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KOTOR I or II fanart

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K, here is a new Bao Dur cartoon:


Sorry in advance :-"

Its stupid, but hopefully its stupid-funny :p

lucky horn-head! <_<

btw Mira finished yet?

na, i'm sick of photoshop for tonight. I'll get to it sometime this week...


PS: did that cartoon make sense? Maybe only I think its funny... :blink:

i knew what he was talkin' about thats why I said "Lucky horn-head! <_< ". :geek::huh::huh:

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Kids have no respect for adults these days... in my day...


*rambles on whilst shaking walking stick*


Anyways, that is a beautiful pic of Mira, Sentry... she reminds me of that Rebecca Romijn-Stamos lady or whatever she calls herself these days... very nice :rolleyes:


Your comic is super cute... poor Bao-Dur... :thumbsup:... you shouldnt worry about your comic not being funny because it is, and I always post stuff that I know is only funny to me anyway :D :lol:




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Kids have no respect for adults these days... in my day...


*rambles on whilst shaking walking stick*


Anyways, that is a beautiful pic of Mira, Sentry... she reminds me of that Rebecca Romijn-Stamos lady or whatever she calls herself these days... very nice  :-


Your comic is super cute... poor Bao-Dur...  :p... you shouldnt worry about your comic not being funny because it is, and I always post stuff that I know is only funny to me anyway  :D  :p



I hate you, old woman :p

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Well, you're definitely out of my will jodo... you whippersnapper you!




P.S. I must say once more that all the work on here is super awesome so that this post is not actually spam... :luck:"


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I've just browsed a few of the pics in this thread but one thing caught my attention: Are all the artists female? With the ambiguous usernames it's hard to tell, but from what I've noticed all of them seem to be penile-deficient.


What's with that?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Not all the artists are female... Sentry for instance is a dude...


The rest, as you say, are of undetermined gender... perhaps, the majority may or appear to be ladies is because as a gender we are more creative (so studies and research in this area have discovered)...


Either that or the pics drawn by the male forum go-ers are unsuitable for general viewing... :luck:"




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Dude, all chicks draw good. All us guys are useful for is s...nevermind, there might be kids reading. :ph34r:


And double props for artistic hot chicks! :luck:



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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And double props for artistic hot chicks! :luck:


I'll give them credit for their artistic talent. But until I see their picture I can't agree with that second comment of yours.


DL: Shush. Stop trying to use logic when speaking to me. After being here so long I'm used to responding to nothing but incoherent ramblings. ;)

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Sentry, Mira is looking great, and that comic is hilarious, but if you're not feeling up to finishing Mira right now, is there some other pic you're thinking about drawing *coughfemalelovetrianglecough*? I can't possibly think of what you might be up to... :luck:"

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Dude, all chicks draw good.

Clearly, you have never been exposed to the horror that is Silvershadow "art" (and I use that word in the loosest meaning of the term).


Though I suppose I draw well... if you like stick people.

Please review my fanfic!

Atton's Redemption

Atton's Motivation July 30: CHAPTER 26 is up!



DISCLAIMER: These posts may contain humour. No warranties as to the gelogenic qualities, either expressed or implied, are undertaken by the undersigned. All rights reserved. This does not affect your IQ. Any issues, see your psychologist or increase your dosage. --Metadigital

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Are you kidding? I love stick people! :D



But I suppose not all chicks draw good. But out of my experience, all hot chicks draw good. :-



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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Thanks guys n gals :)


I've just browsed a few of the pics in this thread but one thing caught my attention: Are all the artists female?

I'm one of the few guys posting stuff :(

Baley, post your art! Show em all how its done :D

All of them seem to be penile-deficient.

I could take offense at that :lol: , but I have wisely decided that I just don't want to go there...

Sentry, Mira is looking great, and that comic is hilarious, but if you're not feeling up to finishing Mira right now, is there some other pic you're thinking about drawing *coughfemalelovetrianglecough*?  I can't possibly think of what you might be up to... :-"

Sorry Darkside, I forgot about your request :wacko: . To make it up to you I cooked this up real quick:


I'll probably finish it tomorrow...



DL - That pic of Darth Launch was too hot for words...

R U sure thats appropriate for children? (ie. Jodo) :))

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