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Please make KOTOR 2 longer!

Was KOTOR too short?  

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  1. 1. Was KOTOR too short?

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i think that kotor 1 was really short but really really god i think that that the TSL and any upcoming star wars kotor games should be like a week long and you cuold go to like 15,20 planets thats just my opinion though oh and a really intriguing story line with a reaaly good twist

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Then you just suck, in more ways than one Craigboy.  I beat the game in 34 hours, going light side, and did all the quests as well.  It was too short for the money I paid.

Wow you just became a huge noob, i played the game 8 times(without out a walkthrough and i redid almost everything each time).


I did every thing i beat every pazak game, i beat the racing game, i did the arena, i explored almost every thing and did everything i could.

I played it 8 times, the first time it took me 65 hours to be completly finsh, and all the other times i spent around 40 hours.





So thats 345 hours of game play for 25 bucks.

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"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf

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If you want a race people, play burnout.

Yeah some people seem to be in such a hurry to play through a game. It's a role-playing game crying out loud! Take your time. There is no way people could finish the game in 20 hours doing everything in the game and listening to the dialog, no way! Even now after several playthroughs, I log around 30 hours and then I don

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Most of you who said it was too short Miss the Point. If it was 60 hours long the Casual gamer would not want to replay it and would not take advantage of chosing a diffrent path and prestige class. It would take me about 6 months cooldown after beatign a 60 game to have enough drive to replay it. And thats one of the factors they thought about when they made the game.

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i can't stand not finishing a game, even went it totaly sucks

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Then of course there is when you have a game that you do not finish and then you get a new game system and then years go by and you have gtten another new console and you never seem to go back to that one game...

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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I'm not sure how long my entire play throughs took, but judging by my save games just before the confrontation with Malek (which probably added another 3 to 5 minutes play time on), it ranged from 22 minutes to 34 minutes (my first play thru).


As has been stated, replay value is important, IMO, than length.  I'd rather have a game that is fun to replay over and over, but may be a tad short, rather than a game that seems to go on forever, but is painfully boring.


You beat KotOR in 34 minutes??????

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

Edited for content


"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud

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I'm not sure how long my entire play throughs took, but judging by my save games just before the confrontation with Malek (which probably added another 3 to 5 minutes play time on), it ranged from 22 minutes to 34 minutes (my first play thru).


As has been stated, replay value is important, IMO, than length.  I'd rather have a game that is fun to replay over and over, but may be a tad short, rather than a game that seems to go on forever, but is painfully boring.


You beat KotOR in 34 minutes??????

Yeah GoA is a MAD hacker.. and yet he tries to tell me im a power hungry gamer who wants infinite levels and a massive build up RPG... lol :p

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A casual gamer isn't necessarily unable to play a game that would take a hardcore gamer 60 hours.


A fun game is a fun game. If they can make a game that takes 100 hours to beat, but is fun the whole way through...casual gamers will still play through it.

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As long as the story was rich enough that it could be expanded, I'm all for a longer game. Especially if that would mean more character development and deeper explorations of their relationships and the study of the Force.


I'll be disappointed if this game is the same length as the original, especially since the devs said they wanted to make more sub-quests and more missions than part 1, then that means they'll be rather short quests and missions.


A long game isn't necessarily a bad one either, I had Baldur's Gate 2 installed over 6 months and I didn't even make it halfway through and I considered that a great game. I lost interest because I was playing co-op with a friend and after we couldn't get more time playing I didn't want to start all over again at that point. But I eventually will play it again and hopefully finish it.

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I think the first game had a good length, depending on the material it got.

There is no need to make a game loner just for the scope of it.

If you can insert more materila then yes, but otherwise it will be useless and would slow down the game making it boring in the end.

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He prays for their beauty not doom

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A casual gamer isn't necessarily unable to play a game that would take a hardcore gamer 60 hours.


A fun game is a fun game.  If they can make a game that takes 100 hours to beat, but is fun the whole way through...casual gamers will still play through it.

ehh.. i doubt it actually, most casual gamers never even picked up Mororwind because of its reutation.

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You could debate that Morrowind isn't a fun game all the way through though.


Most of the length of the game was because of the huge walking times, which isn't very fun IMO. People get turned off by the huge spans of time where you do nothing but go to a different destination.

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I'm not sure how long my entire play throughs took, but judging by my save games just before the confrontation with Malek (which probably added another 3 to 5 minutes play time on), it ranged from 22 minutes to 34 minutes (my first play thru).


As has been stated, replay value is important, IMO, than length.  I'd rather have a game that is fun to replay over and over, but may be a tad short, rather than a game that seems to go on forever, but is painfully boring.



You beat KotOR in 34 minutes??????


Geeze! I always make that typo!


34 HOURS! I don't know why I keep putting minutes whenever I talk about gameplay length. :p

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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We didn't say it was hard, we just said that your not fulling experiencing the game.

"Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir."

"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf

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KotOR was way to short.


First time (did LS and almost all party member quests and side quests but no Pazaack) 26hrs (I think or it might have been 24 hrs)


second time(did DS and all sidequests/party quests and did Pazaack, while reloading when losing to get maximum of credits to buy stuff to check them out :p ) 55 hrs



Pazaack was so bloody booring that I did not play the game again for 5 month. :lol:



Third time (LS, all quests, no Pazaack) 23 hrs


Fourth time (DS, all quests, no Pazaack) 21 hrs


The only thing that made the game last anything close to the 60 hrs one could expect from a RPG game was the side game of Pazaack that boored me to tears.

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