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[Bug] All of my money has disappeared



So, I just noticed that I have 58 whatever units of money left. I had more than 40000 before and I certainly didn't spend it all. I reloaded a save game from just before that and I have more than 1000, and if I go further back it's 30000. I really doubt it all went into my crew salary, I just spend 69 per day and the 30000+ savegame isn't that far in time!


This is extremely annoying. I don't know what are the steps to reproduce this issue since it's not happening at a certain time, and it seems to exist in several of my savegames so not sure if attaching the latest one here is useful...?


Did someone else experience this issue? Honestly it's the last one in a LONG series of bugs (the other ones were less problematic) and I'm starting to get really tired of playing such a broken game.

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15 answers to this question

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Hey Pinsalinj,


Sorry about the Daily Wage bug that you've been experiencing.  We have gotten many reports of this since Beast of Winter released and the Programming team has been working on a fix.  We hope to have this fix released in a patch soon once testing of the fix has been completed.


As a workaround, all other users with the same issue have reported that loading the save again fixes the issue.


I apologize for the inconvenience and understand the frustration this bug is causing.

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From what i can see this bug is several months old and it is still occurring. I have noticed the daily wage thing but never reflected on it before just thinking it was weird and kinda liked how much "harder" it seemed to be to amass gold in this game than the first. Now however i am completely broke and all my good saves are gone because i failed to notice this until i needed to go shopping.


I can see no acceptable reason whatsoever that you have been made aware of this bug several months ago (A simple quick search shows at least since the beginning/mid of June) and the bug is still present. The bug is incredibly game breaking for anyone that fails to notice until after reloading is no longer a option and considering the amount of time that has passed with it being present there are two options. A) You don't give a ****, you got your money out of the game and the community can go **** themselves for all you care. Or B).You are diverting no resources whatsoever, or next to none, into actually fixing a seriously broken game feature because you are to busy making DLC to earn more money. One might argue that there is always the option you are trying but have failed to actually fixed the bug so far but i doubt anyone thinks that you are incompetent.


Neither of the above situations are in any way, form or shape acceptable and honestly you should be ashamed of yourselves. Both PoE 1 and 2 are crowdfunded and you would be nowhere without the community, get your **** in order. Yes i may come of as aggressive but that is because i am and i can find no extenuating circumstances whatsoever for you allowing the situation to continue which leads me to the conclusion that i am completely justified in my anger. For anyone that has a job for a living loosing every penny a good way through a game can mean you have wasted literally a hundreds of hours (94,3 hours in my case) of progress and this is an extremely frustrating experience. This kind of a bug should have had a hotfix, even if just a temporary workaround, within a day or two at most. I really don't want to think the worst of Obsidian as a company because there are plenty of bad guys in this business and i would hate to see you join them as well but right now the situation is speaking for itself.


So how about some bloody answers instead of a standard template bull**** "Thank you for notifying us, we are looking into it"?

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sorry to say, but the guy above me is correct in pretty much every claim. right now I would not even get my money back as I might want to by now for the 41 hours spent in eternal loading screens, reloading bugged saves, relaunching games for reasons as to chose the wrong class (ghost-heart) and annoyingly so, I now am absolutely broke to zero money as well.


And by the way, the same bug that goes for money seems to be true for food. some time I last several day-cycles with the amount of food stacked into the galley, then next time it all disappears at once and crew's angry. 


There might be other options regarding your doings, but as long as you don't communicate them, we won't ever know.






and yes, right now, I am seriously frustrated with having given you money.

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May be it is connected to loading save file? Sometimes when i quickload i notice many salary numbers on right side of screen. Didnt check money in inventory, so can't tell if it is graphical glitch or actually drain my wallet

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Posted (edited)
  On 9/10/2018 at 10:47 AM, Sifjar said:

May be it is connected to loading save file? Sometimes when i quickload i notice many salary numbers on right side of screen. Didnt check money in inventory, so can't tell if it is graphical glitch or actually drain my wallet

Yeah it actually drains your wallet, for the longest time i thought it was just a weird graphical/interface glitch and they just made money harder to amass in this game. By the time i realized it was actually draining my wallet i probably lost atleast 150 or 200k (yes i know, a real case can be made for me being a idiot).


And while i am not 100% sure i dont think it has to do with savegame but rather the loading in itself. When i entered an area yesterday i noticed that the issue had struck again so i had to redo it all. When searching for the actual save that caused it I found that it was the autosave from entering the area. After reloading the save 6-7 times i finally managed to get in without the bug activating. No visible variables as i loaded the exact same game so i do not believe the player can affect this at all.

Edited by GrumpyPirate
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This is still around in patch 2.1, although I've only experienced it there when loading the autosave on first entering the outcrop summit in BoW (at least, so far). This wiped out about 35,000 cp for me, but having long experience with this bug from previous patches, I was able to simply reload immediately to recover. I'm pretty far into the game in this playthrough (average party level is around 17-18), so although this is an improvement over earlier patches, it's still not completely fixed.

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Yeah it is still very much present, i ran into it several times over several different areas on both area load and loading a save. Finished the game in the end but this almost made me quit several times over. It's extremely annoying to constantly keep an eye on your money and having a single slip cost you several thousands if you are lucky. The game being generally rushed and clearly unfinished certainly doesn't help either. First Tyranny feels like a game cut literally in half and then this mess that is PoE2, really is sad seeing this happen to a studio like Obsidian but i don't really feel like its possible to buy their products within a year or two of launch any more. :(

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This is definitely issues still, i was hoping with patch and new DLC this was fixed, but nope. still a bug in the game. Guess i'll play new DLC after next patch hopefully.


and i know that you can keep reloading the save till the bug doesn't occur, but it so easy to miss and requires you to know how much money you should have.


and i think it might be worse, i noticed money missing, when without the wall of daily wage text on screen. I lose about 15K in gold from this bug each time if i don't notice it and reload again till it works correctly.

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This happened to me twice so far.  Fortunately I only had a few thousand each time, but most recently I was right in the middle of the vytmadh so it was a hell of treck to go sell something so the crew would stay happy.  I wasn't

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This bug is also happening in my game. Unfortunately reloading multiple times didn't help either. I've a feeling that my save files are already corrupted somehow, so I'll have to restart from a previous save (about 5 hours of game time lost).

I think this happens if you reload a save, that was created during the daily wage distribution, and from that point on you're pretty much screwed.

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