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Wich Kinghts of the Old Republic Game did you like better?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Wich Kinghts of the Old Republic Game did you like better?

    • First
    • Second
    • Equal

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The fist had better story, and better characters.*cough* Bastila *cough* :p"



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body


FIRST, I mean. And welcome to the boards. Good Luck. :p Your gunna need it. :wub:



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body


The person who voted equal probably didn't play K1 in years.


After recently finishing Kotor 1 I find it WAY better than k2.


The only thing that k2 really beats K1 (that is fun) is simply the fact that K2 had real robes while K1 didn't.


K2 had some stupid features like random loot (more like rushing).

-Influence system that made you play the game for 10 times to get ALL of the story (which was still incomplete)

-Enemies didn't really even pose a threat

-Why are there more than 2 sith lords??!???!??

-What happen to the infinite fleet?


K1 was overall sucessful as the game was action packed. Lets compare the first chapter in k1 to K2.


K1 you awake on board a Republic crusier which is being attacked and you're contacted by your bunk mate whom the both of you repel the borders and you get a holomessage from carth telling everyone to abandon ship you fight through the ship and crash land onto a planet into the next chapter


k2 lets see, you awake naked, you stay naked. you going around an empty mining base for 4 hours doing nothing but fixing a deserted station so a friggin door will open to the Ebon hawk..


Seriously anyone with a brain can see that K1 has a better beginning and end when compared to K2. I don't even consider the story of k2.


If K2 had no added features or content (like the robes) the reveiwers would of rated medicore simply because the story is dirt


Yeah the second one wasn't far behind as some of the features they implemented really made it more starwars.


Like turning allies into jedi, wearing *real* jedi robes really made the game cool for me. I just wish now that some kind of Kotor download content will replace all the robes with Kotor 2 style ones lol


I think if you combined the story and places of Kotor One, with all the new bilities and items and stances and EVERYTHING of Kotor two, nothing would compare in the entertainment industry.

Planescape and Fallout would still kick it's ass :o





-crap story

-crap game



-abover average :lol:



I'm sorry. I can understand that someone might like KOTOR2 better than 1 but, calling 1 crap? Without KOTOR1, KOTOR2 would never have been made and it's storyline wouldn't make as much sense.

Planescape and Fallout would still kick it's ass :o





-crap story

-crap game



-abover average :lol:


Crap game? You're an idoit. Crap story? You must be smoking some pot.


Kotor has won the RPG of the year and probably is Lucasart's best selling game ever.


I must say that KOTOR's story was implemented perfectly. It had climaxes and much emotion throughout. It also had scenes that made the game felt like you were playing/watching a movie.


K2 was a seriously downgrade when compared to k1.


Oh yes I am an "idoit" for having different opinions :)


Kotor has won the RPG of the year and probably is Lucasart's best selling game ever.


So? awards don't make a game great,check MW...


LucasArts made much better games like the early Indys,Day of the Tentacle,Monkey Island...


Also sales don't make a game great either...


I must say that KOTOR's story was implemented perfectly. It had climaxes and much emotion throughout. It also had scenes that made the game felt like you were playing/watching a movie.


No it wasn't..it had the worst twist ever...


Not to me...and I want to play a game not whatch a movie...


K2 was a seriously downgrade when compared to k1.


Nope,it was better in every aspect....


He hates Revan...............Remember childern this game is first a video game.........So the PC is not your character.............



Revan and Exile are Not Our characters...............There is No Emotion there is peace.............then I will put my foot up ass against anyone that fights me


I gotta go along with everyone and say how much i prefer KOTOR1 to 2. Although i dont know about anyone else here but i found both first worlds tedious and annoying on both games, although Taris definatly ruled over Peragus.


Once you get into the story, 2 is definatly fun, however 1 had a better story i found and 2 had too many bugs :cool:

I'm sorry. I can understand that someone might like KOTOR2 better than 1 but, calling 1 crap? Without KOTOR1, KOTOR2 would never have been made and it's storyline wouldn't make as much sense.

That is my opinion on K1,yes I admit I dislike it...


The Story might be good for a SW game,but It's nowhere near Planescape or even Baldur's Gate...


Remember people opinions differ...


Hmm this is about the 100th poll about this but I'll add my 2 cents as ussually.


K2 was nice. OK ok I know that I said a hundred times that K1's better and I still do.


Thing is that K2 was a really great game but K1 was like... THE GAME.


K2's biggest flaws were it's incompleteness, bugs (from what I hear - not that I have encountered all that many of them) and the lack of intelligent dialog options (IMO).


"Revan and Exile are Not Our characters..............."


Eh... roleplay anyone?? :)

"Revan and Exile are Not Our characters..............."


Eh... roleplay anyone??


I think he was talking about a thread were I said that Revan was a not your character because a man is the sum of his memories and thus Revan is slowly killing the PC and taking over..thus he is not your character...



Planescape and Fallout would still kick it's ass :thumbsup:





-crap story

-crap game



-abover average :lol:


I respect your opinion baley, but can you care to explain why you feel the way you do?


In my opinion, K2 is on par with K1 in every aspect up until the malachor level, than that's when things start to fall apart and we get a lame ass ending which explains nothing.


It's really hard to explain why I feel this way about this game...I haven't played it in like 18 months...

I'll try:


-Hated Taris,almost made me quit..

-Hated the twist

-the game forces you to multiclass

-Malak si a standard villain,as one-dimensional as it gets..

-Overall kiddie feeling for me,I don't know why :devil:


And there are other things....


The First.... the character relationships were more than two or three conversation trees long, the locations seemed more epic and hey, it set the bar. Gameplay, inventory and graphics were all tweaked for K2, but they were totally new for K1. Both stories were great; K1's was more satisfying to me, though. If the cut content and dialogue from Malachor V was in the final cut of the game then I might have a different opinion, that's how close it is.


Plus, it was the first game that inspired me to join a message board. :devil:

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

The person who voted equal probably didn't play K1 in years.


Seriously anyone with a brain can see that K1 has a better beginning and end when compared to K2. I don't even consider the story of k2.



Insulting, and a moronic assumption. I played both games quite a bit, and played a game of 1 after playing through 2 a couple of times.

I like 2 way better, and I loved 1.

Interestingly enough I do have a brain, and that brain liked the more complex (and less formulaic) story in 2 much better.



I'm going to say K2. The first one had a great twist, and maybe the characters were flushed out better, but I liked the influence system, the robes, and finding the parts for your lightsaber. I'd have to say the look of K2 overall was better than the first. Now if we could get past the cut content... ;)


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

I'm going to say K2.  The first one had a great twist, and maybe the characters were flushed out better, but I liked the influence system, the robes, and finding the parts for your lightsaber.  I'd have to say the look of K2 overall was better than the first.  Now if we could get past the cut content... :(



Yeah, K2 would definitely be better if it wasn't rushed and some crucial cut scenes were taken out and cut scenes that didn't lead to anything and sidequests that are impossible to complete etc,, the unimaginitative final levels etc...


K2 has an awesome story, and the game play is better, but as it is, K2 was rushed, K1 wasn't, so I'd still choose K1 over K2.

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