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I finally finished the game for the first time.

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1 fianl Digression 9is that even grammatically correct?). The Great Collapse (A.K.A. New Dark Age) was cause dby the obliteration of global communications by destroying A-51. How else could it have ocurred? ALso, what happened to the old Illuminati (Everett and Dowd), wouldn;t they take powers, as oppsoed to Nicolette and Chad?

Not necessarily; the dark Age could (and was, from memory) caused without destroying the infrastructure. It was either faked by the new being or a symptom of the incomplete merging of Denton with Helios (or at least that's what happenned in my game).


Dowd had Grey Death and Everette was a sneaky megalomaniac, so I expect they were eased out (the dude in the freezer might have actioned a coup d'




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I believe it's mentioned somewhere that all 3 endings occured, but nly where succesfull partially (I believe it was in a preview of IW). I know the JC-Helios merger didn't go as planned, but I doubt that would still obliterate global commonications. If it was a farce set by Helios-JC, then why didn't they antcipate and pre-emptively combat the physotic Knights Templar? ANd it's probabale that the merger-malfunction eventually barred JC from Illumianti activities. Fianlly, Dowd wouldn't have died from Gray Death (or else Tong would have as well), Tracer Tong remarks that he (along with Savage) is mass-producing a Gray-Death CUre (along with ambrosia, I believe, since tehcnically Ambrosia isn't a cure, it's a temporary treatment).

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I believe it's mentioned somewhere that all 3 endings occured, but nly where succesfull partially (I believe it was in a preview of IW). I know the JC-Helios merger didn't go as planned, but I doubt that would still obliterate global commonications. If it was a farce set by Helios-JC, then why didn't they antcipate and pre-emptively combat the physotic Knights Templar? ANd it's probabale that the merger-malfunction eventually barred JC from Illumianti activities. Fianlly, Dowd wouldn't have died from Gray Death (or else Tong would have as well), Tracer Tong remarks that he (along with Savage) is mass-producing a Gray-Death CUre (along with ambrosia, I believe, since tehcnically Ambrosia isn't a cure, it's a temporary treatment).

Well, as i said earlier, I'll tell you when I uncover it again ... I haven't played IW since its release, so I have forgotten some of the plot (hence why I am re-playing it). I was only being facetious about Grey Death and Dowd. I imagine there is a natural process of attrition even in the Illuminati: probably Nicollete had her own coup d'




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This aint a Deus Ex forum. If it was I would leave and come back with a virus to give the forum.


This is Kotor.


That is all.

It's a cRPG forum, and I am comparing and contrasting with another cRPG. And then we entered into a digression that helped explore some of the more interesting plot points. Perhaps if you played the game you might understand what was missing from KotOR2. Or do you only play games with glow sticks? :p


Did you have anything constructive to add, or are you just making redundant statements?




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How can any one complains about the Ending of the game ?? This game is so LONG and so playable that the ending it feels to me just like and add on... plus in that point you already know what is going to happen.. so the End is just a formality.


I mean how long it takes to get to the end... ? over 48 hours of game play ? lets say you play the game once as LS and once as DS... we talking here about LOTS of none stop hours of plain fun...


Who cares about the Ending!!!

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How can any one complains about the Ending of the game ?? This game is so LONG and so playable that the ending it feels to me just like and add on... plus in that point you already know what is going to happen.. so the End is just a formality.


I mean how long it takes to get to the end... ?  over 48 hours of game play ? lets say you play the game once as LS and once as DS... we talking here about LOTS of none stop hours of plain fun...


Who cares about the Ending!!!

If you found the easy combat and pointless fed-ex side quests "LOTS of [non]-stop hours of plain fun", well and good for you.


I found the beginning tedious and the end frustrating and the middle lacking in consequence. But the whole game was pregnant with possibility, which added to the disheartening disillusionment as the credits roll.




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How can any one complains about the Ending of the game ?? This game is so LONG and so playable that the ending it feels to me just like and add on... plus in that point you already know what is going to happen.. so the End is just a formality.


I mean how long it takes to get to the end... ?  over 48 hours of game play ? lets say you play the game once as LS and once as DS... we talking here about LOTS of none stop hours of plain fun...


Who cares about the Ending!!!

If you found the easy combat and pointless fed-ex side quests "LOTS of [non]-stop hours of plain fun", well and good for you.


I found the beginning tedious and the end frustrating and the middle lacking in consequence. But the whole game was pregnant with possibility, which added to the disheartening disillusionment as the credits roll.



Maybe you should try to see that game differently... when I was about 10 years old I use to LOVE that * choice your destiny books *... Yeah I'm old.. and what ? :-


Seen that choice your on destiny thing in a game... is COOL.. plus I don't need to keep looking for pages in a book.. just click in the screen..


But I guess every one have different points of view... :thumbsup:

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How can any one complains about the Ending of the game ?? This game is so LONG and so playable that the ending it feels to me just like and add on... plus in that point you already know what is going to happen.. so the End is just a formality.


I mean how long it takes to get to the end... ?  over 48 hours of game play ? lets say you play the game once as LS and once as DS... we talking here about LOTS of none stop hours of plain fun...


Who cares about the Ending!!!


Exactly! :lol:


I only hate Peragus and Telos, those are just boring. But not that boring that I wouldn't re-play the game just because of 2 planets :(

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I must be the only person on this forum to enjoy peragus...

I did enjoy the concept; once again the execution fell short. I am all for testing a PC with no armour (or clothes!), no implants and no weapons -- even with penalties (like disease) affecting the stats.


I would have liked to see ways to skip large parts of the peragus: like not having to go to the crew quarters, for example, and just jumping on the Harbinger.


Also I really thought the overpowered levelling up detracted from the game play. If you play NWN or Deus Ex or BG2 it takes almost days of playing to gain a level.




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Peragus was good for getting the hang of the game if you had not played the first one. But it should have been much shorter. You can only get in so many fights with a plasma torch before it becomes boring... :(


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Peragus was good for getting the hang of the game if you had not played the first one.  But it should have been much shorter.  You can only get in so many fights with a plasma torch before it becomes boring... :(

Yep. Just needed to be able to skip parts of it; like short circuiting the escape with something (dangerous) that you could choose to do. Choice: the real casualty of KotOR2.




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Acctually you get a sword pretty quickly so I never bothered with the Plasma Torch too long :)


I say Peragus was nice. At least it was the Exile who decided what next move to make there not Kreia.


Peragus was well made if you ask me - lots of worker/admin logs in the terminals there. Most of the journals you found were also on Peragus so I think that I can assume that this part of the game was done with care and had very many details and I like it when such small details are added into RPG's (like in K1 about the Great Hunt and other things - funny fact is that all those details made me not wonder why everyone's talking about Revan so much! it's because many things said in K1 didn't have much to do with the main story).

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I must be the only person on this forum to enjoy peragus...


Peragus was definitely a favorite of mine. The sequence of events was great: player wakes up after weeks in the kolto tank to find that there's no one there but the old woman you brought with you, some thug in a prison, and dozens of droids trying to kill you. Unraveling the mystery, you realize that you've been

hunted by an assassin HK-50 droid. It's the first time we've really seen them operate, actually.




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Yes yes yes.


I liked the elements of Pergasus. I liked the polish and the depth.


I didn't like having to jump through every hoop every time. The narrative was singular until we left got to the Ebon Hawk. no choices. No branches. Just jump through all the hoops. :)




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I rather enjoyed Peragus, too ... it reminded me of System Shock 2. Everyone's dead, and you piece together the story through their journals. There's a homicidal AI out to get you. Good stuff.


Obviously it wasn't as frightening as SS2, though - but still fun.


(I was enjoying the Deus Ex digression. I thought DE-IW operated on the premise of all three DE endings occurring, too.)

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I must be the only person on this forum to enjoy peragus...


Peragus was definitely a favorite of mine. The sequence of events was great: player wakes up after weeks in the kolto tank to find that there's no one there but the old woman you brought with you, some thug in a prison, and dozens of droids trying to kill you. Unraveling the mystery, you realize that you've been

hunted by an assassin HK-50 droid. It's the first time we've really seen them operate, actually.




actually... you only wake up after a few days. if that.
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I liked Pergaus. But there are certain, excessivley illogical portions, primarily concerning HK-50. FIrst of all, during the end of the tutorial HK-50 emerges from the burning EBon Hawk storage room and attacks T3-M4. But doesn't Hk-50 state that Hawk rescued you contraty to his expectations. Also, isn't HK-47 in that compartment. Wouldn't he bes utterly annihilated by HK-50. WHy didn't the Peragian miners discover HK-47. Finally, why doesn't SIon just enter Pergaus and kill you, Kreia, Atton, and HK-50. In fact, wouldn't SIon have destroyed HK-50 earlier? Another qualm I have with pergaus is the unskipable and rather irritating cutscenes. The only worlds I reallly hate dhwere Telos (transit to Telos mandatory, cannot defeat TSF, becomes very repetitive) and Malachor V (WTF is a STorm Beast, WTF are they doing on Malachor, WTF is a mass shadow generator, WTF does Kreia mean by "She (Mira) can discover locations best left secret (or something similair to that").

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I liked Pergaus. But there are certain, excessivley illogical portions, primarily concerning HK-50. FIrst of all, during the end of the tutorial HK-50 emerges from the burning EBon Hawk storage room and attacks T3-M4. But doesn't Hk-50 state that Hawk rescued you contraty to his expectations. Also, isn't HK-47 in that compartment. Wouldn't he bes utterly annihilated by HK-50. WHy didn't the Peragian miners discover HK-47. Finally, why doesn't SIon just enter Pergaus and kill you, Kreia, Atton, and HK-50. In fact, wouldn't SIon have destroyed HK-50 earlier? Another qualm I have with pergaus is the unskipable and rather irritating cutscenes. The only worlds I reallly hate dhwere Telos (transit to Telos mandatory, cannot defeat TSF, becomes very repetitive) and Malachor V (WTF is a STorm Beast, WTF are they doing on Malachor, WTF is a mass shadow generator, WTF does Kreia mean by "She (Mira) can discover locations best left secret (or something similair to that").

Yes. :-




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