Prince of Lies Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 (edited) Yeah, your second-last paragraph would definitely work. +/- % Healing received for constitution would have a similar effect- and would probably be a lot easier than changing every single healing effect in the game. I still like the idea of %-of-max-health healing though because of how healing would directly scale proportionately to constitution as opposed to just another bonus. Also not sure how +/- % Healing Received would work with an affliction like sickened. Edit: Specifically the negative part of that if you have less than 10 CON Edited October 24, 2018 by Prince of Lies
Elric Galad Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 (edited) Yeah but % based healing would make Con +5% bonus per point a bit too strong compared to Might for example. I really think there is no easy way to enhance the system and that we won't see it in PoE2. Edited October 24, 2018 by Elric Galad
Prince of Lies Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 Oh, as I said before. I don't think it will be changed (if at all) until PoE3. You could either change the %-of-max-health or as you said the +5% Health/CON. Another thing to keep in mind is that in the example I provided, it's with significant investment in constitution.
Boeroer Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 (edited) If you add [healing received] to CON it would of course be a second effect, seperate from the effect on max health. So you could easily tweak it to a number that MIG has: 3% per point below/over 10. Iron Wheel would be much more popular I guess - without being terribly overpowered. At the moment everybody takes Turning Wheel despite its nerf. Every. Body. Edited October 24, 2018 by Boeroer Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods
Prince of Lies Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 Except for people who don't like monks Yeah, what you proposed would be the easiest solution, because you'd only be adding another variable. It's just.... There's already oh-so-many variables.
Elric Galad Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 I was thinking about a Honey Lord build. It would be a Druid / Monk specialized in bear shift stacking Druid bear AR with Con and AR from Iron wheel. I would switch to Int modal only to cast Plague of Bees and other Bee DoT. 1
Boeroer Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 You really want Pollen Patch. But you can't get it as multiclass. 1 Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods
Elric Galad Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 Yup but as a Multiclass I still get access to delicious nectar from Nature's bounty ^^
Boeroer Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 Pollen Patch Else you are not a Honey Lord but merely a Honey Badger. 1 Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods
Elric Galad Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 If only there was a Bearcat spiritshift.With special abilities "Prehensile Tail" and "Popcorn Smell".
Erik Dirk Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 How about a 1% multiplicative damage reduction instead. I.e. the added HP is more valuable at low con, the reduction becomes more valuable at high con. 1
Boeroer Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 (edited) Erm... at low con there is no added HP. There's substracted HP. Or did you mean Iron Wheel - which can be used to outbalance low CON and thus is more valuable with low CON? Edited October 25, 2018 by Boeroer Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods
jfood Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 resolve is fine where it is, constitution could use a small chance to completely resisting an affliction, say one or two percent per point invested over ten. malus if used as a dump stat.
Erik Dirk Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 On 10/25/2018 at 10:35 AM, Erik Dirk said: How about a 1% multiplicative damage reduction instead. I.e. the added HP is more valuable at low con, the reduction becomes more valuable at high con. I Should have been more specific. 3 to 4 con the HP value is quite high. 117 to 116% damage taken would be negligible. 91 to 90% damage is more significant.
whimper Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 (edited) On 10/25/2018 at 10:35 AM, Erik Dirk said: How about a 1% multiplicative damage reduction instead. I.e. the added HP is more valuable at low con, the reduction becomes more valuable at high con.I like that suggestion — tying Con to a multiplicative damage reduction/increase wouldn’t create widespread balance issues with other parts of the game (like having Con boost healing percentages), and it would make investing in Con/not dumping Con more attractive. Not sure 1% would do enough to motivate me to treat Con differently. But maybe a 2% addition/reduction per point above/below 10? Edited October 25, 2018 by whimper
Elric Galad Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 Or a % chance to avoid injuries on being knocked.
Boeroer Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 (edited) It's something new and interesting, but it's not reliable. And the more CON you have the less you will go down. THe less you go down the less you need that kind of effect. So... kind of redundant maybe? YOu could say the same ybout %healing, but it has the nice "downside" that you get healed less with low CON. What happens with your suggestion when CON is below 10? Edited October 25, 2018 by Boeroer Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods
Hulk'O'Saurus Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 (edited) How about increasing the chance you will get wounds during combat without getting knocked down? As a wonky and skinny mage, you may break a rib more easily just by getting hit on the side of the chest. Perhaps we could further expand by having abilities that do wounds during combat without knocking down characters? More variety when you think about how to do debuffs. In order to apply a wound, though, you should have some form of Might present in relation to the opponent's Constitution. Rogues, for instance, and maybe Barbarians, could have added bonuses to these abilities, and if you want to break the rib of a dragon, you'd have to do a lot of work before that in order to cripple them. Also, I am keen on the idea of Con increasing healing received, but instead of having spells that do only percentage based healing, why not have them do percentage based and numbers, as well? That way a high Con character always stays relevant as a healing target as pretty much any healing will chunk him up better than it would a wonky char. In the same time that would also add more value of investing into a dedicated healer, as they will be able to increase the raw numbers of heals and thus keep even low Con target alive. Edited October 25, 2018 by Hulk'O'Saurus
Elric Galad Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 (edited) I wondered the same and hoped no one would ask. Something like % chance of additional injury ? 3% less injuries for each point above 10 3% double injuries for each point below 10 I simply thought about that because avoiding injuries is more important now that there are Megabosses. Plus I remembered an old Stat table from BG2 which stated Con gave a % chance of resurrecting with a spell (rez spells could fail ?). But it was never implemented The thing is Con is more or less satisfying in its current state (except for items and tough as you said) so a situational bonus would suffice. Not that is is situational but powerful bonus since negating 3/4 of injuries is convenient in extereme cases (such as a party of self-immolating paladin with self rez and +2 zeal upon teammate death). Con is mostly disappointing for tanky solo play were Might is a counter-intuitively a better tanking stat than Con. Edited October 25, 2018 by Elric Galad
thelee Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 (edited) On 10/25/2018 at 3:37 PM, Elric Galad said: I wondered the same and hoped no one would ask. Something like % chance of additional injury ? 3% less injuries for each point above 10 3% double injuries for each point below 10 I simply thought about that because avoiding injuries is more important now that there are Megabosses. Plus I remembered an old Stat table from BG2 which stated Con gave a % chance of resurrecting with a spell (rez spells could fail ?). But it was never implemented i think this would add way too much variance to the game to be a good change. Essentially, con would give you stat that is "% chance not to die." That is a wild swing in outcomes from battle to battle. (And there's a reason why not every AD&D mechanic was implemented in BG/BG2. AD&D--even though it's a system I'm sure many of us are nostalgically fond of--is really just a terribly designed game system. I mean, for crying out loud, if you were playing it correctly, you didn't even get to pick what class you got, it was essentially picked for you by the stats you rolled, which is why all those "minimum" stats things were a thing--however mostly meaningless--in BG/BG2.) Anyway, I'm on the train that if there's any change to con, increasing healing received effectiveness is a good one to have. We already have some stat overlap (intellect influencing durations, resolve also affecting durations), so it's not unprecedented. Edited October 25, 2018 by thelee 1
Hulk'O'Saurus Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 On 10/25/2018 at 4:33 PM, thelee said: On 10/25/2018 at 3:37 PM, Elric Galad said: I wondered the same and hoped no one would ask. Something like % chance of additional injury ? 3% less injuries for each point above 10 3% double injuries for each point below 10 I simply thought about that because avoiding injuries is more important now that there are Megabosses. Plus I remembered an old Stat table from BG2 which stated Con gave a % chance of resurrecting with a spell (rez spells could fail ?). But it was never implemented i think this would add way too much variance to the game to be a good change. Essentially, con would give you stat that is "% chance not to die." That is a wild swing in outcomes from battle to battle. (And there's a reason why not every AD&D mechanic was implemented in BG/BG2. AD&D--even though it's a system I'm sure many of us are nostalgically fond of--is really just a terribly designed game system. I mean, for crying out loud, if you were playing it correctly, you didn't even get to pick what class you got, it was essentially picked for you by the stats you rolled, which is why all those "minimum" stats things were a thing--however mostly meaningless--in BG/BG2.) Anyway, I'm on the train that if there's any change to con, increasing healing received effectiveness is a good one to have. We already have some stat overlap (intellect influencing durations, resolve also affecting durations), so it's not unprecedented. Are you playing in party of five? Because as it is, I think there is a little too little variance in the game . Purely speculatively, if expanded upon, such a system could perhaps have ways of dealing with wounds, as well? In such a case I'd wish wounds could also mean something more serious, as well cost more resources to inflict to actually be meaningful.
esyvjrt Posted October 26, 2018 Posted October 26, 2018 What about a small porcentual reduction of general Recovery Time for Constitution, after all "represents a combination of the characters overall health and stamina"
Boeroer Posted October 26, 2018 Posted October 26, 2018 (edited) If I would design combat mechanics I would make it so that your action speed/recovery is very fast at the beginning of the fight and gets slower and slower the longer you fight - so endurance in its "real" meaning - to the point where it would be a tedious chore. Abilities and weapons would be rated so that they take different tolls (good way to balance weapons, too). Doing nothing (catching breath) would help you regain endurance/speed. More CON would give you more "endurance" and ultimately more dps if the fight takes longer. Too much of a change for Deadfire, so healing received is my favorite. Edited October 26, 2018 by Boeroer 1 Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods
Prince of Lies Posted October 26, 2018 Posted October 26, 2018 On 10/25/2018 at 3:37 PM, Elric Galad said: I wondered the same and hoped no one would ask. Something like % chance of additional injury ? 3% less injuries for each point above 10 3% double injuries for each point below 10 I simply thought about that because avoiding injuries is more important now that there are Megabosses. Plus I remembered an old Stat table from BG2 which stated Con gave a % chance of resurrecting with a spell (rez spells could fail ?). But it was never implemented The thing is Con is more or less satisfying in its current state (except for items and tough as you said) so a situational bonus would suffice. Not that is is situational but powerful bonus since negating 3/4 of injuries is convenient in extereme cases (such as a party of self-immolating paladin with self rez and +2 zeal upon teammate death). Con is mostly disappointing for tanky solo play were Might is a counter-intuitively a better tanking stat than Con. Thing about an injury avoidance mechanic is that it would only be particularly useful for POTD players. Veteran and below don't have enemy injury on hit mechanics. It's an interesting thought, though. 1
Erik Dirk Posted October 26, 2018 Posted October 26, 2018 Would this mean you could always heal to some extent an 18 con character. I.e nalzpaca with drug crash?
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