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What did KOTOR 1 lack for you?

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For me it was the lack random encounters. Like i think that there should have been more people coming up to you for help/trouble. This could have injected much need life in the gameplay when you were travelling from area to area.


Also i think force persuade was not used enough. Like it should have been used in every conversation even with party members.


Anything else?

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its hard to play it a second time with what you know at the end. i just loaded the save where i chose light or darkside and played from there. i know they also made the enemies stronger the second time but i didnt really notice it. (eventually did play from the start again with mods)


i'd rather they give you a reason to play it a second time with new dialog options or revealing that you're revan early on instead of that late. and definitley take some of malak's ego away, he's weak and only became a sith lord through a cheap shot at revan. even using the entire star forge and all of his sith jedi and robots and whatever else he could find to throw, he still got beat.

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this isnt a dramatic change... it would still be the same game with the same quests but you dont have to play dumb about who you are. it wouldnt really take that much in the way of changes. just split up some of the voices recorded so you can replace certain parts when you're playing the second time through.


and it wouldnt hurt to let you kill the people who laugh at you when you say you're revan. what kind of sith lord lets a dude laugh at them?

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I didn't like the combat system, although I got used to it ..


or that you were limited to the ground .. As a Jedi I would feel the urge to jump very high from time to time .. :(


Nor the fact that the were little difference in DS or LS (except for the slaughtering of your teammembers).. and you were just a bully not really a Dark Lord!


That the alien languages only had a few lines which where repeated and with the same voice ..


you would meet the same face too many times!


And the fact that playing the game more than 3 times becomes VERY trivial ..



other than that I absolutely love the game .. ;)

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I think it was too easy to achieve profiency with dual sabers


Also I agree a couple more random accurances

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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The main thing that bothered me was there was no change in reaction really towards you even after you became fully LS or fully DS. The Jedi Council still agreed they should train you even if you were chalk white with veins popping out. The Sith students on Korriban attacked you even after you'd slain their two masters. Every Sith you met that acknowledged you were Revan, still seemed to follow Malak. Bit of variation in their attitudes depending on if you were DS or LS would have been nice.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Hail all!


1. Lack of replayability. KotOR's greatest strength was the fantastic storyline, but replayability suffers.


2. Love the controls! But would have liked to have a pan up/down function to see more of the scenery. It might have been there, but I didnt see it.


KotOR was one of the best RP games ever developed, so I definitely don't want to complain too much ;).


Take care all!


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Every Sith you met that acknowledged you were Revan, still seemed to follow Malak

Either the reward for killing Revan was to good, or they just believed (or forced to believe) Malak was stronger. Plus the punishment for treachery would be a scary prospect.....


So if the punishment for treachery was so much, why would they follow Malak, who had done the coward thing and attacked his master from behind, rather than Revan, who had never actually lost a fight to Malak?


If anything, if you were DS, they should have rejoiced that their true Sith master had returned and vowed to fight against Malak for being a coward and a poor Sith Lord.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I want exploration in every game I play, and KotOR had none of that. I love to walk around and explore and solve problems in my own pace. The best thing is when the world designers have been busy and have hidden a lot of stuff especially for thorough explorers like myself. I don't think many people found the hollow river stone in Gothic, for example.. (/brag)

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Unfortunately, not every gamer has the time, patience, or fanaticism to go search every single nook and cranny of every game they play.


That and KotOR wasn't meant to be Morrowind.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

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A bit more depth to the story. It was on the thin side. The romances were a bit silly. The NPC's could definitely use a bit more personality (IIRC, Juhani, Canderous and Jolee were the only ones with a "deeper" personality). I don't care much about flash and gfx, so that it ran on a 4+ year old engine architecture showed, but didn't annoy me particularly. The music was unevenly distributed quality wise. The supermarket background music on Manaan was just plain awful.


But the only thing that really irritated me, was that I was forced to switch class to a (beep) Jedi. There was no reason for the switch (except bad story). Even if you were Revan and the use of the force was easily reaquired, you (the new person) might be happy with your new identity and continue as you were. Tell the Jedi Council good riddance and head of to save/conquer the galaxy with your motley crew of henchmen :huh:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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1. Skills were utterly useless for my character.

2. Why anyone would want to use a blaster is beyond me. There's no benefit to using a blaster.

3. The jedi robes were pretty weak looking. There wasn't much variety in the looks department. The only variations were the stats and colors. Must have flowing robes.

4. More Exar Kun.

5. Different lightsaber hilts.

6. All the sith looked the same. I was tired of running into those jobber sith that always gave me the "Malak was most displeased" speech before I cut them down.

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