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ABC Miniseries....The Lost

Child of Flame

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Even though you're a *ahem...Flames fan* I'll be glad to help you out. With my Bell Expressvu subscription and the extra buck a month for the newfie feeds I get Lost at seven o clock, although tonight it was 6:55. Its on the early ABC feed, as well as the CTV feed(s) as well. Then at ten it repeats. Its like that for most of the major networks.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I was all,"That's Walt on the computer!", and Ronto (my room-mate) was all, "B*tch, please.", and then it was Walt on the goddamn comp!



I'm, like, pychic.


Oh, wait, unless

that's not actually Walt on the comp, and it's just a trap set by the Others to lure Mike into a trap!



If that happens, I'd still be totally pychic for predicting it now.



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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pychic? :-


I agree with kumq's opinon of Kate's motive being stupid. She's just a stone cold killer, wassup wid all da krazy biches on da island?


Wouldnt the arrow station's tape have been different? The doctor/scientist guy had a different hairstyle for the spliced part too. Also why bother splicing anyway? why not just watch the whole other reel?


Good episode though.

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I'm wishing Christmas was in the summer so that all my shows weren't on hiatus.

First Smallville, now Lost, what's next? No more Bones/House on tuesday nights?


And I didn't really care too much for last nights episode except for the Mike/Eko/Locke bits. TBH, I don't really give a flying monkeys' ass about what Kate did anymore. I found her reasoning lame and the whole thing just brought me down. Maybe if that horse would have run through the camp and trampled Charlie maybe things would have been better... :thumbsup:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Of course they watched the fixed film. It talked about not trying to use the computer for anything other than entering the code. While the man in the coat was saying this it panned to Mike ( who was checking out the computer). Then the coat guy said something along the lines that the computer will try to trick you or some weird ass stuff like that just as Mikey seemed to get a hold of Walt on the terminal. Fade to credits and a nice six week wait... :-


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Gotta love it.


Two new cast members, two new drunk driving arrests.


Even though the actress who plays Libby is drunk and taking a prison photo, she still looks delicious to me.


They can leave the Ana Lucia actress in jail, imho. :p

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Although I'm inclined to think there's some nano business going on, the people at The Fuselage messageboards (the official Lost ones for JJ Abrams or whatever), the writers state there is no nano stuff going on.


Dunno, though, as I've not read the articles from which they have seen them state that ... so it's all 2nd hand to me!

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