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What can a scientist in my Star Wars fan fic be working on?

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Im going about this all wrong when it comes to asking what idea I want. Im looking for a science thing that my scientist could study. On Steven Jackson games forum, someone suggested the migration patterns of Purgills. It would have been perfect except for the fact that it might lead someone to Ezra and Thrawn. That story will be told in the future. I want something unique but also a science that my scientist can study as his main work. Not an invention.


Someone on writingforums.org knocked some sense into me. The Star Wars galaxy has had 1,000’s of years to develop stuff so all science left to do is theoretical or observational. I’m going to have him study asteroids. Thanks for putting up with me.


On the Panspermian Hypothesis of the Midichlorian Diaspora paper for the Journal of Force Studies.

"It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."


I’m thinking about doing something related to Hyperspace. What science can my scientist study about Hyperspace before he’s called away to deal with the supermassive black hole?


The nullification of Cronau radiation through reversed charge hypermatter.

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"It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."

  On 3/13/2019 at 10:25 PM, Maximum7 said:

Someone on writingforums.org knocked some sense into me. The Star Wars galaxy has had 1,000’s of years to develop stuff so all science left to do is theoretical or observational. I’m going to have him study asteroids. Thanks for putting up with me.


There would be plenty of people studying stuff that their current civilization doesn't know or pursuing their own projects of interest.


Also, with 10s of thousands of years of galactic history, archaeology would still be interesting if you gave it the right spin or some awesome artifact, so, I think you gave that idea a bad pass, but do as you will.

  On 3/22/2019 at 4:28 PM, smjjames said:


  On 3/13/2019 at 10:25 PM, Maximum7 said:

Someone on writingforums.org knocked some sense into me. The Star Wars galaxy has had 1,000’s of years to develop stuff so all science left to do is theoretical or observational. I’m going to have him study asteroids. Thanks for putting up with me.

There would be plenty of people studying stuff that their current civilization doesn't know or pursuing their own projects of interest.


Also, with 10s of thousands of years of galactic history, archaeology would still be interesting if you gave it the right spin or some awesome artifact, so, I think you gave that idea a bad pass, but do as you will.

Do you have any ideas for a cool sounding artifact? I’m potentially re-interested again.


Ok my scientist is studying sub-Hyperspace, the dimension in which quintessence can be turned into Phantom Energy and then travel to destroy star systems in real time. This is how Starkiller Base fires it’s weapon after draining a sun. (I’m sure Disney will explore it more in due time). However, in the mean time; I wonder what other things my scientist can study about it. Applications I’ve considered would be a sub-hyperdrive which would allow for instantaneous travel like Star Trek: Discovery’s Spore Drive. It also could be used for instant communications. Good stuff but too much of a gamechanger to tinker with. What else could my scientist be studying about sub-hyperspace?


I’m going about this all wrong. I need an advanced but totally BORING detail intensive thing for my scientist to be studying. I WANT to start my story and this detail is unimportant. Does anyone have some science gooblegook that sounds coherent that I can use?

  • 3 months later...

I’m looking for a site or a blog that is futurist/sci fi based and does a “Future Science or Technology of the Week” feature, where they postulate a future science concept or invention and then briefly talk about it. I watch Isaac Arthur every Thursday but I’m looking to supplement it with something less broad. It would be like “Future Technology 1-Jetpack”. Something simple like that. Amateur blogs and sites are extremely welcome. The more obscure the better; but I am looking for highly creative ideas as well. 

  • 3 months later...

I’m trying to think of the perfect technology for a scientist in Star Wars to be looking to create. I’ve been editing this list for months. The list is long but it’s full of interesting ideas. Some of them don’t pertain to Star Wars ( so filter those out) and can you pick one (or mutiple ones) that would “fit” into Star Wars without being a game changer for the story, be disruptive to the Force, not be something that could be created easily based on existing tech, not something that isn’t worth creating and something that could be useful. Pick only from the list. 



  On 10/16/2019 at 1:10 PM, Hurlshot said:

We already did this. Is this a weird bot?


All we ever do in this forum is the same stuff over and over. 😛

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  • Gasp! 2

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

  On 10/16/2019 at 1:42 PM, Malcador said:

All we ever do in this forum is the same stuff over and over. 😛


was thinking similar. 'ccording to board we got near 8k posts. am suspecting 3/4 o' those posts is functional recycles. we point out same flaws in new obsidian games and repackage same arguments with same posters in wot. is a bit like groundhog day, but w/o a circa 1993 andie macdowell to make our willingness to endure the endless cycle o' repeats reasonable.

HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Which would be the hardest for a scientist to do? You can pick more than one but not too many. Yes I know that anything is possible in sci-fi but I’m asking from an in-universe point of view 

1.) Synthesis of Graphyne Graphyne - Wikipedia

2. Lithium-silicone battery https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium–silicon_battery

3. Stranglet bombs- They release strange matter, convert normal matter to strange matter and make a huge explosion

4.) Stellification- Make a gas giant into a Star

5.) Gluonic string- Stable string of gluons held together by the strong force. Used to build megastructures

6.) Neural nanonics- Neural nanobots that can fix mental illness or increase intelligence.

7.) Magnetic monopole drive- Space propulsion with energy from magnetic monopoles

8.) Thought recognition- Computer activated by owners thought.

9.) Water synthesizer- Machine that makes water from scratch

10.) Grow a Brain- Grow a sentient brain from scratch

11.) Overclockwork neurons- Supercharged neurons allowing for higher thought

12.) Memory milk- Milk that can improve memory.

13.) Brain capacity test- Replacement for IQ test

14.) Supercapattery- Mixture of battery and supercapicitor

15.) Sunline- Band around a star that directs sunlight to planets not in a stars habitable zone.

16.) Electronic skin- Something you can wear to help land a starship with your hands and mind

17.) Super-serum- Something to make you become the perfect soldier

18.) FTL Gullitoine- Faster than Light Weapon that can cut a planet in half.

19.) Digital world- Something you can put yourself in with an avatar in a computer world for the ultimate video game.

20.) Micro-Black hole creation- For power or the ultimate computer.

21.) Genetically engineer humans or aliens to need less oxygen

22.) Optography- Retrieving Images from a cadavers eye

23.) Synthesized fitness- Elysian like coffin shaped machine that can give you exercise without physical exerting yourself.

24.) Cortical modem- Put Images in a persons brain

25.) Hypercapacitor- Supercharged supercapacitor

26.) Artificial magnetosphere

27.) Self-repairing alloy

28.) Nucleon chemistry- Chemistry at the quark level

29.) XNA therapy- Artificial DNA therapy

30.) Atmosphere bubble tent- To be used in emergencies to survive on planet with no atmosphere

31.) Brain graft- Grafting foreign brain tissue onto other brain.

32.) Upload fake memories into brain

33.) Memory regeneration- Retrieve old memories in brain

34.) Planetary motor- Giant device that can change a planets spin.

35.) Artificial gyrification- Artificial Neural stem cells which cause brain to develop more folds and increase intelligence.

36.) Travel to spinning Black hole for time travel

37.) Mind control (through technological means)

38.) Unified field theory- Theory combining all the forces of nature (except the Force of course)

39.) Scramjet- They probably have this. Idk why I included it but https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scramjet 

40.) Destroying a Black hole 

41.) Claytronics- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claytronics

Edited by Maximum7

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