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Deadfire seems to have topped the sales charts on GOG

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Yeah, that's the same way I checked just now. To elaborate, when you remove multiples of the same game from the chart, at this moment Deadfire is the 26th best seller on Steam. I don't know over what window that is calculated (I'd guess it's a continuously rolling week long window).


26th is not bad. And who cares if it is not 26th but there are a hundred entries for the same game above?

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Just checked Steam and currently Deadfire is:


380th top selling game

97th top selling RPG



Thats really bad

Numbers divorced of context can be whatever you want them to be, I suppose.
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26th is not bad. And who cares if it is not 26th but there are a hundred entries for the same game above?


I'd even go so far as to say 26th is pretty good given that the list includes games that aren't really RPGs (at least of the same type as Deadfire) and that the list includes games like the Witcher 3 (and 2 and 1) and Divinity Original Sin 2.


And bear in mind Deadfire was (admittedly briefly) the overall top seller on Steam near its release (a bit like Two Point Hospital is right now*).


*Or was when I checked, it might already have been replaced for all I know.

Edited by JerekKruger
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26th is not bad. And who cares if it is not 26th but there are a hundred entries for the same game above?


I'd even go so far as to say 26th is pretty good given that the list includes games that aren't really RPGs (at least of the same type as Deadfire) and that the list includes games like the Witcher 3 (and 2 and 1) and Divinity Original Sin 2.


And bear in mind Deadfire was (admittedly briefly) the overall top seller on Steam near its release (a bit like Two Point Hospital is right now*).


*Or was when I checked, it might already have been replaced for all I know.


Good point. If they release more successful games of other genres Deadfire will go down on that list, even if the sales are not affected. This is not really the best way to evaluate if it is selling well.

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Good point. If they release more successful games of other genres Deadfire will go down on that list, even if the sales are not affected. This is not really the best way to evaluate if it is selling well.


Yup, and even when other games in the same genre do well it doesn't necessarily hurt Deadfire. It might come as a surprise to some people, but I know at least two distinct individuals who own both Deadfire and DOS2 (one of them even likes Bethesda games but he's a silly billy).

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Good point. If they release more successful games of other genres Deadfire will go down on that list, even if the sales are not affected. This is not really the best way to evaluate if it is selling well.


Yup, and even when other games in the same genre do well it doesn't necessarily hurt Deadfire. It might come as a surprise to some people, but I know at least two distinct individuals who own both Deadfire and DOS2 (one of them even likes Bethesda games but he's a silly billy).



I'd have liked ur post if u werent refering to me as a "silly billy" ;)

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I really wasn't making that numbers up I gave and do check every few days - it rarely drops out of the top 50 sellers, but as others stated I have no idea what that means.  For some context - Withcher 3 was on sale this week for super cheap - Divinity 2 just released a new version (also at reduced price) - and Dragon Quest XI is also releasing today - these have definitely knocked Pillars down the chart which is understandable - it is pretty far down right now lol - that's what I get for expositing.  With Pathfinder releasing I don't see Pillars getting in the Top 30 for awhile, but it would be interesting to see if it makes it back to that position.  Hopefully the DLC ticks it up a bit.  I have noticed it gets a bump in its positive reviews as they fix bugs too.


Totally out of context - Dragon Quest totally knocked DOS2 out of the top spot ...

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“How do you 'accidentally' kill a nobleman in his own mansion?"

"With a knife in the chest. Or, rather, a pair of knives in the chest...”

The Final Empire, Mistborn Trilogy

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Numbers divorced of context can be whatever you want them to be, I suppose.


This reminded me of this joke:


There once was a business owner who was interviewing people for a division manager position. He decided to select the individual that could answer the question "how much is 2+2?"

The engineer pulled out his slide rule and shuffled it back and forth, and finally announced, "It lies between 3.98 and 4.02".

The mathematician said, "In two hours I can demonstrate it equals 4 with the following short proof."

The physicist declared, "It's in the magnitude of 1x10^1."

The logician paused for a long while and then said, "This problem is solvable."

The social worker said, "I don't know the answer, but I a glad that we discussed this important question.

The attorney stated, "In the case of Svenson vs. the State, 2+2 was declared to be 4."

The trader asked, "Are you buying or selling?"

The accountant looked at the business owner, then got out of his chair, went to see if anyone was listening at the door and pulled the drapes. Then he returned to the business owner, leaned across the desk and said in a low voice, "What would you like it to be?"

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Just checked Steam and currently Deadfire is:


380th top selling game

97th top selling RPG

Where are you getting that from? I've done a search on Steam for games with the tag RPG and ordered by top seller (here's a link, although I don't know whether it'll work properly: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?tags=122&filter=topsellers&page=2) and Deadfire appears in the 37th place.


However there are two things to consider with this:

  • This method of determining top sellers only represents sales within a window, not all time sales, and that window isn't stated (I know this because the overall top seller at the moment is Two Point Hospital and I can guarantee to you that that hasn't outsold PUBG in absolute terms).
  • If we look at the other entries in the top selling Steam RPGs we see some weird things. For example, not surprisingly there are three entries in the top 25 for The Witcher 3 (the GOTY edition, the base game and the expansion pass), four entries for Black Desert Online and two entries for Divinity Original Sin 2. That's a total of nine entries in the top 25 for just three games. Moreover there are some games in the list whose status as RPGs is questionable e.g. Crusader Kings 2, Payday 2 and Stardew Valley.

Given these two factors I don't see Deadfire's position in this ranking as being representative of very much. It clearly doesn't represent overall sales (overwise PUBG or CSGO would definitely be at the top of the overall top sellers), the rankings are bloated by multiple entries for the same game and they include games that Deadfire shouldn't even be being compared to.


EDIT: of course if I am being naive in my method for checking top sellers and there's a better method please do correct me.


I just checked again


I did exactly what you did. I searched by RPG and then checked the top selling RPGs. Deadfire is on the 10th page. There are 15 games per page.




and this is why i said i get frustrated with steams games sold reports. They are all over the place and fluctuate alot. I get the feeling that they just manipulate the top sellers lists for marketing purposes. 

Edited by Teclis23
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Just checked Steam and currently Deadfire is:


380th top selling game

97th top selling RPG

Where are you getting that from? I've done a search on Steam for games with the tag RPG and ordered by top seller (here's a link, although I don't know whether it'll work properly: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?tags=122&filter=topsellers&page=2) and Deadfire appears in the 37th place.


However there are two things to consider with this:

  • This method of determining top sellers only represents sales within a window, not all time sales, and that window isn't stated (I know this because the overall top seller at the moment is Two Point Hospital and I can guarantee to you that that hasn't outsold PUBG in absolute terms).
  • If we look at the other entries in the top selling Steam RPGs we see some weird things. For example, not surprisingly there are three entries in the top 25 for The Witcher 3 (the GOTY edition, the base game and the expansion pass), four entries for Black Desert Online and two entries for Divinity Original Sin 2. That's a total of nine entries in the top 25 for just three games. Moreover there are some games in the list whose status as RPGs is questionable e.g. Crusader Kings 2, Payday 2 and Stardew Valley.

Given these two factors I don't see Deadfire's position in this ranking as being representative of very much. It clearly doesn't represent overall sales (overwise PUBG or CSGO would definitely be at the top of the overall top sellers), the rankings are bloated by multiple entries for the same game and they include games that Deadfire shouldn't even be being compared to.


EDIT: of course if I am being naive in my method for checking top sellers and there's a better method please do correct me.


I just checked again


I did exactly what you did. I searched by RPG and then checked the top selling RPGs. Deadfire is on the 10th page. There are 15 games per page.




and this is why i said i get frustrated with steams games sold reports. They are all over the place and fluctuate alot. I get the feeling that they just manipulate the top sellers lists for marketing purposes. 



Well, the only Steam sales "report" you can somewhat rely on after SteamSpy became useless is the weekly top 10 that gets published on websites every week like here.

Deadfire has appeared in the Steam top 10 charts exactly twice. The first time in the week of its release in 4th place and in its second week in 9th place.


You can not really use the charts on Steam. The "top sellers" are completely useless because that listing is heavily influenced by algorithms that will show you games you might be interested in. Steam uses A LOT of tracking, metrics and algorithms to make you buy games ;) .


Games you have wishlisted or certain genres you favor will appear on this list more frequently for example. Steam is a pretty intricate sales tool. They track every mouse movement of yours with invisible pixels and create heatmaps based on your input and stuff like that.


The "global top sellers" list is the more "objective" one AFAIK but it's always just a snapshot that is covering a certain period of time. It's useless w/o knowing the source data how that list is populated or else SteamSpy would not have become useless if you could easily derive data from such an easily accessible source.


That's why the only somewhat reliable data we have -aside from concurrent/peak player numbers- is that weekly top 10 sales chart which AFAIK is sent out to the press via Valve's independent auditor (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, I believe).

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I tend to use the amount of user reviews a game has as a way to measure their success. I am not sure if this is a good way to measure sales (perhaps someone can instruct me on it?), But i have noticed that Deadfire has roughly half the user reviews on steam of battletech (a game that launched at a similar time and that probably has much less budget). I have heard that battletech was considered an absolute success, but still the difference is really really big)

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Just checked Steam and currently Deadfire is:


380th top selling game

97th top selling RPG

Where are you getting that from? I've done a search on Steam for games with the tag RPG and ordered by top seller (here's a link, although I don't know whether it'll work properly: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?tags=122&filter=topsellers&page=2) and Deadfire appears in the 37th place.


However there are two things to consider with this:

  • This method of determining top sellers only represents sales within a window, not all time sales, and that window isn't stated (I know this because the overall top seller at the moment is Two Point Hospital and I can guarantee to you that that hasn't outsold PUBG in absolute terms).
  • If we look at the other entries in the top selling Steam RPGs we see some weird things. For example, not surprisingly there are three entries in the top 25 for The Witcher 3 (the GOTY edition, the base game and the expansion pass), four entries for Black Desert Online and two entries for Divinity Original Sin 2. That's a total of nine entries in the top 25 for just three games. Moreover there are some games in the list whose status as RPGs is questionable e.g. Crusader Kings 2, Payday 2 and Stardew Valley.

Given these two factors I don't see Deadfire's position in this ranking as being representative of very much. It clearly doesn't represent overall sales (overwise PUBG or CSGO would definitely be at the top of the overall top sellers), the rankings are bloated by multiple entries for the same game and they include games that Deadfire shouldn't even be being compared to.


EDIT: of course if I am being naive in my method for checking top sellers and there's a better method please do correct me.


I just checked again


I did exactly what you did. I searched by RPG and then checked the top selling RPGs. Deadfire is on the 10th page. There are 15 games per page.




and this is why i said i get frustrated with steams games sold reports. They are all over the place and fluctuate alot. I get the feeling that they just manipulate the top sellers lists for marketing purposes. 



Well, the only Steam sales "report" you can somewhat rely on after SteamSpy became useless is the weekly top 10 that gets published on websites every week like here.

Deadfire has appeared in the Steam top 10 charts exactly twice. The first time in the week of its release in 4th place and in its second week in 9th place.


You can not really use the charts on Steam. The "top sellers" are completely useless because that listing is heavily influenced by algorithms that will show you games you might be interested in. Steam uses A LOT of tracking, metrics and algorithms to make you buy games ;) .


Games you have wishlisted or certain genres you favor will appear on this list more frequently for example. Steam is a pretty intricate sales tool. They track every mouse movement of yours with invisible pixels and create heatmaps based on your input and stuff like that.


The "global top sellers" list is the more "objective" one AFAIK but it's always just a snapshot that is covering a certain period of time. It's useless w/o knowing the source data how that list is populated or else SteamSpy would not have become useless if you could easily derive data from such an easily accessible source.


That's why the only somewhat reliable data we have -aside from concurrent/peak player numbers- is that weekly top 10 sales chart which AFAIK is sent out to the press via Valve's independent auditor (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, I believe).


thanks this is awesome


You sound like you have insider industry knowledge


Do you have access to or no how many copies deadfire has sold on steam? Apart from that speadsheet that was "leaked " a couple of months ago that indicated deadfire had sold 230,000 copies on steam




and if steam is doing this they should be reported to authorities. Where is live in Australia they have just been fined 3 million dollars for ripping off customers

Edited by Teclis23
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That would explain the mixed bag of where POE2 is falling on the Top Sellers chart, and I don't doubt it is a mix of marketing and actual data - and again who the heck knows, just thought it was interesting stats that I have been tracking.  I own only RPG games and rarely visit other types of games.  Still curious if it is gonna get back up on my top 30 list once all the new RPG's release.

“How do you 'accidentally' kill a nobleman in his own mansion?"

"With a knife in the chest. Or, rather, a pair of knives in the chest...”

The Final Empire, Mistborn Trilogy

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Just checked Steam and currently Deadfire is:


380th top selling game

97th top selling RPG

Where are you getting that from? I've done a search on Steam for games with the tag RPG and ordered by top seller (here's a link, although I don't know whether it'll work properly: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?tags=122&filter=topsellers&page=2) and Deadfire appears in the 37th place.


However there are two things to consider with this:

  • This method of determining top sellers only represents sales within a window, not all time sales, and that window isn't stated (I know this because the overall top seller at the moment is Two Point Hospital and I can guarantee to you that that hasn't outsold PUBG in absolute terms).
  • If we look at the other entries in the top selling Steam RPGs we see some weird things. For example, not surprisingly there are three entries in the top 25 for The Witcher 3 (the GOTY edition, the base game and the expansion pass), four entries for Black Desert Online and two entries for Divinity Original Sin 2. That's a total of nine entries in the top 25 for just three games. Moreover there are some games in the list whose status as RPGs is questionable e.g. Crusader Kings 2, Payday 2 and Stardew Valley.

Given these two factors I don't see Deadfire's position in this ranking as being representative of very much. It clearly doesn't represent overall sales (overwise PUBG or CSGO would definitely be at the top of the overall top sellers), the rankings are bloated by multiple entries for the same game and they include games that Deadfire shouldn't even be being compared to.


EDIT: of course if I am being naive in my method for checking top sellers and there's a better method please do correct me.


I just checked again


I did exactly what you did. I searched by RPG and then checked the top selling RPGs. Deadfire is on the 10th page. There are 15 games per page.




and this is why i said i get frustrated with steams games sold reports. They are all over the place and fluctuate alot. I get the feeling that they just manipulate the top sellers lists for marketing purposes. 



Well, the only Steam sales "report" you can somewhat rely on after SteamSpy became useless is the weekly top 10 that gets published on websites every week like here.

Deadfire has appeared in the Steam top 10 charts exactly twice. The first time in the week of its release in 4th place and in its second week in 9th place.


You can not really use the charts on Steam. The "top sellers" are completely useless because that listing is heavily influenced by algorithms that will show you games you might be interested in. Steam uses A LOT of tracking, metrics and algorithms to make you buy games ;) .


Games you have wishlisted or certain genres you favor will appear on this list more frequently for example. Steam is a pretty intricate sales tool. They track every mouse movement of yours with invisible pixels and create heatmaps based on your input and stuff like that.


The "global top sellers" list is the more "objective" one AFAIK but it's always just a snapshot that is covering a certain period of time. It's useless w/o knowing the source data how that list is populated or else SteamSpy would not have become useless if you could easily derive data from such an easily accessible source.


That's why the only somewhat reliable data we have -aside from concurrent/peak player numbers- is that weekly top 10 sales chart which AFAIK is sent out to the press via Valve's independent auditor (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, I believe).


thanks this is awesome


You sound like you have insider industry knowledge


Do you have access to or no how many copies deadfire has sold on steam? Apart from that speadsheet that was "leaked " a couple of months ago that indicated deadfire had sold 230,000 copies on steam




and if steam is doing this they should be reported to authorities. Where is live in Australia they have just been fined 3 million dollars for ripping off customers



Oh, no... no insider knowledge and I don't know how many copies Deadfire has sold either :) . I'm just a regular guy who is interested in the business side of the gaming industry.


There is probably an army of very smart people (like the guy who made SteamSpy) constantly trying to find ways to obtain accurate Steam sales data but to no avail apparently.

I mean, even Valve themselves as the actual platform owner seem to have been slacking in this regard since they announced after the demise of SteamSpy that they now want to develop better sales analysis tools for publishers.






Ewert, at the White Nights conference for video games in St. Petersburg, Russia on Thursday and Friday, said Valve will soon make data and features similar to Steam Spy’s available to publishers.


Ewert said Steam Spy “had a broad variance in how accurate it was. It was very accurate for some games, it was very inaccurate for some others.” The figures Valve will soon proivide should “be more accurate and more useful than what Steam Spy previously offered you,” Ewert said.


^ I guess we will have to wait and see how publicly available that data will become, i.e. if ever or at all or only via leaks.

Many publishers are very secretive with regard to their sales data so they can not really be interested in Valve spilling the beans in free for all fashion. It will be interesting to see how Valve is going to address these concerns. Maybe publishers will be able to mark products or even themselves as entities as "not participating" in the reporting stuff(?).


Anyway, even if they make this data only available to Steam publishers then there is guaranteed to be leaks just like the dates of the Steam sales always get leaked by someone. They literally have thousands of publishers on Steam. It is impossible to keep anything a secret with that many people.

Edited by Moriendor
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As of today Deadfire is on the 21st page of all game Top Sellers On Steam, There is 25 per page so that makes it roughly the 525th best selling game on steam by revenue


I am not actually convinced that this is correct but that is what steam is telling me

Edited by Teclis23
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Meanwhile I find it at page 16.


I did note some weirdness overall with the Global Top Sellers list. There were a few entries named "Uninitialized", apparently already in my library, which was extra impressive because I wasn't logged in. There are also things like 4 different entries for something called Kakao Cash for an MMO - different entries I suppose because of the different amounts you can buy - one after the other as if the 60€ or 100€ sold extremely close to the 10€, which seems highly unlikely. There are 4 entries for something called Fallout 4 Creation Club, presumably something similar but all 4 links are broken.


One more thing that stood out, on page 12 the "Paradox Interactive Bundle" shows up. It's a 650€ bundle of 48 games, basically every game Paradox has published. I can't see a bundle like that being a big seller.

Maybe it's that there are several pretty well selling products in that bundle, not completely unreasonable I suppose. Though my immediate assumption was that it's the bundle that's sold well if it's on a Global Top Sellers list.


All in all those lists look like pretty poor evidence to me.

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One interesting way to test this would be to have a couple of people build up something of a browsing history with steam, some viewing rpg's others different genres.

Then take screenshots of the first five pages on the best selling list at the same time. Wonder if there would be a difference.

As it stands I reckon there is a huge amount of marketing based on your viewing history included in the top sellers.

"Those who look upon gods then say, without even knowing their names, 'He is Fire. She is Dance. He is Destruction. She is Love.' So, to reply to your statement, they do not call themselves gods. Everyone else does, though, everyone who beholds them."
"So they play that on their fascist banjos, eh?"
"You choose the wrong adjective."
"You've already used up all the others.”


Lord of Light


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Could be. I mean technically they don't say "Here are the Global Top Sellers, in order" but it is where my mind goes first. They're sorted according to relevance which could technically mean relevant to me.


BTW, Deadfire is still on page 16, but has moved up about ten places since my last post.

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Yeah im reporting steam to ASIC tommorrow


Which is the Australian Securities  Investment Commission. 


ASIC overseas all company law in Australia. Steam are clearly manipulating the top sellers list for marketing purposes. In Australia we have a very strict law that punishes companies for misleading and deceptive conduct. 


Steam has allready been fined $3 million from ASIC for doing similar stuff. 

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Well it could be worse -  it could be a fine to one of the 3 most important ratings agencies in the world - where they can cause trillions of dollars of losses, and get whopped with a massive, massive whole 15 million USD... The mind boggles sometimes.

"Those who look upon gods then say, without even knowing their names, 'He is Fire. She is Dance. He is Destruction. She is Love.' So, to reply to your statement, they do not call themselves gods. Everyone else does, though, everyone who beholds them."
"So they play that on their fascist banjos, eh?"
"You choose the wrong adjective."
"You've already used up all the others.”


Lord of Light


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