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Never. They've moved on. They got NWN2, Project New Jersey, and now a third project to deal with. KOTOR2 is old news.


Third project? Is there an official statement to be found somewhere?

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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you all are joking, are not you? KOTOR 2 is full of bugs. this product still needs

a reworking as soon as possible.


who is the representative of obsidian  in that forum i may talk to?


Selective reading much? I can re-type what I said in CAPS if that's what it takes.


Lucasarts is in charge of deciding if there is going to be another patch. Even if Obsidian wanted to do one, they can't unless Lucasarts says they can, and can only patch the items that Lucasarts wants patched.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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dear sirs,



when i can expect the next patch for KOTOR II, cause your product ist still very buggy!


Ask Lucasarts. They're in charge of saying if/when another patch is warranted.



Yup. Go spam their message boards and emails.

no way,they've got enough spam on their hands at the moment,some ultra spammer called ''dross the great'' is spamin those forums to hell.look out for him f he's anywhere on here ban him immediately.

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I could've sworn I heard something about a big time patch, even improving resolution on the cinematics and such?


Not that it'd finish the game, but whatever.


Me too nightcleaver, but for months now every time I pop onto the board to take a look, all I hear is the wind whistling through the trees, and see the occassional tumble weed blowing past


And to anyone who's jumping up and down with excitement over NWN2 and other Obsidian up and coming products, don't say you've not been warned, rent or borrow before you buy. And before any other clever little souls point me towards LucasArts, you have to remember that Obsidian got themselves into this mess by allowing LucasArts to dictate to them so much that they can't even support their own product. After all, there is a second patch (it was confirmed what, a month ago plus now by one of the Assistant producers on here) that does include better music and video, they just can't release it... now where's the business sense in that?


I'm sure I'll borrow NWN2 from a friend or colleague, the same as I've been borrowed other LucasArt recent games after I bought this terribly supported game, and to think, it had such promise...


Oh, and a warning to the unaware, especially in the USA. Avoid Boiling Point, at least for the time being, and watch the forum for the game, there are major issues with that too

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Yes, I find it amusing that Obsidian likes to press the fact that LucasArts and Atari are diferent publishers as if it automatic dismiss the idea of NwN2 having better support.


Atari is known from lack of support and NwN that was developed by a company with a established QA department had more that its fair number of bugs (including a game stopping bug) as LucasArts support is not as bad as other companies so the lack of KotOR2 support is a bit odd ...


But what can be said of a company that deserted their own forums to go to another company forums with the "reason" their publishers told then so?


The total lack of long term support for KotOR2 speaks for itself ... I am sure [Troika mode]its all the publisher fault. [/Troika mode]

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Is LucasArts forking over money for another patch?




Atari is also a bad publisher. I don't expect them to be any better. Atari refused Troika money to work on patches for ToEE. Eventually there was a Troika employee who did patches on his own time, for free.


However, NWN:2 has a much longer development cycle, and both the toolset and rendering engine were rewritten from scratch early on. I think we'll learn very early on here whether or not Obsidian has a good programming staff.


Troika designed pretty good games, but they had poor programmers.

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