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Happy Voting!


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Is this the sentiment of more Americans or is it just you?

If this is indeed the sentiment of a large minority of americans then why don't you vote third party? Even if third parties can't win if a lot of Americans did vote third party even if it was only in the house and senate election it would IMHO, as an outsider be the best way to send a message that you want our political system to change.



Frankly, alot of people decided to vote based on "the lesser of two evils".


Then you should vote third party, you're one of the american people therefore enough people like you are the only ones who would have a chance to give third party candidates a chance.

I must confess I don't understand you Americans on this point, but maybe that's because I live in a multiparty democracy but why for heavens sake would you vote for someone you would not want to see in office anyways?

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America won, 80% of the world lost.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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The logic is: To prevent the guy you REALLY don't want to see in office from getting there


edit: thats what some people thing, right or wrong


Voting for a third party seems like a bit of a wasted vote. It's probably even worse in Britain come to think of it. I'd much rather see the various opposition parties thrash it out beforehand to determine who was the opposition and then make it a two party election.


One reason the conservatives are likely to lose the next election will be that the moderate vote will go to the liberals and the right vote will go to Ukip BNP.


Has George won yet ? Or is this still based on projections ?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Ohio is said to have turned to bush because the elderly and Christians came out in record numbers. I would assume the elderly didn

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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I notice lots of people don't believe in deomcracy in this thread. Bottom line is even tkaing the EC aside, Bush has literally crushed Kerry in the Popualr Vote. The first president since his father to have 50%+ of the Popular Vote, and one of the highest percentages in a long while.


The problem with non Amerikans is they expected Amerikans to vote on their behalf and demanded it so. Quite frankly the world knows nothing about Amerika. I also find it funny that people try to imply that only stupid people vote for Bush. I call bullcrap.


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"increased terrorist attacks."


Funny. There have been zero terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11. WOWSERS!



"the economy will continue to wrosen"


You state that in spite of the fact that the economy has steaily improved over the last year. People seem to have udnerestimated the effect of 9/11 on the economy. WOWSERS!



"more jobs will get outsourced"


Tough. If Amerikans can't do the job; that's their problem. beside,s it wouldn't be different under Kerry. This has been trend for YEARS. Nothing new under Bush.



"we will get more Christian themed legislature passed"




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I notice lots of people don't believe in deomcracy in this thread. Bottom line is even tkaing the EC aside, Bush has literally crushed Kerry in the Popualr Vote. The first president since his father to have 50%+ of the Popular Vote, and one of the highest percentages in a long while.


Bush 58,286,937 %51

Kerry 54,766,544 %48


Crushed? Looks pretty close to me. People were saying yesterday, whoever wins, half of the country is going to be pissed off. And considering it's almost split evenly down the middle, it looks like that will be the case.

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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There have been many Americans since 9/11 killed by terrorists. Just because they haven't happen on US soil doesn't lessen them any. The economy has improved? Could have surprised me. Where I lve at things are just getting worse and worse. It has absolutely nothing to do with Americans not being able to do the job, it has to do with everything that companies can get someone else to do the job for less money and get a tax break out of it. Lastly, there needs to be a complete separation of church and state, and Bush and his buddies seem to lessen it. I don't want to live in a religious nation. I want to live in a nation governed by reason, not my religious fervor and emotion.

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Lastly, there needs to be a complete separation of church and state, and Bush and his buddies seem to lessen it.  I don't want to live in a religious nation.  I want to live in a nation governed by reason, not my religious fervor and emotion.

The funny and sad thing is I watched a Sunday morning preacher on tv this past week and all he was preaching for, was to get people to vote. Saying our country is going to hell with the gay marriages, abortion and removal of the church and state. He never said to vote for Bush or don

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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Gay marriage I don't have a problem with. If gays want to get married that is their business, not mine. For the abortion issue, its a woman's body and she has the right to do anything she wants to with it. If she wants to get an abortion in the second or third trimester more power to her. Its not my business. Lastly religion needs to be a private affair. Running around with "Jesus Saves!" banner is just annoying. In my own religious practice I keep to myself and not bother other people with it. Its between me and my God, and no one else.

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Gay marriage I don't have a problem with.  If gays want to get married that is their business, not mine.  For the abortion issue, its a woman's body and she has the right to do anything she wants to with it.  If she wants to get an abortion in the second or third trimester more power to her.  Its not my business.  Lastly religion needs to be a private affair.  Running around with "Jesus Saves!" banner is just annoying.  In my own religious practice I keep to myself and not bother other people with it.  Its between me and my God, and no one else.


Thats one of the negatives of living in a democracy. On the other hand it's unlikely that you will be imprisoned , tortured or shot by the government for your views . Which generally outweighs the negatives.


I used to tell people who whinged to me to bugger off and go live somewhere else. But I'm steadily running out of dictatorships...

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"Bush 58,286,937 %51

Kerry 54,766,544 %48


Crushed? Looks pretty close to me. People were saying yesterday, whoever wins, half of the country is going to be pissed off. And considering it's almost split evenly down the middle, it looks like that will be the case."


Yes, crushed. Bush has EASILY won the popualr vote. It was no contest.



"There have been many Americans since 9/11 killed by terrorists. Just because they haven't happen on US soil doesn't lessen them any."


Yes, in other countries. Most likely ebcause the terrorists are havinbg a much ahrder time cause havoc inside the states. Of course, that's not to rule out possible atatcks in the US within the enxt 4 years. Afterall, the US is a *huge* country so it wouldn't be that difficult to do some sort of attack.



"The economy has improved?"


Yes, in the last year or so it has improved.


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"Not where I live and where I live matters to me. Just because it improved in a back alley of Seattle doesn't mean it improved here in the Midwest. All I see are plant closings."


LOL Fair enough. At leats you admit to your selfishness. Never say again that you actually care about other people... just how things effect you. ;)


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