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KOTOR 2: The Glitch Lords

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I'm happy to say I'm on my third character who's been ruined by glitches. I've been marooned on Nar Shadda, and black screened on Telos, and now I've got a more interesting problem. I've just left Telos with my newest character, a male lightsider. Right after I left, I saved my game on the Ebon Hawk and deleted my old saves from Telos, figuring I'd have no need to go back there. Of course I should have known better than to put even the tiniest bit of faith in this beta-quality piece of crap game, as that's right when Bao-Dur decided he'd no longer talk to me. When I click on him, he just turns to face me and looks at me stupidly, saying nothing. In fact, the only way I can get the retard to speak is by leaving the Ebon Hawk, putting him in my party, choosing him as the active character and making him talk to my PC. If this were all that were wrong I wouldn't mind so much, as it would effectively only curtail me from talking to him on the Ebon Hawk, which I could live with. What really bugs me is that since this glitch kicked in, Bao-Dur has no AI whatsoever, to the point where if I put him in my party and run around controlling anyone but him, he won't even follow us. He just stands in the same spot even if we're 500 feet away. In battle, he does absolutely nothing even if his friends are getting their asses kicked 5 feet in front of him. Basically, he is now only a playable character if I control him directly and micromanage his every action in battle. He was one of my favorite characters, but this bug has taken a LOT of the fun out of using him.


It's getting to the point where I seriously doubt if I can even do a single playthrough of this game without a huge, game-killing bug rearing its ugly head. I don't even feel up to starting a new game, as I'm getting really sick of Peragus and Citadel. I've tried pretty much everything to try and fix this bug- running around Nar Shaddaa, flying to different planets, loading a bunch of different saves from other characters, even loading up 3 other different games, which is supposed to clear the X-Box's cache or something. Thus far nothing has zapped Bao-Dur out of his catatonic stupor. This forum is my last hope before I decide to give up on this disaster of a game and start using it as a $50 coaster- having all my games completely ruined by bugs makes this more frustrating than fun.


If anyone from Obsidian/Lucasarts are reading this: You suck. You've completely ruined one of my favorite franchises by rushing this game out in pursuit of the almighty holiday bucks. Everyone who's dropped fifty bucks on this game is now screwed and has no recourse but to bitch on forums in the empty hope that you'll do a bugfix or recall, which we know you won't because you've already stolen our money. Maybe you should bother to do some QA on your games from now on. Cry me a river about release dates- you bear responsibility for the product you put out, and this is without question the buggiest, most glitch-filled console game EVER produced, and I've been playing console games for 15 years. Multiple broken force powers and feats are annoying, but when the majority of my characters can't get through a game without a game killer popping up, you've really dropped the ball. Most PC games are less buggy. Do better next time- not that it matters, because I sure won't be buying from you again.


And before anyone brings it up, no my box is not modded and yes it works perfectly with every other game I own, including a bunch of newers ones like Halo 2, which is known for being finicky on older boxes. If anyone on this forum has experienced this glitch or has some sort of workaround for it, please let me know.


Furious, indignant, and just plan gypped,

Town Knave

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Everyone who's dropped fifty bucks on this game is now screwed and has no recourse but to bitch on forums in the empty hope that you'll do a bugfix or recall, which we know you won't because you've already stolen our money.


im not screwed. i had no bugs at all. perhaps you shouldnt use the word "everyone", because youre definitely not speaking for me in terms of being "screwed" due to bugs or whatnot. :thumbsup:


other than asking you not to speak for me, rant away. :-"

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take a deeeeep breath.....now just get a refund and get the game in february when it will be bug free...simple as that


I've got news for you- it won't be bug free. They have no monetary incentive to fix it, so they won't fix it. This is the reality of console gaming today. Get the game out for the holidays, even if it's barely playable. Once they've stolen our money, they don't have to give it back- the game is long enough that it takes most people more than the usual short refund period of gaming stores to discover that it's a bug-filled piece of beta-quality dreck, and by that time you have no recourse. They have my fifty bucks and there's nothing I can do about it; they've already screwed me. Now I'm supposed to wait till February and give them another fifty bucks in the hopes that the copy I buy then has somehow been fixed, with no real way of knowing if that one works until one of my NPC's goes retarded the 11th day after I bought it? No thanks. KOTOR is good but it's not worth that level of frustration. Better to just never buy an Obsidian product again, tell all my friends how bad they suck, and play other, less glitchy games in the hopes that Obsidian will be driven out of business by some sort of huge backlash from this horrendous quality product and the excellent KOTOR franchise will be handed over to a competent developer.



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Everyone who's dropped fifty bucks on this game is now screwed and has no recourse but to bitch on forums in the empty hope that you'll do a bugfix or recall, which we know you won't because you've already stolen our money.


im not screwed. i had no bugs at all. perhaps you shouldnt use the word "everyone", because youre definitely not speaking for me in terms of being "screwed" due to bugs or whatnot. :thumbsup:


other than asking you not to speak for me, rant away. :-"


Well, you're one of the lucky ones. Or should I say, the luckier ones- your game isn't bug free either, even if you haven't experienced any game-killers. Ever try using the Force Shield series? Ever turn on Master Speed for its defense bonus? Well, they don't work at all. Hope you don't plan on being a Sith Marauder for that cool Fury ability, because it's completely broken as well and doesn't give you extra attacks per round like it's supposed to. So's the Wookie Fury feat on Hanharr. What I don't get is, those first two powers worked in the last game! They actually actively broke them! How does a developer do this? How does a developer make a sequel on the exact same bloody engine, which they've supposedly had a year to refine, and end up with a game exponentially buggier than its predeccessor? It is boggling my mind.


This fury power was promoted on this very website before the game came out, if I recall. In any other industry, dropping the ball like this and doing nothing to fix it destroys a company.

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take a deeeeep breath.....now just get a refund and get the game in february when it will be bug free...simple as that


Bug free?!?!? BWAAHAAAAHAAAAAAA! Aren't you naive. PC conversions are always buggier to their console counterparts because Consoles are pretty uniform yet PC components can change from system to system.

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Yup. Anyone expecting the PC verison to be less buggy is joking themselves. Sure, they'll fix some of the bugs plauging the x-box version; but that will probably create other problems for the PC.


Still, I don't think the game killing bugs are wide spread to completely worry about them; but still it is easy to understand how crappy it is if you get a buggy version of a game.


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I appreciate the sympathy, but does nobody know how this bug might be worked around?  Is there no way to snap Bao-Dur out of his catatonic stupor?


It wouldn't be because of his assigned script would it? Maybe you had it set on stationary?

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Actually an arachnid is considered a bug...

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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This game's got so much bugs, that i opened it's dvd case and a spider jumped out and bit me.

Well, a spider is an arachnid, not a bug. But if you were insinuating that the spider was feeding on the bugs, there would probably be considerably lower amount than reported.



You mean a spider is not an insect you silly man.

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