Product of the Cosmos Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 A note to any non-American: Please do not judge all of us here in America as our leadership seems. As many of us are very discontent in America about our leadership, and how much does THAT suck sometimes... . Let me tell you. Here's how it is for a certain group of Americans: Our leadership is ****ing NUTS! We have a group of people(whom I do not call terrorists) called terrorists by our own government wanting revenge on our crazy ruthless piece of **** hierarchy, by targeting our financial infrastructure(with us, the citizens as 'collateral damage') trying to bleed our nation as they did Russia quite successfully. In which they are trying to kill me but I can see their point of view more then I can see my own leaderships point of view, both being rather siding with death suffering and destruction, which I do not support. Get called a "bitchass American" by some foreigners who are just as discontent with my countries leadership as I am, but took the same hate route that continues the dysfunction in America. We are called 'unpatriotic' or "anti-American" from the sheepish idiot Americans, in which we get called the energy they are by foriegners at times. We are brutalized by police here when we want to voice our discontent in our country! We are moral so not many of this type would be incredibly rich in America, as backstabbers, polluters, and criminals advance to the top more often then not here. We watch our children grow up in some crappy school in a molded synthetic somewhat insane society. We break our backs working living paycheck to paycheck supporting a family dealing with life, growing ourselves, and decyphering the bull**** so it doesn't harm us or our good family here on planet Earth. We are the backbone of this country that black slavery once was. And we are the people that will change this country, and in effect change this world when the time comes... So think about the diversity in America before you generalize or like, jump some American walking down the street of your country at 2:30am. lol.
Product of the Cosmos Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 taks said: Darque said: why on earth are you using blue text? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> impossible to read if you've chosen the black background as i have... oh wait, do we even have a choice? i should check. darque, if you haven't figured out PoTC by now... taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll take any taks reppellant I can get!
Oerwinde Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 random evil guy said: but here is a question for you; why is canada so similar to the western europe, while the us is a lot more conservative? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can answer that. During the American revolution, all the people loyal to Britain were kicked out of their homes, ridiculed, sometimes tarred and feathered, some had their homes burned, and most had their possessions siezed. This kinda led to a resentment of america and what it stood for, and since most of these people settled in Canada after being kicked out of the US, it kinda stuck. And until the collapse of the British Empire, it was our biggest and closest friend and ally, so we took after them rather than the US. Hell Kitty said: The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.
@\NightandtheShape/@ Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 ~Di said: @\NightandtheShape/@ said: Di on the rampage I see..... Here we go again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A rampage? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's a good thing trust me. Think of it as yourself swinging one proverbial psychic axe. "I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me
@\NightandtheShape/@ Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Product of the Cosmos said: Hick towns=more bigoted views and low IQ's. lol <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I lived in a hick town for a while... Oh my were they ignorant people! Your comment rings true. "I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me
Oerwinde Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 @\NightandtheShape/@ said: Product of the Cosmos said: Hick towns=more bigoted views and low IQ's. lol <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I lived in a hick town for a while... Oh my were they ignorant people! Your comment rings true. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, I did too. We had a gay/lesbian choir perform once, and people in the front row peppersprayed them. I mean what kind of sick **** buys tickets to a performance just to assault the people giving it? Hell Kitty said: The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.
newc0253 Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 what's with the idiot using spoiler text? someone tell him to stop. on second thoughts: why don't all of you stop? don't you all have class to go to? yes, four more years of bush is bad, but the US and the world survived 8 years of reagan and 5 of nixon. the sky is not actually falling. dumber than a bag of hammers
Product of the Cosmos Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 taks/Cosmos said: my responses in blue PoTC's quotes in bold... quote thing didn't want to work, not sure why. Bush got roughly 25% of the USA peoples vote. The main section of his voters are blinded by a 2 party system. uh, 30%, actually. 200 million eligible voters or so. under 18 can't vote... taks, There is something called efficiency.. And when I write I use it sometimes for managing time, and so people don't read much if any more then they have to, to 'get the jist'. And so if I have something to get to, I can get to it quicker. If I must walk you through I will do so I guess... 20% of raw America voted on Bush. 30% of eligible voters voted for Bush. I gave it 25% and said roughly. I grant you access to understand(lmao). The Bush admin has used fear for their advantage, the more fearful a person in the USA is, the more likely their vote goes for Bush. ? afraid of what? oppressive taxes, tomb to womb welfare state (thanks di) endless catering to the smallest of minorities, public education??? yeah, i'm afraid of those things... mostly because THEY DON'T WORK! Terrorists. lol.. Where have you been Same with religion. The more religious someoen is here, the bigger chance they support Bush. Just like most dictators-evil kings etcetc in the past, Bush is using the religion card to gain sheep to follow him. i'm an atheist. uhhhh.. And your not 290+ million people are you.. lmfao. Not to mention Kerry was not a good candidate, or at least didnt do **** of a job making himself out to be one until the debates. That hurt him alot. aha! a statement i can agree with. kerry could NEVER have made himself into a good candidate. uhh, yep. lol Then we have the possibility that Bush didn't even get the majority of the vote or the needed electoral college votes. Die Bold CEO, the largest electronic voting system used on election day, has been noted to support Bush in every way attending high $ plate party fund raisers at Bushs 'ranch' bunker, and they have no paper trails! good god, it's a conspiracy i tell you! wait a minute... still banging the same drum are we? get over yourself. you aren't even original. i can find better conspiracies on the web... oh wait, that's where you get this from, isn't it? lol. I was discussing the topic at hand with the facts I know. Is that threatening you somehow? lol Republican Bush supporter makes the voting machines with no paper trails. you're right, over 100 million votes to cast and dozens of positions to vote for (as well as other measures)... we should still be hand counting them. good call there. wake up to the digital age buddy. the very same technology that provides this portal will be increasingly prevalent in our lives. it is unavoidable in a society this complex and this large. It should have a paper trail. No paper trail=no records, no records=its all up to the software(BETA SOFTWARE WAS USED LMFAO! probably the fall back if they got caught ). Republican in Ohio(the key state which won the election) sets Die Bold as one of the electronic voting machines used in Ohio. gasp! oh my, we're doooooomed. evidence please... evidence. uhh, Im not proposing a federal court case here taks. Not conclusive at all, just food for thought. Republican wins the election. uh, yeah. opponent not good remember... Yeah, I never said the election was a scam for sure. But it does seem to line up to some bigger probailities. Republicans stunning the nation with just about every vote they were watching went their way. an increasingly conservative state... however, most conservatives aren't. they just run under that moniker. lol In my state, Oregon, where assisted suicide, abortion, and medical marijuana is legal,turned down gay marriage as legitimate?!?! This reeks of foul play IMO. ut oh, who did poopies? four completely unrelated concepts, btw. not really all that amazing. homosexuality is one of the few remaining "fears" in our society. people just don't like it. sorry to those that are gay, but them's the facts. is it right? probably not, but i don't really care. IMO, nobody has the right to marry. it's not in the constitution. the fed should get out of the biz... I agree get out of the biz.. lol. But no they are not 4 completely different subjects in the way I'm talking. Those are very liberal non-evangelical points of view. Poll the people who voted to ban gay marriage and see how many vote yes on those things, I'd giveit about 4% of them would vote to legalize ANY of those topics. So yes they do tie together. Im just giving my point of view, and that outcome really shocked me about Oregon. Either I majorly misjudge my pupils here in Oregon or there was a fraud. I'd give it maybe a 70/30 chance, 70 being my misjudgement here in Oregon as die bold wasnt as big here, and this is a liberal state. But its still a lingering question for me. Many have called me crazy or a conspiracy theorist for bringing that point up, but that just doesn't seem quite right to me..... nothing seems "quite right" to you and quite frankly, it's pretty old. won't question your ridiculous ideas? lol I get this energy from you taks: you just spent time questioning them.... But to answer your question yes and no. By my philo, everything is meant to happen so anything that happens is right.. But when it comes to linear fasion. Yes, I am a perfectionist for one. And as for conspiracy stuff, look into your planet and people. You will find many things if you find certain bits of elusive truth here and there. And once you have accumulated enough info first hand the chance of conspiracy for just about anything goes up as we are a very devious people at this time. Ya... Well you see Americans(least the ones that vote, on either side) are largely (political) idiots.. lol. And they are easily influenced by the media. For many it's hard to see easily logical things because of their blinding idiocy provided by the media here. all this nonsense and you're qualified to be judging logic??? how many times do i have to point out logical flaws in nearly every one of your arguments? the general population may be influenced by the media, but you take the cake for being influenced by every nutjob site claiming some new theory that's sure to prove "the conspiracy." taks lol. I debunked any flame or arguement you had pretty well right now... And you dont know me, my sources of thought, or my life. Pretending you do is kind of, well, you know, ignorant... <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nick_i_am Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Dakoth said: Everyone is happy to have america as a friend if they need something or have something to gain, but as soon as America looks for help and there is nothing to be gained our so called friends turn their backs on us. Just like America helped us dueing both world wars 1 and 2 before their own interests were threatened. haha, right. (Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)
Product of the Cosmos Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Nick_i_am said: Dakoth said: Everyone is happy to have america as a friend if they need something or have something to gain, but as soon as America looks for help and there is nothing to be gained our so called friends turn their backs on us. Just like America helped us dueing both world wars 1 and 2 before their own interests were threatened. haha, right. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Uhh more like until theiur own interests in profiting off Nazi germany were met Thats how Grandpa Shrub Prescott Bush made his fortune. Selling Nazis supplies...
Product of the Cosmos Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 taks said: uh, you missed something. clinton didn't get busted for having sex buddy. he got busted for lying under oath. a felony, mind you. good traits in a president, don't you think? lie under oath. really good example that i'm sure your enlightened euro-mind can respect, nay, admire. This coming from someone who says the Bush admin criminal charges are nothing worth paying attention to. lol. Anyway, the Bush admin are very VERY good at manipulating words. Have a sub-note in your mind when you see their disclosures speechs etc. They imply things but dont fully impose them, so people believe something and are decieved but it's technically not a lie if taken under certain contexts. But Clinton overall was under major scrutiny by the federal government investigations. The FBI at one time I read had many dozens of field agents working on that case alone. If the Bush admin had a large scale investigation on them by an agency like the FBI, the laundry list would be so long it would outspan the CIA's FOIA mind control documents which are more then 18,000 pages. lol... Heck, in my spare time I have put together indicting cases on the Bush admin.. lol.. Just using search engines not the resources FBI or CIA have... taks said: oh boy, that really makes sense. at the very least, bush isn't killing his own people. of course, the rest of the world hates bush because he wasn't bribing them like saddam was. two for you, none for us. bummer. lol. What do you call 1,100+ deaths in Iraq? 9-11 incompetancies, pollution regulation getting lesser under Bush(uhh pollution causes cancer ya know taks), and whatever else. Ya, Americans are dying under Bush's decisions for sure. It's all an argument about how valid they are. Like..... Pollution? uhh, some say its good for the economy. lol 9-11? Ya he got the message planes were going to be used as bombs(and had his staff lie about it and hide it), but ya I guess he shouldnt have gave it some notice, or inform his terrorism czar about it.... lol.. But no his terrorism czar was "Out of the loop!" lmfao!!! Thats mismanagement and uhh, when ur the leader of the USA during 2001, when 9-11 comes around people die because of your mismanagement. Iraq? I guess some people think its good to get more in debt attack a threatless country and have to occupy it in bloody battles for years.. In the middle of a war on a completely different group, not oil-having dictators across the wor... err, middle east(Dictators in other nations dont bother Bush very much for some reason)... What about WW2? Americans were being killed with Bush-sold supplies by Nazis too. How about the first Bush? Americans died under him a lot too. Under his stints at heading the CIA, Vice President, and President, along with his various roles. Oh, and all these Americans dying, how about just PEOPLE, in this regard the Bush's have contributed to somewhere near 5-20 million people death's or more I'd estimate off a quick guess based on the last 50 years of family business by the Bush's.. And as for the Bush lies comment.. If you havent seen any by now, it's probably not worth the time to dig many up. But if your interested, study the 9-11 reports etc.. And see how many lies you can get out of them. lol. I've given you a lot to work on with Bush corruption. You always say 'nuthin to see here folks', or 'who cares if they were busted for fraud that doesnt prove anything'. lol. Or 'who cares they are tied to corporate scandals up the yinyang, its politics'. O_O or 'those nuclear reactors Rumsfelds former company sold to North Korea aren't significant at all' or 'those nuke detonators Halliburton while Cheney was CEO sold to Libya had double uses'. Or 'that criminal investigation Bush stopped that was happening on Cheney isn't significant' or 'George H Bush still recieving CIA breifings and being part of a weapons arms dealing group that sells weapons, and weapons companies to Middle Eastern foriegn nations isn't implicating'. or........ how long should I go on? lol.. We've debated this subject quite a bit here taks(sometimes I get you mixed with JN, so sorry if those are a mix between you and JN, lol your like collective thinkers ).... :ph34r: here is a duplicate of the thread I posted about Bush. And you come up with the same general jist everytime, as do I. I say 'look at this information' You and/or JN say 'rawrawraw stupid copy pasting conrpiracy theorist' .. 'nuthing to see here folks' lol..... I say 'sheep are dumb' You/JN attack me more and someone like dega reports the thread and its over... LMAO! Good times.
Vincent_Valashar Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Well, in the end Bush won and the US is going down the toilet. The division that Bush has caused with his polcies and his actions will not close and will not be sated. It will only become larger and their is nothing that can be done about it. I will never support Bush, his followers, or his vision of America.
Volourn Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Hahaha. Peopel call Amerikans stupid for voting Bush. Yet the world supposedly likes Hussein more than Bush. I think it is obvious which is stupid. It's also hilarious that Iraq - you know the country that the US supposedly destroy - like Bush more than Saddam and were actually split between Kerry and Bush winning. That says a lot. Quite frankly, the world is full of arrogant punks, and yes, the US is amongst the group. the only difference they cana ctually back up their arrogance and the world is plain and simply jealous. DWARVES IN PROJECT ETERNITY = VOLOURN HAS PLEDGED $250.
random evil guy Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 taks said: random evil guy said: maybe you misunderstood me; i fully agree. fed gov should get out of marriage and i think church should decide for themselves if they want to wed gay couples. however, as you said, "drop all this tax BS involved and let state contracts deal with the legalities...". the problem is, right now there are tax benefits if you're married... no, i fully understood you. you said you thought gays should have a right to wed, when in fact, none of us do. there really aren't tax benefits to being married, btw, and before bush, it was actually a penalty. the tax system is another issue, but in general, you should be able to claim anybody you want as a dependent if they are not working and you are supporting them. that gets rid of the federal need for marriage. Quote and how excactely am i forcing my views on others? maybe my support of freedom of speech and press are a thorn in the side of all those fascists out there... " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> by stating that you don't think the gov't officials should make decisions based on religion. you're forcing them to concede to your beliefs. people that have faith in anything use that faith as a guide. human nature. nothing wrong with supporting freedom of speech and press, but you have to remember that this extends to politicians as well even if their speech and/or beliefs are religiously motivated. the separation of church and state, btw, is actually a misnomer. read the constitution and you'll notice it does not explicitly state "separation of church and state." this is a key point and underlies what this clause is actually intended for. the intent is purely a catch-all so the government does not form a national religion. this clause is abused more than any... taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no, this is what i wrote: "christians want to ban gay marriage; why? because they don't like it. i, however, don't care. i think it's up to the churches to decide if they should allow gay marriage, gay priests and so on. however, i do think gay couples should be able to commit to their partner and recieve the same benefits as married, straight couples. you see the difference?" i said commit! never wed. by this i meant first of all civil unions, but if churches allowed gay marriage, then gay couples could get married. it's up to the churches themselves to decide wheter they want to wed gay couples... "by stating that you don't think the gov't officials should make decisions based on religion. you're forcing them to concede to your beliefs. people that have faith in anything use that faith as a guide. human nature. " -so i'm imposing my beliefs(which are basically none!) on others, by saying i don't accept legislation based on religion? excactely how? if religious people want to follow the bible, then fine. just don't force others to do the same...
random evil guy Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 taks said: Vincent_Valashar said: Its also one of the reason why I have a certain amount of disdain for the United States. Especially when its representatives seek to spout off religious rhetoric for the justification of their policies. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oh yeah, it's our current people that did that to the indian nation... good call there. showing some real clever thought on that one... give me a break. do you speak in anything other than rhetoric? taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the same argument could be applied to europe not supporting the us in iraq. it wasn't the current people that helped europe in it's fight agains the nazis...(this is not directed at you specifially, but to all those who said europe should have supported the iraq war, because of what the us did in ww2)...
Vincent_Valashar Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 My proposal is that the government gets out of marriage all together. tax each person individually and remove the marriage penalty/tax break all together. Have marriage be solely a religious affair and have abolutely no bearing on government actions or inactions. Of course that will never happen.
random evil guy Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 taks said: The Bush admin has used fear for their advantage, the more fearful a person in the USA is, the more likely their vote goes for Bush.? afraid of what? oppressive taxes, tomb to womb welfare state (thanks di) endless catering to the smallest of minorities, public education??? yeah, i'm afraid of those things... mostly because THEY DON'T WORK! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i take it you've never been to scandinavia...
random evil guy Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Oerwinde said: random evil guy said: but here is a question for you; why is canada so similar to the western europe, while the us is a lot more conservative? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can answer that. During the American revolution, all the people loyal to Britain were kicked out of their homes, ridiculed, sometimes tarred and feathered, some had their homes burned, and most had their possessions siezed. This kinda led to a resentment of america and what it stood for, and since most of these people settled in Canada after being kicked out of the US, it kinda stuck. And until the collapse of the British Empire, it was our biggest and closest friend and ally, so we took after them rather than the US. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ah, thanks. didn't know that.
random evil guy Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Volourn said: Hahaha. Peopel call Amerikans stupid for voting Bush. Yet the world supposedly likes Hussein more than Bush. I think it is obvious which is stupid. It's also hilarious that Iraq - you know the country that the US supposedly destroy - like Bush more than Saddam and were actually split between Kerry and Bush winning. That says a lot. Quite frankly, the world is full of arrogant punks, and yes, the US is amongst the group. the only difference they cana ctually back up their arrogance and the world is plain and simply jealous. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ah, yes. the jealousy card. how clever... "
Volourn Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Not clever; just factual. DWARVES IN PROJECT ETERNITY = VOLOURN HAS PLEDGED $250.
AlanC9 Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Sure; whenever some country gets to be too much more powerful than all others, there's a backlash. The question is how you manage it. Louis XIV blew it; the 19th century British were pretty successful. But it'll all blow over by the end of the century, when China surpasses the U.S.
Volourn Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 "the 19th century British were pretty successful." Did they? In the end they weren't. I'll say it ebfore; I'll say it again; while the US has done a lot of "naughty" things over the years; as far as Super Powers go; they are most definitely one of the most benign (relatively spekaing, of course). DWARVES IN PROJECT ETERNITY = VOLOURN HAS PLEDGED $250.
random evil guy Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 three of four bush supporters still believe in Iraqi WMD, al Qaeda Ties... hm, a bit disturbing really...
Volourn Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 I sure hope so. Iraq had WMDs, and they did have ties to AQ. Next. DWARVES IN PROJECT ETERNITY = VOLOURN HAS PLEDGED $250.
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