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KOTOR II Characters

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Empires can rise and fall in 3,000 years, and technology can certainly be lost. And along the topic of 3,000 year old guns, I though TotJ era guns were laser pistols, not blaster pistols. Did KOTOR goof in that?

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Empires can rise and fall in 3,000 years, and technology can certainly be lost. And along the topic of 3,000 year old guns, I though TotJ era guns were laser pistols, not blaster pistols. Did KOTOR goof in that?

There is NO evidence of cloaking technology in Star Wars universe except during the OT time (Empire).


Having cloaking ships is Star Trek and not Star Wars.

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I wonder what unique ability T3 will get.....he has potential if they just applied more effort than Bioware. :)

Maybe he could actually do stuff...


R2 had initiative. He had tenacity! But then again, he was an astromech droid... :unsure:


T3 should be able to actually help you and not just be the lamest of all droids with the possible exception of the walking garbage can!

"You shall not pass!"
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I wonder what unique ability T3 will get.....he has potential if they just applied more effort than Bioware.


Unless they add something that allows him to be more useful in a fight it's not really going to matter IMO. Every skill he had I could pick another character that could do as good or good enough. And whatever character I used was better in a fight then T3.

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Hopefully hanging out with HK-47 has tainted T3's outlook on organic meatbags. I would like to see a sassy more defiant T3 in KOTOR 2. Prehaps when you leave T3 behind he actually will follow your party which results in you having to rescue him or him rescuing you from a bad situation at the last minute.




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*cough* Rebel Strike II - Hidden Empire *cough*


And what about Cloakshape Fighters in the TIE vs X-Wing and X-Wing Alliance games? Or the Zahn novels?


They explain that cloaking technology was abandoned due to flaws, not because it was too advanced. And you have many planets never discovered or contacted over a span of thousands of years. Who knows what technology could exist in 3,000 years?


And while I don't expect to see cloaks on the Ebon Hawk, I'm just saying we don't have to limit technology in the entire galaxy to what we've seen in the movies.

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