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Guest MacleodCorp

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Bah, i would even be satisfied with the main PC living a Joe Sixpack way of life on Tatooine(of all planets) and suddenly his future is at stake when suddenly the Ebon Hawk lands, Atton style, near his/her parents property. Out of the wreckage emerges two wellknown droids that demands a lift to the nearest Jedi Academy or Republic command center. The story can continue freely from there.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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None of this would have been a problem is Obsidian hadn't decided to make the story a trilogy. If it had been 3 different games with 3 different stories, and no connection then fine.


true, but LA got inundated with Revan talk after K1. to not make ANY mention of Revan would have been problematic, too.


so, we have a dilemma: a trilogy that was not paced to be a trilogy or a pseudo-trilogy with different PCs for all three games...they both have advantages and disadvantages.


I would LOVE for KOTOR 3 be a non-epic, standalone SW RPG....but they just can't do that.



Yes, but his mention is no longer a mention. He pretty much makes him apart of the story once again. His mention in the game wasn't some off hand reference. He was thrown in the game in leading a one man assault against the True enemy of all 3 games. Thus he is once again Charles in Charge.


The dilemma is that having 3 Pc hero's to much for this Star Wars Trilogy. If you do make another PC, your basically making up another BS story with the same effects. So now you have a new PC with super powers, the Hawk, and HK-47 and the rest. Then in the end you wonder, "Haven't I seen this all before?"


However if you make Revan or Exile the PC, you have those who believe that it takes away from the,"creating your own character," part of the game. However using one of them in the end is the most logical conclusion to the story. Revan is the story, and at least Exile has reason to be apart of it.


either way your at an impass, and in the end what we're all probably going to have to do is stop looking at these games as RPGs, and just look at them as Star Wars games.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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You make some good points....I definitely do not want the KOTOR franchise to be "Revan's Angels"....they need to be self-contained stories and/or self-contained trilogies.


In a sense, this is shaping up to be a SW fan versus hard-core roleplayer kind of dilemma. The RPGer doesn't care how tight the trilogy is...especially if it comes at the expense of everything else....the SW fan wants the story to make sense and not fall apart at all.


Anyway, that is why I mention a prequel for K4....need a clean break from Revan and the Ebon Hawk (however they resolve K3).

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Well, one of the many problems with what you two are saying, is that K3 would have to be able to "stand alone" without alienating new customers. Having to "pick up" previous characters is a lamer approach in the first place, added with the fact that more than likely that would not be too well recieved by new customers, and blamo... No Revan. Plus no one really said that the "True Sith" are an actual group or anything really. It could be that the "True Sith" is just knowledge Revan sought to protect, and Kreia was just taking "liberties' with the truth. In any case, it doesn't matter, No Revan....nope, nada. And as the Exiles little saga is over he/she just isn't very interesting anyway, major failure on Obsidian's part there.


So what should we do? O.K., our main protagonist is working in a potato chip factory on Corellia or where ever. They quickly learn that they have the ability to "know" if a potato will become regular or sour cream and onion before it happens. They happen to mention this to a co-worker, mysteriously co-worker named, Darth Allen. Then bam....he comes at you with his electronic potato peeler, that resembles a lightsaber (ofcourse your potato peeler has a corosis weave that allows for lightsaber sparring and it never needs sharpening), you defend yourself and manage to escape where you stow away on a potato freighter, where you meet up with a quirky astromech droid navigator. Adventure ensues as you claim your rightful place as either savior or conqueror of the galaxy

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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[spoiler ALERT]


Well, one of the many problems with what you two are saying, is that K3 would have to be able to "stand alone" without alienating new customers. Having to "pick up" previous characters is a lamer approach in the first place, added with the fact that more than likely that would not be too well recieved by new customers, and blamo... No Revan. Plus no one really said that the "True Sith" are an actual group or anything really. It could be that the "True Sith" is just knowledge Revan sought to protect, and Kreia was just taking "liberties' with the truth. In any case, it doesn't matter, No Revan....nope, nada. And as the Exiles little saga is over he/she just isn't very interesting anyway, major failure on Obsidian's part there.


I agree in the sense that this is going to be a blockbuster title and will bring in alot of newbies who, most likely, will want a new PC.


Here is how you can "resolve Revan and the Exile" without them being protagonists:


* you are strong in the Force (ok, I admit, the PC this time has to be special).


* the Jedi once known as the Exile sends for you...you agree to meet with him on Coruscant and T3 takes you there on the Ebon Hawk.


* the Exile explains what is going on and why he cannot do this task himself.


* he sends you into the Unknown Regions to look for Revan (to get answers about the pending threat).


* T3 can unlock the navicomputer which has the coordinates to the spot in the Unknown Regions you need to go to.


* in fact, the navicomputer has the precise planet that Revan was at.


* you go to the planet in the Unknown Regions.


* you find a mortally-wounded Revan who tells of the threat. he tells you to go back to Coruscant and report your findings.


* you go back and report what Revan said to the Exile...you and the Exile begin preparing for war.


* the middle game is all about exposing and/or destroying covert Sith activities from planets in Known Space (such as Ziost).


* there is no "armada" per se....it is a multifaceted plan that is to be launched from within Republic space.


* once you have uncovered enough evidence of the Sith plan, you go back to Coruscant to make final preparations.


* the endgame goes multithreaded with the PC and the Exile commanding different parties.

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*  you are strong in the Force (ok, I admit, the PC this time has to be special).


Sounds familiar


*  the Jedi once known as the Exile sends for you...you agree to meet with him on Coruscant and T3 takes you there on the Ebon Hawk.


That's where you going to run into problems. For one I don't see this game starting any longer then a few months after 2. When we left Exile he was searching for Revan, or going into Exile. You can say he won't, but I can definitly see a writer going that course. So Exile's searching for Revan. If not you make the enemy looks stupid.



*  you find a mortally-wounded Revan who tells of the threat.  he tells you to go back to Coruscant and report your findings.


To kill the hero is to kill the series. Trust me I've seen this go wrong in Star Wars a few times, for instance with Anakin Solo. It only leaves fans confused, and annoyed. Not to mention that many fans see Revan as captain bad ass, and one of their favorite Jedi. To kill him off will have a terrible consequence.



*  there is no "armada" per se....it is a multifaceted plan that is to be launched from within Republic space.


and this makes it all lose it's epic feel. For 2 games the True Sith have been hinted at, and Kreia implies a GREAT WAR with them. Not some small terrorist organization. Kreia wasn't lieing, and a writer will make sure of that. What she said was meant to give a hint for the last game.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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*  there is no "armada" per se....it is a multifaceted plan that is to be launched from within Republic space.


and this makes it all lose it's epic feel. For 2 games the True Sith have been hinted at, and Kreia implies a GREAT WAR with them. Not some small terrorist organization. Kreia wasn't lieing, and a writer will make sure of that. What she said was meant to give a hint for the last game.



Nice conjecture. I don't really remember anything mentioned in K1 about the possibility of the "True Sith", its stupidity seems limited to only the ramblings of an Old Women who probaly wants just to feel important one more time before she dies. :-

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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*  there is no "armada" per se....it is a multifaceted plan that is to be launched from within Republic space.


and this makes it all lose it's epic feel. For 2 games the True Sith have been hinted at, and Kreia implies a GREAT WAR with them. Not some small terrorist organization. Kreia wasn't lieing, and a writer will make sure of that. What she said was meant to give a hint for the last game.



Nice conjecture. I don't really remember anything mentioned in K1 about the possibility of the "True Sith", its stupidity seems limited to only the ramblings of an Old Women who probaly wants just to feel important one more time before she dies. :-



It Star Wars that never really the case. In KOTOR 1 Canderous speaks of the SITH who came to the Mandalorians with an offer to face the Republic. This was played upon again in KOTOR 2, and Revan(when eh was Revan) also thought something else was behind the Mandalorian War.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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Someone probaly would have noticed if those sith had huge horns, and might have even said, "The Sith who came to us, the ones with the big horns...........

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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None of this would have been a problem is Obsidian hadn't decided to make the story a trilogy. If it had been 3 different games with 3 different stories, and no connection then fine.


true, but LA got inundated with Revan talk after K1. to not make ANY mention of Revan would have been problematic, too.


so, we have a dilemma: a trilogy that was not paced to be a trilogy or a pseudo-trilogy with different PCs for all three games...they both have advantages and disadvantages.


I would LOVE for KOTOR 3 be a non-epic, standalone SW RPG....but they just can't do that.



Non-epic and Star wars does not go together my friend...



go...play star trek....thats right...I said it

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I don't know why it was stickied.


Obsidian has officially said their next project (Project New Jersey) is a console-only RPG, and it won't be a sequel. So no KOTOR:3.


Obsidian could someday do KOTOR:3, but it is not currently in the works.

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There are so many threads that they decided to sticky it since so many want to talk about K3.


I don't think they should make a new character. It's not that hard to make a sequel with the same character and not draw in new fans. Take a look at BG2, you just have to do it right and still make it interesting. In fact you can start out with a begining almost exactly like that. You are trapped in some dungeon or something, and it's dark, really dark. Maybe you are here with somebody from the opposite party, since you would likely be Revan you are with Atton. You are weak from some form of Sith torture, the torture did not seem right and you have no idea why they didn't kill you outright.


Blah blah blah, you find out that Revan is a true sith after oh so many hours, big great war. No more planet hopping, give you real motivation to go to a planet, you are on a string, and your choices decide the planets and the order you go to. Or even if you go back to them. Choice on location should be limited, but choice on the planet should be immense.


Big big map.


Do a good job, after this **** I don't care if you spend 3 and a half years on it, just as long as it is strong, dark, epic, and very good fights.


I want focus on the lightsaber, don't limit your consulars to just force powers. I say almost all of the fighting should be sabers, and your styles and advantages/disadvantages go with classes.


For instance the guardian is a kick ass fighter, very fast (picture Anakin vs. Obi-Wan, or Obi-Wan vs. Maul) but when put against force powers this guy is terrible. This guy has to move fast or could be killed by the force powers (think Mace Windu blocking emperors lightning just barely, or Anakin getting fried by Dooku)


Now the consulars are much faster, but do far less damage and cannot break through some defences (yoda vs. Dooku) They have the advantage against the force though since they can block/absorb it, or dish it our immensely.


I don't know if that is a sucky translation of what I want but the lightsaber should be more focus. Knowledge of the force will not always win, then where will you be?

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I don't know why it was stickied.


Obsidian has officially said their next project (Project New Jersey) is a console-only RPG, and it won't be a sequel.  So no KOTOR:3.


Obsidian could someday do KOTOR:3, but it is not currently in the works.


True but they havnt said what the fourth project is.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Feargus and MCA have both said they don't want to grow too big, and right now they want to eventually be big enough to do two projects with full teams simultaneously.


Given that, I don't expect the fourth project to start until NWN:2 is wrapping up.

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Feargus and MCA have both said they don't want to grow too big, and right now they want to eventually be big enough to do two projects with full teams simultaneously.


Given that, I don't expect the fourth project to start until NWN:2 is wrapping up.


Q: What are you working on now? If you can't tell us, make up something interesting.



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Non-epic and Star wars does not go together my friend...


I agree that Star Wars (at least in the movies) follows the Lord of the Rings-style epic: SUPER VILLAN>>SUPER WEAPON>>UNLIKELY HERO.


I'm all for epic trilogies...my point is that they don't have to do it like this every time. I would love a self-contained story where I get to play a bounty-hunter, scout, spy OR Jedi and put out brush fires for the Senate. I don't want this every time but I think it would be fun and be a moneymaker.



go...play star trek....thats right...I said it


Well, I know I can play Quake with a Star Trek wrapper...can I play a true cRPG set in the Star Trek universe? Link please.

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Oh, and is this confirmed?  I thought it might be official since its a sticky...but I see no proof....



I hope its not a sick rumor.....PS3?????? Say it aint  SOO!!!!!!!


I thought they'd make it for the new xbox...


I think Meshugger was being sarcastic.

There is little to no chance that this will be a PS3 exclusive.


Most likely, it will start off on Xbox 360.

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i like both kotor 1 and 2. the story is more engaging and emotional in the first game, but the (small) improvements makes kotor 2 a more smooth gaming experience. as for when you find datapads (and don't have to browse inventory with 102 gadgets), the improved workbench function and a lot more.


in kotor 3, i can imagine the player take the role as a young padawan (!) where the exile is the master (maybe in distress?) for this new jedi/sith enclave. i don't really care much about revan. he/she disappeared. the quest would maybe going looking for him/her.


the main reason i love the kotor-games, is to live the star wars-universe and the big span of choises you can make.


i think the kotor games really have widened the star wars-mythology for those who haven't taken part of all the fan-fiction and such produced since the first movies where made.

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