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Why can't life be more like RPG's?

Conspiracy Theorist

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So I'm walking through the mall the other day, after playing Kotor II for about 10 hours, and some guy bumps into me then swears at me ( I mean, I really wanted to bump him, i can't help myself *rolls eyes*. My first impulse is to equip Verpine prototype shield, and line up my force power attack, including some good ol' force choking. Of course i realized i was actually in r/l and apologized to the guy who continued to mutter all sorts of obscenities about me before going on his way. Now stuff like this doesn't bother me too much, it's life after all. And i'm probably rambling, but having unsuccessfully asked a 5th girl out, I'm starting to wonder what's going wrong. And despite what my earlier babblings might indicate, i actually have a pretty good social life. I go to parties, I'm involved in all sorts of school activities. So it's not like i'm some HS senior who hasn't left his parents basement in the past week. But it makes me wonder what life would be like if we could win "influence" with people, or use Jedi mind tricks. If you could use the force to influence people, what would you change? and my other question, which i hope is still on-topic even in the "way off-topic section" is: Any advice on what I could do differently to impress girls? I know some of you guys have girlfriends, probably most of you, and i know that there are some girls floating around here. Any advice?

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Sometimes I wish we had carpet in this house so I could drag my feet and zot TJ.


But seriously. My advice? Don't ever, ever, ever give up. There are times in life when you think that nothing good will ever happend, and that you'll never find Mr. or Ms. Right. I was close to giving up, and then I found my TJ Beast. And he was pretty persistent too.


And when that girl does say yes, just relax and be yourself. If she doesn't like you for who you truly are, then she's not worth it.

Proud purveyor, owner and operator of the Wonder Twins

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So I'm walking through the mall the other day, after playing Kotor II for about 10 hours, and some guy bumps into me then swears at me ( I mean, I really wanted to bump him, i can't help myself *rolls eyes*.  My first impulse is to equip Verpine prototype shield, and line up my force power attack, including some good ol' force choking.  Of course i realized i was actually in r/l and apologized to the guy who continued to mutter all sorts of obscenities about me before going on his way.  Now stuff like this doesn't bother me too much, it's life after all. And i'm probably rambling, but having unsuccessfully asked a 5th girl out, I'm starting to wonder what's going wrong.  And despite what my earlier babblings might indicate, i actually have a pretty good social life.  I go to parties, I'm involved in all sorts of school activities.  So it's not like i'm some HS senior who hasn't left his parents basement in the past week.  But it makes me wonder what life would be like if we could win "influence" with people, or use Jedi mind tricks.  If you could use the force to influence people, what would you change? and my other question, which i hope is still on-topic even in the "way off-topic section" is: Any advice on what I could do differently to impress girls?  I know some of you guys have girlfriends, probably most of you, and i know that there are some girls floating around here.  Any advice?

I had something similar with Fallout. Scary stuff. found myself thinking about my 'skills' and how high they were, and everything I did gave me 'XP'. And I also printed my charactersheet every day and discussed my progress with some friends who had the same 'condition'. When I realized how freaky this was I managed to get it out of my system, and decided to never let me get carried away so much with a game like I did with Fallout. Until now it has worked, but who knows... :ph34r:

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What really sucks is when you answer the phone using a greeting from a computer game because you type it so much. :)


Trying to "impress" girls usually ends up bad. Just act casual, and don't worry so much. Everyone finds someone eventually, and it may not be your time to find someone yet. If anything, just talk with 'em and get to know them better. Impressing gets you nowhere because they'll expect you to be like that 24/7, because that's the only way that they know you.


G'luck, man. Don't be so worried about your image.


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I think being natural, sweet, taking it easy and not worrying too much will get you far! :)


and DesertHawk .. good to see another hitchhiker fan!! I love those books .. :)


oh and the thing I want irl is the quicksave/load function ..

Fortune favors the bald.

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I'd love to have an "endless experience bug" in real life..


Oh, and about the girl problem: You only need to do two things to attract girls!


1) Be nice.

2) Look like Tom Cruise/Brad Pitt/Orlando Bloom/Whatever-hunk-that's-popular


Piece of cake!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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yeah, gaming groups are lots of fun...  speaking of table-top, anyone ever played warhammer or anything by games-workshop?


I used to play it a lot... even got myself a Necromunda gang... unfotunately, the time that Necromunda was released was also the time I relocated to a place with no GW gaming groups in the vicinity. Never really picked up the hobby again, only playing rarely after that. Got myself a 20000 (yes, thats twenty thousand) point epic (2nd edition, not the new crap version) ork army, a 15000 point 2nd edition Wh40k Imperial Guard army (now gathering dust), plus misc. imperial agents (my militant nuns rock). Oh, and three fair sized Warhammer fantasy armies, undead (before they got wrecked by the split into vampires and mummies), lizard men (when they still looked like mean lizards) and the latest one I started collecting, a Dark Elf army (not really for gaming, just collecting and painting). Spent a lot of time and money on that hobby from 1985 to 2002... :-"


For some reason, I never got into the Blood-Bowl thing, it was just too weird.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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