isn't really the reason, but plotwise it's disappointing because he does not end up serving the role that Revan seemed to have intended for him. Note what Kreia says about him in her predictions at the end of KotOR2: "Many battles does that one have left in him... as Revan intended. A general needs an army, as he needs those he trusts. And Canderous is a loyal beast, no matter how much he is broken upon Revan's will. But you know this." This we need to see reflected in KotOR3 somehow.


Hmm. I see your point there. Although no more wrong than Nar Shadaa being the same as it is 3900 and something years in the future.


What can I say? The Hutts have been scum for a long time...


My own suggested planets?


Coruscant (beginning and finale)


Alderaan (a not so safe refuge...)

Sleheyron (Hutts and Exchange)

Myrkr (a jungle world which is Czerka's latest victim)


Khar Delba (now entering Sith space...)

Khar Shian (moon of Khar Delba, where Naga Sadow had a secret base)


Ziost (the Sith throneworld)


Coruscant (return for the grand finale that settles the war with the true Sith)

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If you do some research you notice that Naga Sadow had a Massassi Temple on Yavin IV and was born on the Sith planet Ziost, There was also a decoy fortress on Khar Shian. It's not only the terrain that matters. It's also the atmosphere.
Darn. As I said, I just did some basic research and didn't get any of this.


Slight correction. Khar Shian is *not* a planet with a decoy fortress. Khar Shian is the moon of Khar Delba. Naga Sadow had a fortress on Khar Delba, which was a decoy, while his real fortress was hidden in the dark of Khar Shian.


Ziost is the central world of the (true) Sith empire from which the Dark Lord rules.


All of this originates from the Tales of the Jedi comic books series "Golden Age of the Sith" and "Fall of the Sith Empire", which are both set a little over 1000 years before the KotOR games.

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Why are there never any people carrying newborns' in KOTOR? I think we should see those, you go to any city in the US and you will find at least one couple who has a newborn

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Why are there never any people carrying newborns' in KOTOR? I think we should see those, you go to any city in the US and you will find at least one couple who has a newborn

It's the sign of a "healthy" community if there are babies, young children and pregnant people scattered about; I think the ratio is more like a third in areas of "general access"; higher in supermarkets and such.


These would be good to prevent Jedi from letting off their munitions and taking wild slashes in public places; also be good for Sith to use as hostages ...




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So in Kotor 3 we make society on the rebound (I thought 1 and 2 were way to much "everythings FAlling apart dangit, and there's nothing i can DO! OH NO!)

and you act as a planetary supercop.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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KotOR2 wasn't so much "everything is falling apart" as "wow, here's a chatty old hag running the show while I feel cool trying to find a fanboi colour for my saber". The sad thing about KotOR2 was that even if you picked Revan to be evil in the early Atton conversation, the Republic was alive and well having forgotten all about he Star Forge quite the bit ago...

^Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum

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I want it to be big and black and look like Shammoo

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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