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The politics thread


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As is customary on all self respected forums I have decided to create a politics thread. These usually turn into flame wars about whos country is better but i'm sure this time round we can keep it civil.


So, lets discuss.

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Personal oppinion ? He's a poor weak thing under pressure from way to many powerful interests. Probably not evil, just not too bright. :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Personal oppinion ? He's a poor weak thing under pressure from way to many powerful interests. Probably not evil, just not too bright.  :(

He's just the puppet for evil powers...

They all are...

Darth Diotus

It's very hard to be polite if you're a cat.

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George Bush is stupid, but everytime I hear a foreigner say that I remember that they think the same thing about me so I get offended and defensive, even though I voted against the guy.

He stole the elections in my opinion but it shouldn't matter to the rest of the world he's supposed to represent the american people, when you disrespect him(even if it's saying something I'm thinking) I can't help but feel a bit slighted.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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Bush is a freaking fool who never even won the election the stupid supreme court gave him the election so technically they did something that was unconstitutional. And then he got us into a stupid war that we have no reason to be in so yeah he is a crazy stupid son of a b*itch.

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I disagree. But I'm a radical left-winger, so that makes sense.


Anyway, this picture I coincidentally made today for Thenoosepaper.com(where I admin), sums up my thoughts about Bush.




And Bush said so himself:


"I don't understand how poor people think."

- George W. Bush, The New York Times, 08-26-03

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the pic, you made it? or did the parents feed them liberal propaganda? :ph34r:


anyways, i think both bush and kerry are rich brats, to put it bluntly, but repeating my previous statement, i like bush better, i don't know why...


as for that quote, here's one of my own, quite similar i think...


When I met him, he was wearing a shirt with a picture of his sailboat on it. I told him I had a small 27 feet sailboat in Okinawa, he remarked 'Oh I never sail on anything less than 135 feet'.

-Hal Crammer


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Liberal propaganda? If the liberals were any good at propaganda the federal government wouldn't be dominated by conservatives. It's actually part of the extreme right propaganda that it's the liberals(ever notice how you can replace nazi(or a few other choice four letter words) for liberal in a lot or republican rants) doing the lying, and shame on the rest for remaining mum and marching lock-step with those fools.


If anything in this world has a chance of destroying America it's this partisan bickering that seeks to divide us(Rome was destroyed from the inside out) for short term political gain. You do our enemies job better than they ever could.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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Bah, democracy is way overrated anyway. It's a social experiment introduced and formalised by the ancient greek and has only be used less than two centuries in modern history. And even that, only in parts of the world.


Eventually, like all other things, it will die out and thinkers and decisionmakers will come up with replacements for that.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Liberal propaganda? If the liberals were any good at propaganda the federal government wouldn't be dominated by conservatives. It's actually part of the extreme right propaganda that it's the liberals(ever notice how you can replace nazi(or a few other choice four letter words) for liberal in a lot or republican rants) doing the lying,

Excuse me, I thought I saw the Nazi comparison in the liberal website Moveon.org where they compare Bush to Hitler...MY BAD! MY BAD! MY BAD! Sorry for the outburst...


The reason I said liberal propaganda is because some of my friends had their parents do that to them, and when I try to bring up a civil politcal debate, all I hear is, "Bush is Gay!" and other crap like that, and I say, "Why do you think that?" which gets the response, "Because he is..." and it pisses me off that they didn't even talk about anything serious they just bickered like ignorant children... :angry: <_< :angry:


Kerry didn't lie about WMDs to get hundreds of US soldiers killed. Sorry, Bush is worse than Kerry.

Kerry turning the U.S. defense over to the U.N. makes me say worse than Bush...


@meek: I agree, and that's why I like this quote so much from Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 as Granger is comparing Man to Phoenix:



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Bush and his administration are loathesome. Given the disaster that the whole Iraq thing has been, I think Americans have an obligation to vote Bush out of power if they want their country to be taken seriously and have credibility on the world stage. The US currently has very little of that, apart from a couple of whacko Prime Ministers and conservative zealots.

I don't know if Bush is an idiot or not. He's smart enough to surround himself with people smarter than he is. Intelligence aside, he is a puppet of his administration, namely Rumsfeld and Cheney. Those two, with Wolfowitz, are the real power behind the throne. Cheney gives me the chills he's so evil.


There's a saying that you get the government you deserve. Perhaps Americans want/deserve Bush, but the rest of the world certainly doesn't. Please stop forcing him on us!

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