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What about Orderon and all the jungle staff.. You DO need to get into battle there.. kill all the animals.. find things.. blow things.. defend the Mandalorians.. fly to Orderon...come back.. kill more things.. then come back again...


Is not way to get trough there without getting into battle.. and that takes minimum 4 hours.. same thing on Nar saadar.. you do need to let the exchange know you are there.. help people.. kill people.. etc.. that takes another 3 - 4 hours.. ( including the Godo's ship )


That is already 8 hours in two planets... we could keep counting and adding. :thumbsup:


Again, I am not trying to brag or anything, sorry if it came accross as such. Unlike the FPS run-through, it does not take any skills at all, just a bit of planning. Everybody can do it. My first quick run-through was in 13 hours, but there is so much stuff you can cut out that I came down to these 7 hours. I believe it can be beaten by at least half an hour by making a few different choices. This is the time clocked by the game, not the time actually played - you can pause the game to level up and equip your party (though that does not add up to much time), and I had to do a few reloads and try different things.


If you don't believe me, just try it yourself, I have explained how Korriban can be done in 11 minutes. And the fun is to find out more about the game mechanics and what you need to do to move forward. For example, on Nar Shadaa, how much does it take to be contacted by the exchange? You can spend hours running back and forth on Nar Shadaa though you can actually stay in the central area and just take a few steps in the other areas. If I knew how, I could do a video of that. Also you can find out about silly features of the game engine, e.g. switching back and forth between party members to talk to NPCs, or warping around by leaving areas.


The last fight against Kreia and the lightsabers was not easy, since I run out of force points to buff myself (being lvl 14 and nowhere near LS mastery), but I kept hacking on Kreia, ignoring the lightsabers and using a medpack each round through the inventory screen.


However, the toughest fight of all was Visa taking out on her own the 3 final dark jedis in Freddon Naads tomb. That one sure took longer than usual.


Actually I know is a way to get through Narr saadar very fast... but is nothing to do with going in and out of levels...


Is a little Alien in the entry of the bar ( the one that looks like a mice and sales T3 later in the game ) that for 2000 credits can let the exchance know how much you hate then... once you pay the money the exchange contact you very fast.


But is not much fun doing that.

  Panther said:
Actually I know is a way to get through Narr saadar very fast... but is nothing to do with going in and out of levels...


Is a little Alien in the entry of the bar ( the one that looks like a mice and sales T3 later in the game ) that for 2000 credits can let the exchance know how much you hate then... once you pay the money the exchange contact you very fast.


But is not much fun doing that.


But does it really work to do only that? I have to do this, but it is not sufficient, or I am doing something wrong. As to going in and out of levels, the bar is a separate level and I believe you have to enter the docks to trigger the "Hanharr meets Vogga" cutscene, otherwise the exchange will not contact you.


well i its probably posible to finish it in that time but as long as im not into some record breaking thing i rather take the long and more enyoyble way


Exactly. I see no point in rushing through this game. It is a RPG after all, so if you rushed through it you will be missing a big part of the experience.


But...to each his own.

  CanterwoodBoy said:
  Panther said:
Actually I know is a way to get through Narr saadar very fast... but is nothing to do with going in and out of levels...


Is a little Alien in the entry of the bar ( the one that looks like a mice and sales T3 later in the game ) that for 2000 credits can let the exchance know how much you hate then... once you pay the money the exchange contact you very fast.


But is not much fun doing that.


But does it really work to do only that? I have to do this, but it is not sufficient, or I am doing something wrong. As to going in and out of levels, the bar is a separate level and I believe you have to enter the docks to trigger the "Hanharr meets Vogga" cutscene, otherwise the exchange will not contact you.


Yeah... that is the only level you need.. * the docks* also in that level you can help few people in the docks living zone.. I think is an Ithorian or something like that.. then go back and pay the cash to the Alien in the bar... I say all together about 10 -15 minutes no more. :thumbsup:"


Well, you always could attain max level via a bug exploit (such as the Hssisss in the tomb on Korriban) in order to accquire insanely unique, rare, and powerful items, though I usuallly get the Uber items even at level 29 or 30.

  Andkat said:
Did you even accquire a lightsaber? What where your attributes and your most powerful item?


Yes, you get lightssaber parts as rewards where you usually would get a lightsaber. I did Korriban as my first planet and than Dxun. I got I finished my first lightsaber on Dxun.


The most powerful item ... well, I did not open many crates and didn't really get any good items. Obviously the Ossus robe... I was very lucky though to get at an early stage a zabrak vibrosword giving melee-finess as a bonus feat. Very helpfull for my high DEX bulid. And of course, the stealth enhancing belts and headgears were most welcome.


To all who say there is no point in rushing through the game: I played the game twice "normally". And then quite frankly it starts getting boring. Some people will want to try everything out and see whether they can unlock additional cutscene and dialogues. Others will try to rush through the game. This is about finding a way to get some mileage out of the game.

  CanterwoodBoy said:
  Andkat said:
Did you even accquire a lightsaber? What where your attributes and your most powerful item?


Yes, you get lightssaber parts as rewards where you usually would get a lightsaber. I did Korriban as my first planet and than Dxun. I got I finished my first lightsaber on Dxun.


The most powerful item ... well, I did not open many crates and didn't really get any good items. Obviously the Ossus robe... I was very lucky though to get at an early stage a zabrak vibrosword giving melee-finess as a bonus feat. Very helpfull for my high DEX bulid. And of course, the stealth enhancing belts and headgears were most welcome.


To all who say there is no point in rushing through the game: I played the game twice "normally". And then quite frankly it starts getting boring. Some people will want to try everything out and see whether they can unlock additional cutscene and dialogues. Others will try to rush through the game. This is about finding a way to get some mileage out of the game.

I concur with thos sentiments wholeheartedly.


You can also use the level-jump of light-/dark-side mastery to the Prestige class, if you can get to it. Might affect the strategy?




  Andkat said:
Did you even accquire a lightsaber? What where your attributes and your most powerful item?


yeah.. you can get the ligthsaver and other things... is just a bit * different* you may need to buy some parts from dealers.. or * breakdown* few things.. but.. you will get then.. one way or another. o:)

  Neroyume said:
It's doable. I beat KotOR 1 in 6 hours 54 minutes. A friend of mine shaved nearly an hour off of my time. Her time was 5 hours 57 minutes.


Edit: At the end of my speed run through K1 my character was 1500 points shy of level 19. My friend's character hit level 19.

can you beat it topless though (w00t)

Always outnumbered, never out gunned!

Unreal Tournament 2004 Handle:Enlight_2.0

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My rig


lol while you guys finish as fast as possible Im tryin to waste as much as possible, i spent an HR using the Dxun sith assassin glitch- leveled up 3 or 4 times before i got bored, So basically im using every glitch i kno to level up high

  CanterwoodBoy said:
  Baley said:


I don't know if anybody would care to watch it. I mean 7 hours of running stealthed past sith troopers is probably less exciting to watch than people knifing their way through quake.




Someone said 5.57 hours for KOTOR 1? How is that possible? Did they avoid every quest? Did they force speed the entire game? Crazy as most of my K1 games and K2 games usually take me 25 hours.


Hell Taris takes me 6 hours and you say you do the whole game in less than 6 hours? muhhaaa

  CanterwoodBoy said:
However, the toughest fight of all was Visa taking out on her own the 3 final dark jedis in Freddon Naads tomb. That one sure took longer than usual.


You can teleport your sidekicks to the scene of battle by taking a few steps away from it. I found that out by accident during a 'normal' playthrough where I had sent stealthed Visas ahead to scout.

  anakins revenge said:
lol while you guys finish as fast as possible Im tryin to waste as much as possible, i spent an HR using the Dxun sith assassin glitch- leveled up 3 or 4 times before i got bored, So basically im using every glitch i kno to level up high


Yeah... that is the way I like to played... you will be surprise how many hiding cut scenes and little secrets you can find if you spend a bit of time in each level.. specially if you keep trying to finish all the EXTRA bonus missions in the game..


Eg. Is two bonus missions on Telos.. were you need to complete Narr saadar 1st.. and then go back to telos and speak with the STF (Lt.Green).. also ones you have Mandalore on you group.. you can go back to other planets to recruit Mandalarians for the final battle...


Is SO much things that most people don't even know about this game... and It's allot of fun to find the * little * secrets!! and trust me they are LOTS. :D

  Darth Flatus said:
although you can recruit mandalorians it doesnt get you anything - i assume that quest wasnt finished or just badly truncated


Well... this is a hard one.. it's a conversation that you can have with Mandalore about why he travels to Orderon so often.. is in that line.. I haven't try to go trough the full conversation get.. because I have the filling that is a DS bonus mission.. ether way.. the recruiting is supposed to help a bit in the battle for Telos.. when the Mandalorians offer there help.

  MTJ said:
... Someone said 5.57 hours for KOTOR 1? How is that possible? Did they avoid every quest? Did they force speed the entire game? Crazy as most of my K1 games and K2 games usually take me 25 hours.


Hell Taris takes me 6 hours and you say you do the whole game in less than 6 hours? muhhaaa

I continuously force speed from my PC's first level (and subsequent first Jedi Power), anyway.


I favour monks in NwN, and I am always on the lookout for Boots of Speed, so that I can run faster through the games.




  Panther said:
  Darth Flatus said:
although you can recruit mandalorians it doesnt get you anything - i assume that quest wasnt finished or just badly truncated


Well... this is a hard one.. it's a conversation that you can have with Mandalore about why he travels to Orderon so often.. is in that line.. I haven't try to go trough the full conversation get.. because I have the filling that is a DS bonus mission.. ether way.. the recruiting is supposed to help a bit in the battle for Telos.. when the Mandalorians offer there help.

Just save the game before the conversation. then explore it and if you don't like it, reload. :(




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