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A dark Jedi is a fallen Jedi who doesnt follow Sith teachings, they basically do whatever they want and can have whatever lightsaber color they want.


Sith follow the Sith teachings and learn about the dark side in depth more than dark Jedi so that probably makes them stronger in the dark side than dark Jedi.


ya, thats it i think...


If you can stand it, lol, try watching TPM with the audio commentary on. Lucas himself refers to Maul as "The Sith Lord" during his duel with Obi-Wan. I guess that makes it cannon??


Up to a point, like I said Sith Lord is the Sith equivelent of a Jedi Master.


Maul is supposed to that powerful except he is more as Mace, a fighter and Mace is a Jedi Master.


Seeing he is the only Sith in that scene, he is the Sith Lord of that scene.

  • 2 weeks later...

I could be wrong but I believe that Palpy calls Maul "Lord Maul" in the scene where he's talking to the Viceroy about how Amidala is gathering "primitives" as an army in the swamp. Towards the end of TPM. Just don't hurt me if I am wrong :ph34r: :):p


There's the generic descriptions of each order: Sith Lords and Jedi Knights, and then there are specific levels within each order, Padawan, Knight, Master, or Apprentice, Lord, etc.


There is no problem referring to anyone in either order as simply "Jedi Knight" or "Sith Lord," but a lot of times, many people get more specific, ie. Yoda, the great Jedi Master.

"You shall not pass!"

There was confusion over who could be a Knight and who was just a Padawan, though not in the game. It seems to make rough sense that Lord is equivalent to Knight on the darkside - but they would say it means more, just being a Sith title. Lord sort of implies greater ownership, I guess. I dunno - maybe it's a matter of which Sith you're talking to. Some sith may consider other Sith not "true" Sith, and thus they wouldn't be lords. *shrug*


It's the difference in the very nature of each order.


The Jedi keep the peace and serve others, therefore, they are Knights.


The Sith, on the other hand, seek only self-aggrandizement, and of course, galactic domination, so they are the Lords.

"You shall not pass!"
  • 3 weeks later...

The Sith we see in KOTOR and the Sith we see in the movies function quite differently.


In the movies, there's only TWO. For all intents and purposes, they both can be "Dark Lord of the Sith" because there's no other Sith. I also think Palpatine considered himself "above" the title "Dark Lord" (particularily once he became the Emperor) which is why his apprentices were called that (especially Vader & Tyranus).


Someone might have mentioned this but I noticedthat many dark jedi used purple lightsabers. Wouldn't this sort of mean the were half sith or something [i know, it doesn't make sense.] <_<

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