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cant beleive artis becomes darth treya and she was the leader of the academy on telos. i think artis was always the dark lord it makes sense because the sith would have bombed that place so she was probably trying to corrupt them. and if you think about it they gave tons of hints the banner on the site and those to fighting eachother representing the inner battle between good and evil it's almost as big as a slap in the face than that revelation movie. this is not as big as the reven thing which didn't surprise me although i might have figurerd it out if i played i was sertinatly not expecting that though who ever came up with that should be a movie director and by the sounds of things obsidian you guys made a kick ass game to bad the pc version couldn't come out soner alwell atleast it will be better everyone who doesn't think this game is owseum there nuts and gamespot and ign are even more nuts.


Atris is not Darth Treya, Atris just fell to the darkside by studying the Sith artifacts to preserve knowledge of the Sith and Jedi...

Kreia is Darth Treya, she's the third Sith Lord...


Lord Satasn,


Is this confirmed.


** Spoiler warning for anyone else reading this thread **



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  Lord Satasn said:
Atris is not Darth Treya, Atris just fell to the darkside by studying the Sith artifacts to preserve knowledge of the Sith and Jedi...

Kreia is Darth Treya, she's the third Sith Lord...

does Atris return to the light side or do we have to kill her

  sinister_sith said:
  Lord Satasn said:
Atris is not Darth Treya, Atris just fell to the darkside by studying the Sith artifacts to preserve knowledge of the Sith and Jedi...

Kreia is Darth Treya, she's the third Sith Lord...

does Atris return to the light side or do we have to kill her


You get that choice near the end.

  • 6 months later...

Or you can make stay imprisoned with her True Sith Holocrons...


You should have seen her when I told her to stay with her creepy holocrons...it seems even worse than killing her.


"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

Or you can make stay imprisoned with her True Sith Holocrons...


You should have seen her when I told her to stay with her creepy holocrons...it seems even worse than killing her.


Yes, that is most evil option. :huh::) Often times it is more of a punishment to force people to live with pain and suffering than it is to outright kill them.

  anubis said:















cant beleive artis becomes darth treya and she was the leader of the academy on telos. i think artis was always the dark lord it makes sense because the sith would have bombed that place so she was probably trying to corrupt them. and if you think about it they gave tons of hints the banner on the site and those to fighting eachother representing the inner battle between good and evil it's almost as big as a slap in the face than that revelation movie. this is not as big as the reven thing which didn't surprise me although i might have figurerd it out if i played i was sertinatly not expecting that though who ever came up with that should be a movie director and by the sounds of things obsidian you guys made a kick ass game to bad the pc version couldn't come out soner alwell atleast it will be better everyone who doesn't think this game is owseum there nuts and gamespot and ign are even more nuts.


A couple of questions:


1-What is a "sopiler".


2-Who is "artis" and why did I never come across this character in any of my play throughs.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  Cassidy said:
sniff sniff.... what's that smell? Oh, the distinct smell of smartass in the air.....


It's the only way to respond when the post is so poorly written and contains so many gramatical and spelling errors. It would almost be a crime not to respond in a smartass way because it would encourage more people to spell like a monkey at a keyboard.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  GhostofAnakin said:
  Cassidy said:
sniff sniff.... what's that smell? Oh, the distinct smell of smartass in the air.....


It's the only way to respond when the post is so poorly written and contains so many gramatical and spelling errors. It would almost be a crime not to respond in a smartass way because it would encourage more people to spell like a monkey at a keyboard.


Yeah but it was sort of funny. :) I've seen posts that were a lot worse (look on the bright side, at least it was all in english), it's no reason to snap. Although the mental image I get from "monkey at a keyboard" is kind of humorous. ;)


As for Kreia, of course she doesn't care if you're lightside, so long as you stop the Sith. Kreia isn't even evil herself. If you care to hear my somewhat long-winded explanation, check out the "Was Kreia Evil" Thread


... Spell Check should be forced upon users of this forum.



Whoa Whoa. Don't "hate" on the Revelation Movie, it's a great Independent Film with nice animations. I do agree, the acting was weak and made me want to slice my wrist... two times, but other than that it was a good movie.


How about you try to make a movie.

  GhostofAnakin said:
  Cassidy said:
sniff sniff.... what's that smell? Oh, the distinct smell of smartass in the air.....


It's the only way to respond when the post is so poorly written and contains so many gramatical and spelling errors. It would almost be a crime not to respond in a smartass way because it would encourage more people to spell like a monkey at a keyboard.


I'm not saying this is the case, but did you ever stop to think that just maybe, english is a second language for this person and they are still learning? I'll agree, there were many many spelling and grammar errors in the post, but I don't think we should point them out, especially if we can understand what the person was saying. o:)

  Cassidy said:
I'm not saying this is the case, but did you ever stop to think that just maybe, english is a second language for this person and they are still learning? I'll agree, there were many many spelling and grammar errors in the post, but I don't think we should point them out, especially if we can understand what the person was saying. o:)


I doubt that to be the case. Most non-English speaking forumers actually have MUCH better spelling and grammar than English speaking, mainly because they go out of their way to "speak" properly. It's usually those whose first language is English that tend to "butcher" it.


So while my comment may or may not be harsh, it's one of my pet peeves when someone who, I presume, has grown up with the language, butchers it so badly all because "tehy r on teh intarweb n dun hav 2 speel good". Especially when the spelling and grammar is to the point where it takes away from the post and instead of thinking "hmm interesting point" I'm thinking "I loathe the school system that allowed him/her to pass this far".

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


I was under the impression that whichever one decided to take the role or who was more powerful would be Darth Traya. Because after you

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Kreia says that she will take the role because there must always be a Traya. o:)

  Cassidy said:
But from the dialogues I am led to believe that Atris herself can become Darth Treya, though I've never had that happen.


Yeah, in the strategy guide(no I didn't need it to beat the game) it shows an evil Atris and shows the Exile fighting her and you can clearly see "Darth Traya" above her in the screen shot.

  GhostofAnakin said:
  Cassidy said:
I'm not saying this is the case, but did you ever stop to think that just maybe, english is a second language for this person and they are still learning? I'll agree, there were many many spelling and grammar errors in the post, but I don't think we should point them out, especially if we can understand what the person was saying. o:)


I doubt that to be the case. Most non-English speaking forumers actually have MUCH better spelling and grammar than English speaking, mainly because they go out of their way to "speak" properly. It's usually those whose first language is English that tend to "butcher" it.


So while my comment may or may not be harsh, it's one of my pet peeves when someone who, I presume, has grown up with the language, butchers it so badly all because "tehy r on teh intarweb n dun hav 2 speel good". Especially when the spelling and grammar is to the point where it takes away from the post and instead of thinking "hmm interesting point" I'm thinking "I loathe the school system that allowed him/her to pass this far".


You do have a point, and like I said, I wasn't saying that it was the case here, just a possibility. But I tend to agree with you, though I still generaly wouldn't point it all out just to be an ass. :-"

  Dark_Lord_Revan said:
Yeah, in the strategy guide(no I didn't need it to beat the game) it shows an evil Atris and shows the Exile fighting her and you can clearly see "Darth Traya" above her in the screen shot.


I think one of the devs commented that that was the original plan, but they nixed it and thus I don't think Atris is meant to be thought of as Darth Traya in the final story.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


I think the telos final area was kinda slapped together because in the extra stuff people have found there a wav of Atris giving Kreia's speeches. I think that either early on you would convince Atris to follow you or Kreia wouldn't betray you and you would fight her at the end.. basically kreia and Atris would swap spots

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

  Dark_Lord_Revan said:
  Cassidy said:
But from the dialogues I am led to believe that Atris herself can become Darth Treya, though I've never had that happen.


Yeah, in the strategy guide(no I didn't need it to beat the game) it shows an evil Atris and shows the Exile fighting her and you can clearly see "Darth Traya" above her in the screen shot.


Do you happen to know how to get that? Or is this like your Atton says thing? I still haven't gotten that to play.

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