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Things you wish a KOTOR2 character would say......

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Exile: Thanks squire. BRING ME MY FOOL!

Disciple: Yes master. *juggles*

Exile: *pulls lever*

Disciple: *Falls into pit of piranahs*

Exile: Bring me my three wives.


*And up walk Visas/Mira/Handmaiden*


Exile: Who to bed? *Ponders* Ah hell, I'll just have all of you tonight.

Atton: Excellent choice sire.


The Exile is da P I M P

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Exile: Thanks squire. BRING ME MY FOOL!

Disciple: Yes master. *juggles*

Exile: *pulls lever*

Disciple: *Falls into pit of piranahs*

Exile: Bring me my three wives.


*And up walk Visas/Mira/Handmaiden*


Exile: Who to bed? *Ponders* Ah hell, I'll just have all of you tonight.

Atton: Excellent choice sire.


The Exile is da P I M P

Yyaayy!! :D Now thats my kind of story :ermm:

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the whole dropping disciple into a pool of piranahs immediately made me think of jabba the hutt dropping luke into the rancor pit.


suffice to say, i now have this horrible image of jabba the hutt with visas/brianna/mira :ermm::wub:

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Atton: There's a Rancor at the door King exile!


Exile: Show him in and he can kiss my royal ring. :blink:


*Carnage Ensues*

"I tried the most potent Noise Amplification spell once upon a time. Mavellous spell. I could hear the birds speaking to one another in trees over the horizon, I could hear the rustlings as the clouds rubbed against each other in the sky. I could hear the sound a rainbow makes as it arches it's back over the world. Then a dog barked behind me and I burst my left eardrum."

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this thread is all about sex now, it's pathetic to tell the truth, and not funny, in my opinion anyway <_<


I agree and if you read my post above, you will see that I purposely avoided the topic and instead created a random scene, used hilarious stupidity and extreme violence.

"I tried the most potent Noise Amplification spell once upon a time. Mavellous spell. I could hear the birds speaking to one another in trees over the horizon, I could hear the rustlings as the clouds rubbed against each other in the sky. I could hear the sound a rainbow makes as it arches it's back over the world. Then a dog barked behind me and I burst my left eardrum."

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*Exile throws stick*




Visas-"I'm not submissive,I'm just drawn that way" :lol:


Handmaiden to Visas-"why're we fighting over the Exile when he could have both of us? :wub:

master of my domain


Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo.

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Kreia talking to Sion



Sion: Nihiluis is great!


Kreia: No he isn't. Think about it? All he is, a a guy in a clown mask, growing fat off the force. I mean, he got beaten easily. He's a dancing prancing, nancy boy, who only looks badass, but in reality, is a poor mother...


Sion: I see you're point master. However, we aren't much better. We'll be beaten piss easy too.


Kreia: Ah crapsters!

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Kreia talking to Sion



Sion: Nihiluis is great!


Kreia: No he isn't. Think about it? All he is, a a guy in a clown mask, growing fat off the force. I mean, he got beaten easily. He's a dancing prancing, nancy boy, who only looks badass, but in reality, is a poor mother...


Sion: I see you're point master. However, we aren't much better. We'll be beaten piss easy too.


Kreia: Ah crapsters!


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Male Exile: MMMmmm Kelly Hu...


Handmaiden: Are you thinking about her again?!


Exile: I was thinking about her and you with me.


Handmaiden: Really?


Exile: Oh yeah. You two look great together with me.


Handmaiden: :rolleyes:


Exile: (Thinking) Hell yeah I turned her on!


Mira comes in and slaps him.


Exile: What the hell?!


Mira: Don't worry old guy i'm not that easy to persuade.

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Exile: Thanks squire. BRING ME MY FOOL!

Disciple: Yes master. *juggles*

Exile: *pulls lever*

Disciple: *Falls into pit of piranahs*

Exile: Bring me my three wives.


*And up walk Visas/Mira/Handmaiden*


Exile: Who to bed? *Ponders* Ah hell, I'll just have all of you tonight.

Atton: Excellent choice sire.


The Exile is da P I M P

Um, you do realise that Mical the Disciple is only available for a female Exile, don't you?




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Exile: Thanks squire. BRING ME MY FOOL!

Disciple: Yes master. *juggles*

Exile: *pulls lever*

Disciple: *Falls into pit of piranahs*

Exile: Bring me my three wives.


*And up walk Visas/Mira/Handmaiden*


Exile: Who to bed? *Ponders* Ah hell, I'll just have all of you tonight.

Atton: Excellent choice sire.


The Exile is da P I M P

totally rocks!!!!!!!!!!! :(:):):thumbsup::lol: :D

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Disciple: I'm gay.


Female Exile: Then i'm happy for you. So Atton what are you doing today.


Atton: Pazaak, Pazaak, Pazaak.


Bao-Dur: Damn it! I thought I fixed him!

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Exile: Handmaiden, why are you and your clone sisters called the Handmaidens?

Handmaiden: for 25 dollars you can find out.... :(


T3-M4: Doooooooo bee do weet dooop beep (R2....I am your father...)


T3-M4: Beep do weet DOP wooot (Search your protocols, you know them to be true)



Bao-Dur: Having my way with the Handmaiden.

HK-47: (Statement) Master, that is nothing compared to what I saw last night, I saw Mira and Hanharr getting it on, it looked like she had a Wookie in a leg-lock.


Disciple: Exile, i came to say that I love you...

Exile: Dude wtf...im the MALE Exile.

Disciple: I know...

Exile: OMG!!! (stabs Disciple with lightsaber)

Darth Sidious: It had to be done...He was too dangerous to be left alive...


Bao-Dur: General can I talk to you for a second?

Exile: ???

Bao-Dur: I have herpies and i cant remember which one of the women i f*cked...

Exile: uh you didnt have it with the women, you had it with Hanharr...

Bao-Dur: :):):thumbsup::lol:

Hanharr: Loud Growl (call me sometime...spiky boy...)

Bao-Dur:....... :D :D :D


*Exile walks into room*

Darth Sidious: oh Kreia...you look so hot in that dancer-girl outfit...

Kreia: anything for you...Sugardaddy...

*Exile closes door then melts it shut*


Tell me if you thought these were funny and or f*cked up


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Exile: Handmaiden, why are you and your clone sisters called the Handmaidens?

Handmaiden: for 25 dollars you can find out.... :shifty:


T3-M4: Doooooooo bee do weet dooop beep (R2....I am your father...)


T3-M4: Beep do weet DOP wooot (Search your protocols, you know them to be true)



Bao-Dur: Having my way with the Handmaiden.

HK-47: (Statement) Master, that is nothing compared to what I saw last night, I saw Mira and Hanharr getting it on, it looked like she had a Wookie in a leg-lock.


Disciple: Exile, i came to say that I love you...

Exile: Dude wtf...im the MALE Exile.

Disciple: I know...

Exile: OMG!!! (stabs Disciple with lightsaber)

Darth Sidious: It had to be done...He was too dangerous to be left alive...


Bao-Dur: General can I talk to you for a second?

Exile: ???

Bao-Dur: I have herpies and i cant remember which one of the women i f*cked...

Exile: uh you didnt have it with the women, you had it with Hanharr...

Bao-Dur: :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:

Hanharr: Loud Growl (call me sometime...spiky boy...)

Bao-Dur:.......  :D  :D  :D


*Exile walks into room*

Darth Sidious: oh Kreia...you look so hot in that dancer-girl outfit...

Kreia: anything for you...Sugardaddy...

*Exile closes door then melts it shut*


Tell me if you thought these were funny and or f*cked up

dude you are so cool 100 brownies for you :):thumbsup::thumbsup::lol: (w00t)

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The world according to Kotor


I'm going to steal candy from a baby (DS POINT)

I'm Going to steal candy from a rich baby (Ds Point) and give it to a poor baby(LS Point)

then i'm going to shove said baby up kreia's *** (Eh who know's it's debatable) (Overall LS Shift)


I'm going to buy all the babys candy (LS point)

I'm going to snap this baby's neck while mommy isn't looking (single DS Point)

I'm going to dangle this baby over the Nar Shadda Pit (neutral)

I'm going to kill mommy (Triple DS point)

I'm going to try and romance my girlfriend (Always Always LS point)


Disiple with the others slowly joining in: Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

Spam, Spam, (Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam!) Spam, Spam


Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

Spam, Spam, (Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam!) Spam, Spam


(And so it goes, for a few more choruses)


Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam


(Whew. Typing this song is making me hungry.)

Spam, Spam, (Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam!) Spam, Spam


(And so it goes. I'm off to get some Spam, Spam, egg, and Spam.)


Complements of Eric Idle.


Edit: whoops forgot the first s in the first spam

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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HK-47: Request: Bite my brown, shiny, metal ass meatbag.




The Jerry Springer Show


Springer: Today's topic; My master betrayed me, I killed a guy in a clown mask, I killed a zombie, then I killed my master, all the while trying to force 3 seperate women to love me at the same time, while trying to keep it a secret from the others. Besides that, there's a female version of me who trying to the same to all the lads of the crew. Lets meet the group. We've got the Exiles...


MaleExile: Hey...

FemaleExile: Hey...


Spinger: Mira, Handmaiden, Visas, Atton, The Disciple, Bao-Dur, and Mandalore


Mira: What's up?

Handmaiden: Hi

Visas: I can see you. No wait...

Atton: Why don't you have any Pazaak here?

Disciple: Heeeeeeeeelloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Mandalore: The Mandalorians will rule again!


Springer: Finally, we've got Nihilus, Sion, and Traya


Nihilus: <I will steal your souls!>

Sion: Did we have to come here? I've got a grave to go to.

Traya: Would you like a riddle?


Springer: Yes; well, now...



*Dives at both Exiles*


*Dives at both Exiles*

Traya: Get off him. I love him!

*Dives at Sion and Nihilus* *Look, a huge fight*


Mira/Handmaiden/Visas: GET OFF MY GUY!

*They all look at each other* *Huge fight between these three8


Atton/Disciple/Mandalore/Bao-Dur: GET OFF MY GIRL!

*They all look at each other* *Another huge fight between these guys*


Spinger: Well, it looks like we'll solve nothing today ladies and gentlemen...*BANG!* *He drops dead*

HK-47: Statement: That felt good, it did. *Points gun at audience* Oooh. More meatbags to kill* *BANG!BANG!BANG!*

*Audience runs for lives*


*Role end credits*

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