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Another KOTOR preview

Is it getting harder to not get to hyped about KOTOR 2?  

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  1. 1. Is it getting harder to not get to hyped about KOTOR 2?

    • I can't take it ANYMORE!
    • Must resist!
    • No way.

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By the time your first area is done, you'll have a full party of three to accompany you.


Is that including or excluding the PC?


The look and feel of game is very much the same and lots of KOTOR features are making a comeback. These include the evil HK droids (which are now protocol units), space walking in the ugly big suit, swoop racing, turret shooting sections and so on. Suffice to say; whatever you loved from the first game is in here.


NOOO! :angry: Loved it? You have got to me kidding me! <_<


To ensure a slightly less disappointing climax, this time the developer has chosen to set up two different ending trees depending on how you play through the game, one for light and one for dark.


And? How is that different from 'Knights'? :lol:


New powers we've seen so far include Force Confusion, which force's enemies to attack each other



HA! :p This I ain't gonna miss...


Force Sight, which allows you to see through doors. The latter turns the screen into a hybrid of the usual thermal imaging technique seen in other games. The difference being that characters on the other side of the door with force powers will glow according to their alignment and strength. This makes sense really because if you are a powerful Jedi at the end of the game you are going to know if there's a Sith Lord or two behind two inches of door.


I sense the Force is strong with this feature. ;)


Your party members are a lot more important this time round and you'll find that at numerous points in the game you get a lot more side quests that are character specific. Some of these will be obvious or built into the main story thread, but you'll also find that there are a lot of hidden quests. Some of which will require having a certain character in your party at a certain time, and others that will be even more complicated to unearth.


For example, if a character in your party has a high Treat Injury skill/force power then this could lead to a new side quest. How? Well, the skill level each character possesses now has a direct affect on the gaming environment. So taking the Treat Injury skill for example, the higher the skill the higher your efficiency with med pack use on others, as well as yourself. Also, if you're talking to a doctor, you'll have different dialogue options depending on your skill level. All of which can lead to new hidden side missions.


Intereresting, very interesting indeed....I only hope that they won't be too hidden such that I miss out on every one. <_<

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The big bubbly suit bit in the first one. But I believe one of the devs (Akari) in the forum, said moving around in it would be faster if they put any areas like that in KOTOR2. So even though it's in, I don't think it will be nearly as annoying. :lol:

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This isn't as complicated as it sounds. Some of the main characters and storylines you come across throughout the game change drastically, depending on how you answer some questions asked by Atton, during the opening section of the game. One of the biggest queries we had when we heard about KOTOR2 was whether or not you'd be able to use your game-save from KOTOR? Well, no, you can't, but this is where 'the Atton quiz' comes in. He will ask you about the events from the ending of the first game and depending on how you answer, the following story structure and characters you meet will change. Quite clever really.

This could be really interesting if they implement it to its fullest. Imagine all the different ways you could play thru the game depending on how your answers vary.


I wonder if the storyline changes drastically if one of the "minor" characters is dead? For instance, if during your conversation with Atton, you tell him that Juhani died. I wonder if that will alter the story in any way, or if only whether a)Revan was DS/LS or b)Bastila died alters the story in a significant way.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I'm more impressed by this interview than the above preview. The interviewer seems to have been reading our questions. :)

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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Well you accused me of me and Hades_One being the same person, that is what a doppleganger is on Internet lingo, someone that have several accounts and each account appears to be a diferent person.


I am not Hades_One, only time I was accused of being some other user was in GameFAQs FF X-2 forums when I got sick of the fangirls attitude of anyone that voiced that the game had problems was sexist and decided to argument that people were right about FF X-2 not having the same appeal of other FF titles, leading some user that could not conter argue my points to say I was a doppleganger.


The fact me and Hades_One have similar points of the Jedi focus of SW:TSL does not mean we are the same users, it would be the same saying me and Volourn are the same person because we have posted similar views.

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Large improvements to the character

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Good to see how the devs are concentrating on the right thing, not how the plot-twist will be, instead it's how good the story as a whole will be.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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got this from the fourms over at www.starwarsknights.com

I'm curious as to what the original source of that preview was? Was that someone's comments in the forum itself? Or did they get it from somewhere else?


While a lot of the stuff written there seems pretty accurate, there's a few things that are news to me. I won't list specifics, but some of those things would require programming changes I haven't been told about, yet would fall into the category of things I tend to take care of. As such, unless there's a reliable source cited for that preview, I'd be skeptical of some of its contents. Of course, I was off Friday, so who knows what might've changed in a day! :)



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got this from the fourms over at www.starwarsknights.com

I'm curious as to what the original source of that preview was? Was that someone's comments in the forum itself? Or did they get it from somewhere else?


While a lot of the stuff written there seems pretty accurate, there's a few things that are news to me. I won't list specifics, but some of those things would require programming changes I haven't been told about, yet would fall into the category of things I tend to take care of. As such, unless there's a reliable source cited for that preview, I'd be skeptical of some of its contents. Of course, I was off Friday, so who knows what might've changed in a day! :)



I think that it's easy to guess on what 'things' it is :)

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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For example, if a character in your party has a high Treat Injury skill/force power then this could lead to a new side quest. How? Well, the skill level each character possesses now has a direct affect on the gaming environment. So taking the Treat Injury skill for example, the higher the skill the higher your efficiency with med pack use on others, as well as yourself. Also, if you're talking to a doctor, you'll have different dialogue options depending on your skill level. All of which can lead to new hidden side missions.


This is starting to sound a lot like fallout's system, which I like.

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The preview says ending "trees" which I take to mean they can branch off.


Might there be more than two endings? That in and of itself would be an improvement.


However Akari's comments have me doubting the validity of this preview. The media have spouted BS about this game before and this preview has loads of new info not seen elsewhere.


Who is the source?

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The preview says ending "trees" which I take to mean they can branch off.


Might there be more than two endings? That in and of itself would be an improvement.


However Akari's comments have me doubting the validity of this preview. The media have spouted BS about this game before and this preview has loads of new info not seen elsewhere.


Who is the source?

That's what I was thinking when I heard of the "trees". In the interiew posted earlier in this thread, MCA goes on to say.

"The current game mechanic we

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