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The official late 80's eary 90's TV series thread

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I try to explain Parker Lewis Can't Lose to some people and they think I'm crazy?


I loved watching that show, and I think I'm the only one who remembers it!


I remember the show, it was great, tho it was just a tv version of Ferris Bueller.



How about Space: Above & Beyond, anyone meantion that yet? Loved that show.

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I can't say I've ever heard of Parker Lewis Can't Lose... might have been before my time... :-

It was on for 3 seasons starting 1990.


I think I only watched the first season, to be quite honest... and only vaguely remember the show. But I *do* remember it being funny.


Corin Nemec (Corky, whatever... I think he was referred to as Corky then, and later changed to Corin... or maybe Corky was just a nickname given to him in teen magazines) had his face plastered all over teen mags then. I remember his name just because at that time pretty well every other teenage heartthrob was named Corey, and his name was close to "Corey", but not quite.


Oooh! Here's another one I used to watch...


My Secret Identity!





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Atton's Redemption

Atton's Motivation July 30: CHAPTER 26 is up!



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Wow, it looks like all the basics have been covered now (Automan, My Secret Identity). But some of my favorites were V, and I can barely remember a show called Square Pegs that had Sarah Jessica Parker as the lead although I can't remember her in the show. All I can think of is one episode where Devo made a guest appearance... :blink:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I can't say I've ever heard of Parker Lewis Can't Lose... might have been before my time... :blink:


Does anyone remember Eerie, Indiana? I vaguely remember watching that as a kid  :D




Launchy, how old are you. I remember that from when I was a kid.


Does anyone else remember Harry and the Hendersons. I used to think that show was so awesome.

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Guest GroinOfDespair
Does anyone else remember Harry and the Hendersons.  I used to think that show was so awesome.

Let's teach kids that the monsters they are afraid of like Bigfoot are actually quite cuddly.


What's next? Hello Kitty takes over Cthulu?

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