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Which Sith is which?

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So the 3 sith lords: Sion, Nihilis (Masked Guy) and the female one. Each Sith Lord represents one of the 3 sith prestige classes. (Lord, Maurader, Assassin).

So which Sith is which?


Looking at Nihilis he looks like the Lord. Just with the mask he looks like having Revans job.


Sion at first glance looks like the Marauder, being immune to most pain anyway. Although it has been said he is the leader of sith assassins- so is he the assassain class? He doesn't seem very stealthy. I think you would notice if a zombie guy was creeping around (Then again Shaun of the Dead didn't notice them. :lol: ).


Would this make the female the Maurader? I'd imagine the female as the assasain or possibly the lord rather than being an up-front fighter.


Or could Nihilis be the assassin? Most assassins hide their faces and he does have a mask and a black robe to blend into the shadows. Although that white mask would atand out a bit.....


So Which Sith is Which?

Marauder :angry:

Assassin :ph34r:

Lord :unsure:

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A)Was 3 confirmed?

B)Was it confirmed they'd all have one of the new classes? Yes it fits but that may not be the case.


But to go with question.


Sion I believe was said to be the leader of the Assassins.


Nihilis I'm going with Lord.


And the Female as the Marauder


But I'd like to see Ni and the Female switched.

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In an earlier article I thought it mentioned Sion as being the leader of the Assassins that were after you. But it was an earlier article and was far from official so who knows. Would rather see him as the Assassin the the female Sith but either way won't make a huge difference.

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:huh: I hope that:


* Darth Nihilis = Assassin

* Darth Sion = Marauder

* Female Sith= Lord


:rolleyes: I would hate to find out that:


* Darth Nihilis = Marauder

* Darth Sion = Lord

* Female Sith = Assassin

"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman.

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* Darth Nihilis = Assassin

* Darth Sion = Marauder

* Female Sith= Lord


Would be an interesting mix.


I would hate to find out that:


* Darth Nihilis = Marauder

* Darth Sion = Lord

* Female Sith = Assassin


Darth Ni's would work,can't say I want to see the other two.


But class doesn't matter as much as the actual character's depth.

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lol i've read many posts week ago that all say in certainty that Sion is the leader of the assassins...

Also nihilus is most likely the lord, i.e. he uses a mask

is main sith on boxart

the female is most likely the marauder then since that is the last option...

also i'd like to remind y'all that there isn't really a confirmed number of sith lords and that the fact that you can become one of the sith prestige classes (including lords) changes the number of sith lords based on how you play the game...

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Where it's true the Masked Sith/Darth Ni is shown a lot that doesn't have to mean he's the one in charge. You saw Vader a lot,had a mask,but he was more a field general for Pal. Might be that the Female Sith is in fact the one pulling all the strings. Or even someone we haven't seen yet.

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LOL funny, too bad it says nothing in there about a sith master... and vader was the best! what are you talking about?!?!

It's only logical that Ni is the main sith lord for the reasons posted before. and since its called THE SITH LORDS I think they would put the most important one and not a selkath or something instead...

Try using logic instead of insanity

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Who's on the covers to the OT? Vader.


Who was behind Vader pulling all the strings?Who was Vader's Master? Pal.


Does that mean Ni isn't a Sith Lord/the Leader of the pack? No it does not. Very well could be. But it's also possible he is not.

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Who's on the covers to the OT? Vader.


Who was behind Vader pulling all the strings?Who was Vader's Master? Pal.


Does that mean Ni isn't a Sith Lord/the Leader of the pack? No it does not. Very well could be. But it's also possible he is not.

This mean that Palpy is behind the Sith Lords in KOTOR 2, he was planning the fall of the Rebuplic for nearly 4000 years. :p

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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ugh I've had these 70 post forum fights before and im not really interested in doing it again.

All i have to say is that...

Vader was the strongest sith <<<<LORD>>>>

He was on the cover

Ni is on the cover

Ni is, logically, the strongest sith LORD ( at the time KOTOR2 takes place )


I am not talking about sith masters... and i doubt there is even a sith master in KOTOR2 or they would've called it The Sith Master instead of basing the game around a council of sith LORDS.

Now lets review some facts... from the title and every other piece of information it is 100% that there are sith lord(s) in KOTOR2

But there is no concrete info about a sith master, prolly 0% chance...

Here just to be nice ill give you a 1% chance of a sith master (keeping in mind there's a 1% margain of error)


All the facts and logic are against you... stop rambling about a sith master you have no proof of.


If you can make stuff up so can I...






There are green elves in KOTOR2 and if you follow them around they give you a holy hand grenade of antiark.

Do I have any proof of this? No... Can i make it up to drag on a pointless argument? Ye sure, but its immature in invalid...

I'm not posting anything else in this thread until you bring some proof to your side of the table.

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You're making far too much out of the terms Lord and Master. The title is Sith Lords because in the game the top Sith is a Dark Lord of Sith. In this case there happen to be more then one Lord,meaning very powerful Sith.


Just because there's a more then one Lord doesn't mean that one isn't calling the shots. And if you want to get official the little rule of two isn't even in play in this time frame so there does not have to be a Master for one to be calling the shots.


Not to mention that the Class is a RPG game mechanic,one that doesn't have to fit with the story exactly. As you so kindly pointed out the name is Sith Lords,meaning more then one. So no matter what RPG class they have they're still considered from a story line stand point,Sith Lords.


I've made nothing up and you should lay off the Red Bulls. You're a little hyped up. I never said Ni's class wasn't Lord nor did I state that he wasn't the one in charge. What I said was it was not confirmed that he was and as such it is possible he is not. The character being on the Cover simply shows that the character has a big role in the game. It does not make him the one calling the shots.


You got hung up on the words Lord and Master and missed the point of my example with the OT. There was a plot device used that showed Vader on the Covers and it gave the impression that Vader was more in charge then he was. Pal was in the background the whole time however pulling the strings. In that case it was Master/Lord set up. But just because that's not the case in the game does not mean the same kind of plot device can not be used to give off the impression to the player that the Masked Sith is the one in charge. And again as I've said,he very well may be.

Edited by SilverSun
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