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BG 3, doesn't Continue the Bhaalchild storyline.It was named BG 3, bacause the story happens in and around the city of Baldurs Gate.




Well more like Atari wouldnt be able to milk the cashcow with a completely new title...



Baldurs Gate 3 = instant $$$$$


The Quest for the Holy Pantalon = underselling but loved by RPG enthusiasts

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Baldurs Gate 3 = instant $$$$$


The Quest for the Holy Pantalon = underselling but loved by RPG enthusiasts

After demeaning the franchise with the craptacular DA, I'm not so sure BG 3 would do so well sales wise.


The Quest for the Holy Pantaloons however... ^_^

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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My only qualm with the Resident Evil titles are the controls.  I remember playing the original Resident Evil when it first came out, and I loved it despite the controls, and the horrid voice acting.


The controls are easy if you have manual dexterity :)


And the voice acting was hillarious >_<

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"After demeaning the franchise with the craptacular DA, I'm not so sure BG 3 would do so well sales wise."


There was no demeaning.


BGDA was a great game unless you pull a Hades and judge it as a RPG when BGDA was NOT a rpg; but an action-rpg and very heavy on the ACTION part. I only had two major problems with it.


As for BG3; it will sell a lot. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just fooling themselves. Espicially since BGDA and its sequel sold quite a bit.


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"After demeaning the franchise with the craptacular DA, I'm not so sure BG 3 would do so well sales wise."


There was no demeaning.


BGDA was a great game unless you pull a Hades and judge it as a RPG when BGDA was NOT a rpg; but an action-rpg and very heavy on the ACTION part. I only had two major problems with it.


As for BG3; it will sell a lot. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just fooling themselves. Espicially since BGDA and its sequel sold quite a bit.

Uh? It was demeaning in that it used a great RPG series' name to sell some b-rated action game. With RPG combat mechanics perhaps, but an action game nonetheless. If it hadn't been called Baldur's Gate, it would have gone down the toilet even quicker.

It didn't feature any of the elements that made the BG games great, and as an action game, it left a lot to be desired.


If that's not demeaning a franchise, nothing is. :-


Oh and um, yeah. DA did outstanding as far as sales are concerned. So great that Herve couldn't even afford to keep the BG licenses. ROFL

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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"Uh? It was demeaning in that it used a great RPG series' name to sell some b-rated action game. With RPG combat mechanics perhaps, but an action game nonetheless. If it hadn't been called Baldur's Gate, it would have gone down the toilet even quicker.

It didn't feature any of the elements that made the BG games great, and as an action game, it left a lot to be desired.


If that's not demeaning a franchise, nothing is.


Oh and um, yeah. DA did outstanding as far as sales are concerned. So great that Herve couldn't even afford to keep the BG licenses. ROFL"


1. It wasn't demeaning. Period.


2. Interplay couldn't keep anything because Herve pretty much didn't do anything right. Afterall, this is the one that screwed up a pretty much perfect relationshop with a fastly rising devloper like Bioware. Canceled projects repeatedly (FO3 was underdevelopment at leas2 times, if not 3, Torn, and others. Not to mention a host of other grievous errors.


3. BGDA series was one of the last things that Interplay actually did right before their downfall.




BGDA1&2 were very successful. Pretty much as successful as the actual BG series weither you like it or not. Afterall, more than afew games have used its engine.




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2. Interplay couldn't keep anything because Herve pretty much didn't do anything right. Afterall, this is the one that screwed up a pretty much perfect relationshop with a fastly rising devloper like Bioware. Canceled projects repeatedly (FO3 was underdevelopment at leas2 times, if not 3, Torn, and others. Not to mention a host of other grievous errors.



And that's why Herve Caen must have his head put on a pike :-

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2. Interplay couldn't keep anything because Herve pretty much didn't do anything right. Afterall, this is the one that screwed up a pretty much perfect relationshop with a fastly rising devloper like Bioware. Canceled projects repeatedly (FO3 was underdevelopment at leas2 times, if not 3, Torn, and others. Not to mention a host of other grievous errors.



And that's why Herve Caen must have his head put on a pike :p

Fool! FOOL will save him!


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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1. It wasn't demeaning. Period.

Yet another well reasoned and backed point by the master of self-righteousness, Volourn. :p


2. Interplay couldn't keep anything because Herve pretty much didn't do anything right. Afterall, this is the one that screwed up a pretty much perfect relationshop with a fastly rising devloper like Bioware. Canceled projects repeatedly (FO3 was underdevelopment at leas2 times, if not 3, Torn, and others. Not to mention a host of other grievous errors.

So? If DA had been such a great sales success, you might think Herve would at least have had money to keep the licenses of the products that such a good result were giving him. But it's pointless to argue about this. Post some figures and prove me wrong. :shifty:


3. BGDA series was one of the last things that Interplay actually did right before their downfall.


BGDA1&2 were very successful. Pretty much as successful as the actual BG series weither you like it or not. Afterall, more than afew games have used its engine.

No, they weren't. They pretty much sucked as action games and there was no rp'ing element to speak of. The only appealing aspect could be the co-op mode, but even that got old pretty fast.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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"Yet another well reasoned and backed point by the master of self-righteousness, Volourn. "


No worse than your reasoning that simply because they were not RPGs that theyw ere demeaning. Lame. give me an actual good reason then there's actually soemthing worth discussing.



As for self rigthehousness, look at the mirror. Pot. kettle. Black.


"So? If DA had been such a great sales success, you might think Herve would at least have had money to keep the licenses of the products that such a good result were giving him. But it's pointless to argue about this. Post some figures and prove me wrong."


I see. You wanna play that game. You demand proof; but won't give it. I'm not gonna do research for you. i'm not your abbysitter. Whetehr you like it or not; the BGDA games were successful financailly. Period. Only an idiot or someone who wnats to be ignorant without doing research would say otherwise. Harsh words; but sometimes the truth is harsh.



"No, they weren't. They pretty much sucked as action games and there was no rp'ing element to speak of. The only appealing aspect could be the co-op mode, but even that got old pretty fast."


Opinion. Since youd ecided to share your opinion; I'll share my opinion. BGDA is one of the best action games ever. Period. You gave no proof to dispute this.




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"Yet another well reasoned and backed point by the master of self-righteousness, Volourn. "


No worse than your reasoning that simply because they were not RPGs that theyw ere demeaning. Lame. give me an actual good reason then there's actually soemthing worth discussing.



As for self rigthehousness, look at the mirror. Pot. kettle. Black.

It doesn't matter what I say, you will just not accept it. I already stated why using a brand name to sell inferior quality products demeans the brand, but you just say 'no, end of thread', so there's no point in arguing with you. I'm not about to start now.


"No, they weren't. They pretty much sucked as action games and there was no rp'ing element to speak of. The only appealing aspect could be the co-op mode, but even that got old pretty fast."


Opinion. Since youd ecided to share your opinion; I'll share my opinion. BGDA is one of the best action games ever. Period. You gave no proof to dispute this.

Can you dispute they completely lacked a role playing element? No, you can't. Hence they sucked as RPGs.


They were action games. Prince of Persia and GTA were both action games too. They were both infinitely better, and those are just two that came off the top of my head. Mostly any action game was better than DA. Repetitive action, repetitive gameplay, repetitive monsters. Suckage. Point proven.

I'm going to try this myself:


End of Thread



- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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"It doesn't matter what I say, you will just not accept it. I already stated why using a brand name to sell inferior quality products demeans the brand, but you just say 'no, end of thread', so there's no point in arguing with you. I'm not about to start now."


BGDA was not an inferior product. Period.



"Can you dispute they completely lacked a role playing element? No, you can't. Hence they sucked as RPGs."


Really? You played a role. Therefore, they don't complectely lack role-playing elements. Why are saying stuff that doesn't make sense?




"They were action games. Prince of Persia and GTA were both action games too. They were both infinitely better, and those are just two that came off the top of my head. Mostly any action game was better than DA. Repetitive action, repetitive gameplay, repetitive monsters. Suckage. Point proven."


POP was overrtaed. Played for a bit. Not horrible by any stretch of the imagination; but not as good as BGDA. TA is good. The enwer GTAs can be cosnideed better than BGDA; but not the earlier ones. You have yet to prove that BGDA suckst hough. Keep trying. It's nice to see you embarass yourself.


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Oddly enough, it is you who has a reputation for furthering absurd discussions with absurd reasons, ad nauseam. I have no intention of getting such a reputation for myself. Not because I care, but because you're not important enough to waste my time on you. You have proven to be utterly impervious to logic. Congratulations.


Good night, Volo. :p

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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"Oddly enough, it is you who has a reputation for furthering absurd discussions with absurd reasons, ad nauseam. I have no intention of getting such a reputation for myself. Not because I care, but because you're not important enough to waste my time on you. You have proven to be utterly impervious to logic. Congratulations.


Good night, Volo. "


Eh? So? This is like what? The 10th time sicne you joined the baords you said I wasn't important enough to waste time on? I hope you pass your will svae this time.


Of course, I never claimed to be important. It's you and others who always make it about me who inflate my importance.


I'm just another poster on the board. Don't worry about me so much.


See you tomorrow or at least your posts.


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BGDA sucked because the game play hours to money spent ratios was completely skewed. 12 hours on HARD for $50! It doesn't matter if it is an action game, CRPG, or whatever. If I am going to spend $50 on something, my first time run through of the game better be at least 25 to 30 hours long.


12 freaking hours just doesn't cut it.

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Like I would want to play a munchkin crap character like Drizzt. :(


Sorry, Ender, but I only count my first run through the game when it comes to time/money spent ratios. For a console game I have to have gotten 1 hour a game play for every $2 USD I spent for it be worth the money to even try the game out. PCs its 1 hour per $1 USD spent.


Since the bulk of console games aren't that long that is another reason why I don't play console games any more.

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