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Rejected KOTOR2 subtitles

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Watch out for Revenge of the Slamdunk.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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KotOR2:  A New Slamdunk





Shhhh, that was supposed to fly under the radar. I'm trying to respect the Coffee Fetcher's authority. :)



















































KotOR2: The Slamdunk Menace

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KOTOR 2: KR 1 (Parody of Stargate SG1)

KOTOR 2: And the World of the Old Tomorrow

KOTOR 2: And the House of Sand and Fog

KOTOR 2: And the Temple of Superweapons

KOTOR 2: The Kath Hound King

KOTOR 2: Sith'Ari Bacon

KOTOR 2: The Undiscovered Empire

KOTOR 2: The Game

KOTOR 2: Yoda goes crazy and hides in swamp

KOTOR 2: Carth Onasi Pet Detective

KOTOR 2: The Days of Thunder

KOTOR 2: Wharhammer -5k

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