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Happy Voting!


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Your still wearing the paint, arn't you? :-



Sarjahurmaaja is not old enough to vote.


They probably employ those blond nordic babes to do the painting. That would explain the high voter turnout.


Sadly, no.

"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman.

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One thing I don't understand with the US election: Why do so many people have trouble voting? Why is there all the crazy confusing ballots? In Canada its a piece of paper that looks like this:


Name O

Name O

Name O

Name O


And you put an X in the circle next to the one you vote for. Not confusing. I suggest the US adopt this system to eliminate voter confusion.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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One thing I don't understand with the US election: Why do so many people have trouble voting? Why is there all the crazy confusing ballots? In Canada its a piece of paper that looks like this:


Name  O

Name  O

Name  O

Name  O


And you put an X in the circle next to the one you vote for. Not confusing. I suggest the US adopt this system to eliminate voter confusion.

Well after waiting an hour and a half in line, I

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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The President is the only nationally elected office on the ballot; so it's left to the good people of wherever to determine the best system for themselves by themselves. It's their own business how they go about voting.



Edit: Invectives, spittle, incoherence.

Edited by Nartwak
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well, as i predicted, there was NOBODY in my voting place. i got there at 2 or so and it was EMPTY :) in and out in 5 minutes or so. piece of cake. everybody rushed out this morning to avoid the crowds, and ended up creating crowds. leaving easy pickins for folks like me that had left thier IDs at work the night before...


oh, and btw, nartwak is right, there is no other national referendum on any ballot that i've ever heard of other than the president of the US. voting is a state thingy and each state has its own rules. the common rule, however, is that you must be a citizen and you must have registered 3 weeks before the election (i think 3). it's constitutionally mandated. registration is designed to prevent "vote early, vote often" mentality, though it is obviously not fool proof.



comrade taks... just because.

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There is also the senate and the house of representatives.  I am for a unified system that there would be less confusion.  We shouldn't have to have another Florida messing things up.

uh, hate to tell you but senate and house elections are state only, not national. folks in florida don't vote for colorado senators. they hold national offices, but they are state representatives.



comrade taks... just because.

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Name  O

Name  O

Name  O

Name  O

this is precisely what colorado ballots look like.


btw, before this turns into a "let's bash US voting methods" thread keep in mind one thing: in spite of the frenzied media coverage in florida for the 2000 election, the problems they had still fell under the stastical counting error of ANY form of popular vote. i.e. had ANY other state been subjected to as much scrutiny, we would have had the same problems there as well. it just so happened that florida is big and evenly split (nearly) so small swings had a big impact.



comrade taks... just because.

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They represent the state on a federal level, however.

uh, i said that... they're state representatives. but they are NOT voted on nationally. only the president is, which is precisely what we meant when we said "there is only one national vote."



comrade taks... just because.

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we had young'uns doing the process where i voted. well, relatively young (a few were in their late teens, however).


they asked me if it was my first time voting... i responded with "it is my first time today, why?" :)



comrade taks... just because.

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we had young'uns doing the process where i voted. well, relatively young (a few were in their late teens, however).


they asked me if it was my first time voting... i responded with "it is my first time today, why?"  :)



Ha ha!

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"vote KERRY!!!!!!! unless you want 4 more years of debt and war mongering."


Vote BUSH! Unless you want the World to Run the USA Instead of the President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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"vote KERRY!!!!!!! unless you want 4 more years of debt and war mongering."


Vote BUSH! Unless you want the World to Run the USA Instead of the President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why would the world want to run the president ? :lol:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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