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KOTOR I or II fanart

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Nice pic Kor Qel Droma


hey i didn't know you were a girl


I'm not, but, you can always fantasize




I think jodo refer that to Darkside not to you.

"I'm pretty sure if they took all the porn off the internet there'd only be one site left, and it'd be called 'Bring back the porn'" - Perry Cox

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Your art is just disgustingly good KQD!  :D


Can't wait to see the finished picture... I always thought Sion was pretty cool... hmm... maybe that's just me then?  :)  :-"



I agree Sion is pretty cool, really hard to draw though, what with all the scars and that!! Im interested to see what your finished Sion will look like Qor Kel Droma!! Finish it please :D

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Right now this isn't neccesarily KOTOR fan art, but more like Star Wars fan art.

I suppose you could have it as an unknown Jedi during K1 or K2.

My orignal Jedi


He is a kind of neutral Jedi or as I like to say; 'Gray Jedi'. This means that he isn't totally light or dark, but is a mix of the two. He shows his emotions in gentle waves, not totally supressing them, or letting them rule. He uses dark side powers, (force storm, force crush etc) but he only uses them for good (however that's possible), along with his light side powers.

His philosophy is, 'It isn't your powers that make you who you are, but how you use them.'

That's the reason for his contrasting colours of red and blue

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Nice picture KOTORFanactic... I like how you've drawn his lightsaber... I always struggle with those

I know what you mean. Lightsabers are tough to draw.


I find that the best way is to draw a single line in the colour of the saber you want, and carfully build around that line.

But that's just my preferred method.

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Nice art KOTORFanactic :devil:


P.S. ''Notice Launch's avatar''.

It's nice to have the anime chick back. :ermm:

"I'm pretty sure if they took all the porn off the internet there'd only be one site left, and it'd be called 'Bring back the porn'" - Perry Cox

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Kor-Thanks Kor, it's nice to be back. And that is an excellent pic of Sion! :devil:


KOTORfanactic- That is one sweet pic of a grey Jedi! :ermm: Draken approves!


Darth Launch- W00t! Anime girl is back! But I have a feeling our dear friend Flatus won't be as happy...



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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I think i speak for all us anime-girl lovers here when i say: yyaayy!! :D :thumbsup:


To keep this from complete spam, wheres the art everyone, this thread seems to have dried up from art in the past few days?

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wow, i really spoke too soon there, that is an absolutely awesome pic you found there Hildegard, once again you slightly satisfied my Bastila cravings :D. Where did you find that pic?


Bastila :thumbsup::p

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*stares at Hildegard's Bastila pic, and starts having a spasm*


OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGO! (w00t) That is like....beyond hot. Major Props to Hildegard for finding the Bastila pic'! :thumbsup::wub::p:):wub:



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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Your most welcome guys, me myself as a Bastila fan was stuned :)) when I came across this pic in the www.ammosart.com/misc/daily/, but there is no other KOTOR pics there unless one not so good pic of Carth.


Bastila...... :thumbsup::p:wub:

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Hildegards pic...


This is what I have to say to it...




a64je64ke4eot56a82v8978s t op7p+97bi1+s9789+a2v 7/5 3*7ejeahbcuibui2nxz89-1y hbgfjkdshfivcn9802y5640291mcv9my982018n4iod,hj=g9408y...


pardon my French, but wow.


Loves that Bastila art (even if it ain't yours) :thumbsup::p:wub::):wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

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You know what I have to disagree with Hildegard about this artist's talents...



He (or she) does a bloody fine Carth picture!!! :-P






Her/his Carth pics are great, but I was blown away by the Bastila pic that everything else seemed unsignificant, mostly because I'm a huge Bastila fan....


BTW: Great pics man, you've got talents, no question about it, keep it up :huh:

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Something I doodled to celebrate anime chick's triumphant return:




To get back on topic, truly amazing pictures, guys and gals! :thumbsup:

I have to say in that pic, Bastila's eyes and ears do make her look elvish, which is a plus for me. :)

More please.

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