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KOTOR I or II fanart

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Sweet art to everyone! Vall, for a newbie/lurker, with art like that, you'll be here for a loooooooong time! :thumbsup: But aimo is yet to type even one post in this thread, so unless you PM her, I doubt you'll get any feedback. But our feedabck is good enough!



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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For sure, your feedback's good enough! Thanks, guys! Welp, have to study for an employment entry exam, so I'll check back later.


So, Draken... Vancouver, huh? Great city. Let me know if you can get me closer to Kristin Kreuk or Ziya Tong! :thumbsup:

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Whoa... I've checked out your non-SW related stuff Vall Konnar... your Gorilla Robot is awesome... as is your Gnomish alchemist :thumbsup:


Fantastic stuff :thumbsup:




P.S. Please don't take offense to my remarks... I meant them in a positive way :)


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Well, screenie time.


Basically, a collage of six screenies of the 3 Dark Lords.


For Traya, I couldn't really get any screenies where both my charcter and the opponent had a saber drawn during an in-game-cutscene, so I had to settle with what I could get.




Still, I reckon I managed to get some good screenies for this little thing.

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Well, screenie time.


Basically, a collage of six screenies of the 3 Dark Lords.


For Traya, I couldn't really get any screenies where both my charcter and the opponent had a saber drawn during an in-game-cutscene, so I had to settle with what I could get.




Still, I reckon I managed to get some good screenies for this little thing.



We have the same Exile. And good work w/ the screenshots. Shows just how ugly Traya is. ('cause you can see her black eye sockets... o_O) :thumbsup::thumbsup:



KotOR II: After the Credits Rolled: Read

Force Sight: Read


Gaming Blog: Read

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Here's another oldie that I've dug up... tis of the lovely, but tragic Barriss...




P.S. I think that's the last old picture... so it really is the end... unless I can be bothered to draw more stuff that is... :blink:" ;)



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Most of my anime sketches are non-SW related... just would be spam on this thread :blink:


Plus, I'm being lazy at the moment, and havent drawn anything for a while... I think I'm all creativitied out... has anyone got any suggestions/requests?




P.S. You got anything new to post julianw?


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I tried that once already... just got locked by Fionavar  :blink:




Got locked...why?



Oh,and ofcourse great art everyone :D

"I'm pretty sure if they took all the porn off the internet there'd only be one site left, and it'd be called 'Bring back the porn'" - Perry Cox

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Very cool screenies, Fanatic! :blink: Don't care about Flatus, I like 'em!


Darth Launch, very cool Barris! I remember lurking at your thread...and all the spam. 'Tis a tragic tale of spam an' betrayal... ;)



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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Bah, hearsay! Your art twas as fine as the fresh sun in the morn!


P.S-I have the uncontrollable urge to speak in Olde English. You have been warned!



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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Very cool screenies, Fanatic!  Don't care about Flatus, I like 'em!

Thanks. You know, i've just noticed something...

Darth Flatus is from France, I'm from England...

It's the age old Engalnd vs France fight between KOTORFanactic + Darth Flatus.

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Darth Flatus is from France

Um... Yeah... that's it...


Don't believe everything you read. :*

Please review my fanfic!

Atton's Redemption

Atton's Motivation July 30: CHAPTER 26 is up!



DISCLAIMER: These posts may contain humour. No warranties as to the gelogenic qualities, either expressed or implied, are undertaken by the undersigned. All rights reserved. This does not affect your IQ. Any issues, see your psychologist or increase your dosage. --Metadigital

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What other reason... spam  :*



*cough*Numbers Man*cough*.


*cough*demented noob*cough*

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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