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That depends on whether this is rectified for the PC version.


How did the lags during battles compare between the XBox and PC versions in KOTOR I? I never really had any trouble on my PC (a couple of slowdowns when there were a bunch of people fighting, like on Kasshyyk when my party was ambushed by those 3 Mandalorians), but I never played the XBox version to compare.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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The X-Boxer's have been owned severly


I would just like to take this time to call a toast to PC users and our superior processor speed :D

I played KOTOR1 on the PC. At the time, my computer was as good as it gets in PC gaming. There were many times on Dantooine that I lagged in battle. Especially with all the Kath Hounds around. It is not just a console thing.

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Never had a single problem with performance issues on my PC version of Kotor...


Og course, I also managed to play all the way through the game the first time with all frame buffer effects off :o


Played through it 6 more times with all effects on as well as a 1280x1024 resolution. I tried higher resolutions, but it didn't improve the looks, so I switched back.


Loading times were not noticable at all.


The only technical issues the engine gave me were two cutscenes that crashed the game to the desktop. Trial and error revealed the resolution to be the problem. Changing to 800x600 during those two particular scripts solved that. Mildly annoying but not overwhelming.


If Kotor2 performs similar, or at least not significantly worse, I'll be a happy gamer.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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At a time I had lag. I have no idea where it went (maybe it poofed when I did a massive day of getting rid of spyware?) but thankfully it means that KOTOR is running much faster.


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The X-Boxer's have been owned severly


I would just like to take this time to call a toast to PC users and our superior processor speed :D


"I specifically bought an xbox for this game because I didn't want to wait till Feb. If I would of known about these issues I would of waited."


Serves him right, traitor. :p

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I had KotOR for both, PC and XBOX.. For the PC i never experienced lag, crashes or anything of that nature.. and that was on a high resolution, and graphics selection.. but on the XBOX it did have on occasion, problems where it lagged, mainly on the Star Forge, and in Dantooine..


So for this version i have chosen to get the PC version because i have more guarantee, seeing as this game uses the same engine that it will be presented better.


Go my PC! Woohoo!

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I run KOTOR on my laptop, and it's doesn't have that great specs (decent, but not great). I can run it with reasonable graphics pretty well (but for some reason I can't have grass effects turned on, or else the graphics get WAY screwed up. Poor Dantooine :)). Only every once in a while, in very big battles, does my framerate decline. The only real consistent place of FPS decline was upper city Taris, due to the many people, many big shiny buildings, and all that other stuff going on in the background. Also, sometimes Mannan would get a little choppy. But it never gets very bad, and it's never for very long.


Plus, the rare crash, but it's never been often enough to make me mind a whole lot.

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I played on my PC 1024x768 all efects on (incl grass and soft shadows), 4xFSAA, 8xAF - absolutely no problems, frame speed at 25-30Hz. But my PC was designed to have the highest possible compatibility between different components.

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If you guys are wondering slowdowns occured all over not just during combat. There were quite a few slow downs on Peragus and the occasional one here and there. There are a few places where you'll be fighting 15+ enemies at once in a congested area THAT got it down to about 1 fps.

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One of the worst spots for slowdown Taris for my pc, specifically the cantinas with the colored lights.  Why a couple, (not even a lot), of lightsources in such simple geometry causes the game such problems I'll never know.



I experienced a little fps drop on Taris as well. But nothing serious. =)

As for the light sources: the of them more need to be calculated simultaneously the more it will devastate your fps -on a slow GPU. GeForce2/Radeon 7500 pro have no problem with 2 lightsources at once, but that depends on how many other effects it must calculate at the same time.



If you guys are wondering slowdowns occured all over not just during combat. There were quite a few slow downs on Peragus and the occasional one here and there. There are a few places where you'll be fighting 15+ enemies at once in a congested area THAT got it down to about 1 fps.


On the X-Box version I presume...? Throw a few grenades to decimate enemies fast, I guess. :ok!

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I just wish people would stop saying it didn't work or worked on their PC.


A PC can be very different, so people should at least tell what processor, the amount/type of RAM and what graphic card they use.


It did work perfectly (almost, since I had just like everybody else the known bugs :) ) on a Athlon 1800+ with 1G SDRAM and a GFORCE4 MX440.

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Spook, the amount of memory and frequency is not important for a game to run without freezes/crashes. What is important is compatibility between different parts: mainboard, chipset, video card, HD. Just one single bit not transfered correctly between all these parts (and the rate of transger is many billions per second) and your computer crashes.


In general, if the bug is freeze/crash/restart, the reason is in the hardware.

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I just wish people would stop saying it didn't work or worked on their PC.


A PC can be very different, so people should at least tell what processor, the amount/type of RAM and what graphic card they use.


It did work perfectly (almost, since I had just like everybody else the known bugs  >_<  ) on a Athlon 1800+ with 1G SDRAM and a GFORCE4 MX440.



It worked perfectly on a downclocked athlon @1Ghz + 640MB RAM + GF4MX (fair retailer replacement because my old GF2Pro "died"). then I could play fluent with medium resolution+2AA in 800x600 and 32bit, with all other effects turned off.


On a 1.3Ghz + 640MB RAm+GF5900XT you can play in 1024x768 and 32bit with all effects enabled and AA,AF everything on maximum (though you don

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Spook, the amount of memory and frequency is not important for a game to run without freezes/crashes. What is important is compatibility between different parts: mainboard, chipset, video card, HD. Just one single bit not transfered correctly between all these parts (and the rate of transger is many billions per second) and your computer crashes.


In general, if the bug is freeze/crash/restart, the reason is in the hardware.




As I posted earlier it may be a cooling issue. Especially the northbridge is not often considered for this. A hardware component may move a bit over the years. So you should open your tower from time to time and look in there and clean the dust up.


Another thing are the drivers. I installed the lates whql drivers for my geforce under win2k---and I got lots of texture bugs in several games-or those game did not start at all OR when using the DirectX diag tool it would freeze on direct draw and/ direct3d.. Even with the latest service pack installed. The I downloaded and installed the Omega drivers...and voila: everything works just as it should be! No texture bugs, lighting and framerates perfect.

Go figure...

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Spook, the amount of memory and frequency is not important for a game to run without freezes/crashes. What is important is compatibility between different parts: mainboard, chipset, video card, HD. Just one single bit not transfered correctly between all these parts (and the rate of transger is many billions per second) and your computer crashes.


In general, if the bug is freeze/crash/restart, the reason is in the hardware.


Or the source coding...

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As for the light sources: the of them more need to be calculated simultaneously the more it will devastate your fps -on a slow GPU. GeForce2/Radeon 7500 pro have no problem with 2 lightsources at once, but that depends on how many other effects it must calculate at the same time.


Well, my 9600 Pro, overclocked, really doesn't have that much of a problem with multiple lightsources, and I counted once and there weren't exactly a lot there. Most spots of Doom 3 run faster than that place....


As for complaining about it not running on various computers, that's kinda their job you know? It said on the box, works with such and such graphics cards, and so then they have to deliver. Now in our modern little future world of joy we have these things called standardized device drivers which take a lot of the possible incompatibility problems and throw them out the window. It should be not such a big deal to have one's game work on most hardware. There are always little glitches here and there, sometimes such and such brand has a little problem or whatnot, but really, this is the only game I've seen that has such horrible issues with one type of hardware, and it is completely and totally unacceptable.

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