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ABC Miniseries....The Lost

Child of Flame

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Given the choice I'd take the despondent ex-Mrs. Jack over Michaels' ex any day.


So do you think all four of the shots fired by the others at Mike all went through his head, or do you think that some of them might have hit him in the chest?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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The point is there was no blood around the area of the shell casings. I like the dirty Santa theory. Maybe they are interferring with Santa's workshop. He's just trying to protect Christmas. It explains why they kidnap the kids.

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The point is there was no blood around the area of the shell casings.  I like the dirty Santa theory.  Maybe they are interferring with Santa's workshop.  He's just trying to protect Christmas.  It explains why they kidnap the kids.



Why would there be? The shell casing is not the projectile, its the casing that holds the gunpowder and is ejected from the breach.

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The point is there was no blood around the area of the shell casings.  I like the dirty Santa theory.  Maybe they are interferring with Santa's workshop.  He's just trying to protect Christmas.  It explains why they kidnap the kids.


TBH i only called him Evil Dirty Santa because thats what he looks like. Your take on the theory is interesting, maybe he is more like a Pied Piper type chracter.



The point is there was no blood around the area of the shell casings.  I like the dirty Santa theory.  Maybe they are interferring with Santa's workshop.  He's just trying to protect Christmas.  It explains why they kidnap the kids.



Why would there be? The shell casing is not the projectile, its the casing that holds the gunpowder and is ejected from the breach.


The shell casings were from Michael's gun so he was firing from the place they were found. If he was shot at that place there would have been blood in the area. My guess is he fired off 3 rounds and then moved on to chase what ever he shot at but never found it and was still looking and probably lost by nightfall - hence "Zeke" saying Mike wouldn't find The Others. Of course this could also mean he's dead.

Edited by Surreptishus
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The point is there was no blood around the area of the shell casings.  I like the dirty Santa theory.  Maybe they are interferring with Santa's workshop.  He's just trying to protect Christmas.  It explains why they kidnap the kids.



Why would there be? The shell casing is not the projectile, its the casing that holds the gunpowder and is ejected from the breach.


When someone gets shot, it tends to leave blood behind. The casings should be near wherever Michael was firing from. If Michael was hit, the blood would be there as well.

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The point is there was no blood around the area of the shell casings.  I like the dirty Santa theory.  Maybe they are interferring with Santa's workshop.  He's just trying to protect Christmas.  It explains why they kidnap the kids.



Why would there be? The shell casing is not the projectile, its the casing that holds the gunpowder and is ejected from the breach.


Ok, let's take this step by step.


You fire a weapon, the shell hits the ground, you're standing where the shells fall, if you get hit with a bullet, blood will flow, most likely where you're standing... thus if Michael got hit the blood would be where he was standing.. which would also be where he was firing... which would be near the casing.


Got it? :)

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Ok, let's take this step by step.


You fire a weapon, the shell hits the ground, you're standing where the shells fall, if you get hit with a bullet, blood will flow, most likely where you're standing... thus if Michael got hit the blood would be where he was standing.. which would also be where he was firing... which would be near the casing.


Got it? :)



Um, yes, hours ago from the other posters. But since we all want to nitpick, when you fire a round the casing doesnt dribble out of the gun and roll down you leg to lie perfectly at your feet, which coincidentally must be where all blood pools if you get shot. It flies several feet to your right.


Got it? :(

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Ok, let's take this step by step.


You fire a weapon, the shell hits the ground, you're standing where the shells fall, if you get hit with a bullet, blood will flow, most likely where you're standing... thus if Michael got hit the blood would be where he was standing.. which would also be where he was firing... which would be near the casing.


Got it? :(



Um, yes, hours ago from the other posters. But since we all want to nitpick, when you fire a round the casing doesnt dribble out of the gun and roll down you leg to lie perfectly at your feet, which coincidentally must be where all blood pools if you get shot. It flies several feet to your right.


Got it? :)


Well, since we're nitpicking, if you get hit by a bullet your blood doesn't just seep out in a line and fall into a nice clean pool :)


It splatters all over the friggan place, and most likely would have sprayed the area if he had been hit four times. They probably would have found meaty chunks too :)


So :)

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