Priestyboy Posted March 18, 2005 Posted March 18, 2005 i have to stick up for global 74 here ,this is the first and last becuase tbh most people cant be bothered to register and complain including myself 1. i buy rpg's for the STORY when the later stages of a characters story progression are simply not there , and gaping ,not even mysterious but simply not there plot holes exist ... it annoys me 2. i and a quite a few other gamers i know will NOT be buying nwn 2 as soon as it comes out after this farce.. and if it gets slated on the forums as KOTOR2 has maybe not at all 3. just a few notes on bugs...... crashes regulary / hover race bugged , unplayable or even when times are completed it seems to think you defaulted / texture problems / please dont go on about drivers or changing save games i KNOW about these things but many dont. 4. on a final note , the days of buying a pc game at your own risk are finally over there is no longer any need to trawl through dos commands and config settings for your hardware (thank god!) with the advent of p&p and direct x our time can now be fully committed to playing the games we love, there is never an excuse short of the developer going bankrupt for pushing out shoddy work though there seems to be a trend of thoughtlesness going on lately even with the best of games /deus ex and its shoddy gfx driver / NWN and its disk security that caused many paying customers including myself to have to download cracks!? ect ect. Great effort obsidian (apart from the sled races ) i really enjoyed the beginning and mid parts ....
ShadowPaladin V1.0 Posted March 18, 2005 Posted March 18, 2005 Priestyboy said: 4. on a final note , the days of buying a pc game at your own risk are finally over there is no longer any need to trawl through dos commands and config settings for your hardware (thank god!) with the advent of p&p and direct x our time can now be fully committed to playing the games we love, there is never an excuse short of the developer going bankrupt for pushing out shoddy work though there seems to be a trend of thoughtlesness going on lately even with the best of games /deus ex and its shoddy gfx driver / NWN and its disk security that caused many paying customers including myself to have to download cracks!? ect ect. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> dosnt your first sentence contradict you last? If that sort of worry free gaming is really what you want. Buy a console or two, because it wont happen on the PC. Hades_One said: I have to agree with Volourn. Bioware is pretty much dead now. Deals like this kills development studios. 478327[/snapback]
GhostofAnakin Posted March 18, 2005 Posted March 18, 2005 Priestyboy said: i have to stick up for global 74 here ,this is the first and last becuase tbh most people cant be bothered to register and complain including myself <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Read my post in this thread. As I stated, it's not necessarily global's opinions, but rather how he expresses them. His first sentence comes out calling anyone who disagrees with him or enjoyed the game a sycophant. That's not exactly a way to generate meaningful discussion about the pros and cons of this game. Chances are a "fanboy" who posts something similar, calling anyone who hates the game a "moron" or a "dumbass" would likely get just as many people on their case as well. It's all about the tone and the way a poster expresses themselves. global chose to go the name calling route and the 4 pages of banter is the end result. "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
Judge Hades Posted March 18, 2005 Posted March 18, 2005 I cal a persona dumbass when they are being a dumbass. I even call myself a dumbass once in a great while.
Gorth Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 vadrillan said: Yeah, but what the hell is a "syncophant". It's a member of the "Typo" family... Either Typo Typo or Typo Syntaxus Neglegticus “He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein
Laozi Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 vadrillan said: Yeah, but what the hell is a "syncophant". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I believe its anyone who provides "lip service" to someone of influence. People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.
AgainstOne Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 GhostofAnakin said: As I stated, it's not necessarily global's opinions, but rather how he expresses them. His first sentence comes out calling anyone who disagrees with him or enjoyed the game a sycophant. That's not exactly a way to generate meaningful discussion about the pros and cons of this game. Chances are a "fanboy" who posts something similar, calling anyone who hates the game a "moron" or a "dumbass" would likely get just as many people on their case as well. It's all about the tone and the way a poster expresses themselves. global chose to go the name calling route and the 4 pages of banter is the end result. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i'm going to have to pull my wildcard out on this one and call you because you are just about as wrong as you can get on that assertion. you see, i did exactly what you just said. i posted my honest opinions, starting at post #47 of this thread, on what i thought of this game and why it ended up the way it did. i did not call any names, i just posted intelligent arguments. what did i get in return? gorth, jaquars4ever, hades_one, ShadowPaladin V1.0, and others, instead of discussing or have an intelligent argument, just made up things and insinuated things about me, called me names, and basically just abused me. so i really don't think anything anyone can say to these fanboys, intelligent or just blatantly insulting, will illicit any different response from this legion of feargus' assmonkeys.
AgainstOne Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 the following are all responses i was given to well thought-out, well presented arguments. but feel free to explain those away for me just like you fanboys try to do with everything else anyone has to say that differs from what you want to hear. Gorth said: If this is the extent of your knowlegde of the development and busniess side of things, remind me never to offer you a job Hades_One said: AgainstOne, since you are a game developer, according to what you have said, please enlighten us what games you have made. jaguars4ever said: Do that trick again Troll - you know, the one where your mouth opens and your head explodes! Man, with your grandiose 2 wpm typing rate, have you ever considered that you're in the wrong occupation? Or is that just natural incompetence? Gorth said: I was going to write an awfully long and detailed explanation for AgainstOne why the earth is round, despite it being flat from his perspective. Unfortunately, the quoting kept getting screwed up for me, so I decided, some things aren't worth the bother of proper quoting, much less valuable time.... Gorth said: That would explain why the missile tests keep failing... ShadowPaladin V1.0 said: If he works for who I think he does, he's really nothing but a keyboard monkey. Living life like a mushroom... jaguars4ever said: This chimp needs to get beat down...where's kumquatq3 when you need him? jaguars4ever said: I think this guy has was it takes to lead Iraq's Nuclear Defense program, Gorth. ShadowPaladin V1.0 said: I also conclude he's a low level employee to even hint at his job on a public message board.
AgainstOne Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 here's a few more: Gorth said: it might be time to get out of your protective shell and see the real world a bit. Gorth said: Reminds me a bit of the used cars salesman in "True Lies" Gorth said: You are the reception guy, hanging out with the developers in the lunch room and don't really know much about how things work outside your familiar surroundings jaguars4ever said: Hey Agaisntfreak, even though you're miserably failing to prove your points, you keep repeating yourself like a parrot - Rwrawwwk. You insist on bashing Obsidian's work, even though you're clearly just a two-bit game programmer wannabe, who even Troika would reject. "Rwrawwwk. I think it'd be kewl to flame Obsidian because I enjoy seeing crappy linear stories because it's so realistic and I just bet every gamer in the whole world will love it too. Rwark what's that? Not worth implementing you say? Nonsense! Why?... Rwark because I like it." Too bad your coding skills don't equal your propensity to make an ass of yourself - then maybe you'd actually be a game developer instead of leading Iraq's Defense Program. Happy missile crashing, jackass! btw, feel free to read the whole discussion and see just what type of idiots you are defending.
Arclam Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Can this be locked already. Geez, this is only gettin worse.
AgainstOne Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 global_74 said: I was utterly ridiculed by the syncophants on this site when I expressed my displeasure over KOTOR II.I was called all kinds of names for expressing my opinion on an incomplete game. now (as I predicted) Obsidians reputation has been tarnished by the problems/glitches/bugs in KOTOR II. They have gained notoriety for all the wrong reasons. I have since traded in KOTOR II , but I kept KOTOR I. why? because KOTOR I is a superior game with a superior story, gameplay, and ending. I hope that Obsidian can listen and learn from the many mistakes they made and somehow salvage their reputation or they are gonna have mad problems in the future...... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> global, i got the exact same response as you (read my posts on the previous page). and your description of them as sycophants hits the nail right on the head.
AgainstOne Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Arclam said: Can this be locked already. Geez, this is only gettin worse. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> translation: please shut the guy up who's showing everyone just how sycophantic we really are!
Gorth Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 We were probaly nicer to you than you deserved, but nevermind that Did they run out of witches to burn in your hometown ? Welcome to the ignore list “He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein
AgainstOne Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Gorth said: We were probaly nicer to you than you deserved, but nevermind that let me guess, in new zealand people whole express their opinions without resorting to flaming, trolling, and vulgarity don't desrve to be treated nice? Gorth said: Did they run out of witches to burn in your hometown ? no, but after they way you and your cronies treated me, you have made yourselves the target of a personal vendetta Gorth said: Welcome to the ignore list <{POST_SNAPBACK}> translation: there's no way i can win an argument with this guy, quite frankly, because i'm missing the necessary equipment (i.e. brains). also, from the discussions i've had with you so far, being on your ignore list can only be a blessing. [prays]thank you, lord[end prayer]
213374U Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 You are trolling. Expect to be trolled in return. - When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.
LadyCrimson Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Every time I read these kind of threads, I find myself glad that I haven't played the first game and therefore can enjoy (or not, if it had turned out that way) KOTOR2 on it's own standing. Anyway, game has bugs (not that I've experienced most of them - and I've never played a game that had 0 bugs or didn't give some people problems), has a chopped up ending etc. but I still love it. I have no bias about the SW universe/history, LucasArts, Obsidion, or Bioware. I just like the game as a fun and goofy way to waste my spare time. Anything else takes things in a direction that I consider to place too much importance on something that's just mild entertainment, like seeing a movie. It is good to see people have such fervor tho - if only more people would put that kind of energy into campaigning for other politics and medical, education and housing issues. Er...yeah...I'm rambling. “Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
AgainstOne Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 213374U said: You are trolling. Expect to be trolled in return. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and i feel i have every right to. if you read this thread, all i did was give my opinions and try to discuss/argue it and all i got from many of these sycophants was flaming and trolling. so yeah, i've come ready to f****** troll this time. you can't take it, don't dish it out.
GhostofAnakin Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 AgainstOne said: 213374U said: You are trolling. Expect to be trolled in return. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and i feel i have every right to. if you read this thread, all i did was give my opinions and try to discuss/argue it and all i got from many of these sycophants was flaming and trolling. so yeah, i've come ready to f****** troll this time. you can't take it, don't dish it out. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> used the word "sycophant" as well. Double accounts? " Or is that some kind of witty name to call someone when they disagree with your point of view? "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
213374U Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 AgainstOne said: and i feel i have every right to. Nah. This ain't your freaking playground, kid. If you were "abused" then, it's your fault for not reporting it immediately. Trolling is against the forum rules, and quite frankly, it's rather boring to see you spam perfectly good threads with the same thrash over and over again. But that's just my opinion and perhaps somebody actually likes it. - When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.
AgainstOne Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 GhostofAnakin said: is that some kind of witty name to call someone when they disagree with your point of view? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no, that is the name i'm giving to fanboys who make personal attacks against me for presenting arguments that conflict with what they'd like to believe.
Ekkest Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 AgainstOne said: GhostofAnakin said: is that some kind of witty name to call someone when they disagree with your point of view? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no, that is the name i'm giving to fanboys who make personal attacks against me for presenting arguments that conflict with what they'd like to believe. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe you're wrong in your opinion.... just an idea.
AgainstOne Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 213374U said: AgainstOne said: and i feel i have every right to. Nah. This ain't your freaking playground, kid. If you were "abused" then, it's your fault for not reporting it immediately. Trolling is against the forum rules, and quite frankly, it's rather boring to see you spam perfectly good threads with the same thrash over and over again. But that's just my opinion and perhaps somebody actually likes it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> first of all, i'm not a kid. i'm a 31 year old software developer who just happened to graduate with 2 degrees (computer engineering & computer science) summa **** laude. i don't consider this my playground. i came here to take my opinions and complaints to the source, obsidian entertainments forums, were i was trolled, flamed, and downright abused for conflicting with the sycophantic views of the many members here. and as far as reporting, i did report it and what did they do to the people committing the offenses? nothing. nada. so thank you for your opinions and comments, but you are apparently uninformed on the situation.
GhostofAnakin Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 AgainstOne said: no, that is the name i'm giving to fanboys who make personal attacks against me for presenting arguments that conflict with what they'd like to believe. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then why didn't you just keep your username global74? Or is it easier to flame a game if you sign up for multiple accounts to do it? " "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
AgainstOne Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Ekkest said: AgainstOne said: GhostofAnakin said: is that some kind of witty name to call someone when they disagree with your point of view? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no, that is the name i'm giving to fanboys who make personal attacks against me for presenting arguments that conflict with what they'd like to believe. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe you're wrong in your opinion.... just an idea. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well, well, well. that brings me to whole freakin reason i'm quite pissed. just because people think i am wrong in my opinion does not give them the flame, troll, and verbally abuse me. it only gives them the right to engage in intelligent discussion. apparently people here don't get that concept.
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