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  1. It would add a lot to have events that are optional where large or small parts of the map are effected like a mower event where you can have a part of the lawn be mowed and it sets a timer for like ten minutes or so where the grass is cut and creatures are out and mad like red ants will attack on sight and wolf spiders roam outside there area so you can get more loot at a higher challenge and then have some high tier creatures like black ox beetles spawn there or an event like heavy rain where a part of the yard floods and causes structures to be destroyed unless they have a buoyant foundation. It would also be cool to have a new map where instead of regrowing at the end of the game you are instead sent to a new area like the front yard where it would have a lot of the same resources, creatures and locations and, some new ones. The weather could even change between the maps such as when you go to the front yard it has been long enough for it to be winter where there is new gear like a winter jacket made form low level gnat fuzz and a better jacket made from bee or moth fuzz and it could add new structures made of snow or have it be spring where it rains and the rain could make you cold if you are wet to long and add rain gear like a clover hat to help keep dry.
  2. An interesting concept to see added is a dynamic weather system that brings both additional challenges and perhaps special events. Building on this, weather can be broken up into five seperate categories: Sunny (normal), Heat waves (sizzling effect applied to players if not in shade, thirst is increased, dew drops no longer spawn during event, food spoils quicker, stamina is cut by half), Snow storms (coats the land in snow which could be used as a new resource to keep food from spoiling/smoothie ingredients, frosting effect applied to players if not around a heat source or inside base, dew drops and standing water ice over), Thunder showers (aesthetic-only lightning and thunder, rain can function similarly to underwater bubbles- drowning effect is applied inside raindrops, drenched effect is applied to players which causes them to move slower and slightly decreases stamina, flying bugs will not fly, maybe wind can be implemented to cause SLOW gradual damage to exposed base parts- example: 5% damage applied to overall exposed base part per each thundershower event), and Fog (visibility drastically reduced, increased creature spawn rate).
  3. Here are a couple suggestions I was thinking. 1. Some sort of cart to carry items around the yard. Rather than just moving stem pallets around it would be nice to have a small wheel barrel or garden cart that you could take around with you to gather items. Perhaps it has a set amount of slots in it. 2. Would love to see some sort of creature that was specifically tamable to be used as a transport mount. My suggestion would be a Walking Stick. It can climb certain objects, but doesn’t move the fastest. It’s main attraction would be to take on journeys to use as a carrying mount. Perhaps it can hold up to 12 slots. 3.Other types of creatures in the game such as beetles, moths, butterfly’s, grasshoppers, crickets. I’d also love to see a 2 person flying mount such as a dragonfly. But have it be low on stamina so it can cross the map in a single flight or perhaps it has lower defense. 4. I would also love to see weather effects. Perhaps a sprinkler system installed in the yard. Every so many days it rains. This would open new opportunities for new items like a rain collector. I would even love to see hazards like maybe a garden snake or even a weed eater that targets set locations. Maybe you have to build a metal fence section around your base to “deflect” the weed eater from destroying any property. 5. Would love to see more furniture and base décor to make your backyard abode feel all the more cozy. 6. I get the idea that this backyard experience has just happened to 4 individuals. So, the idea of custom characters are out the the picture but it would be nice to be able to edit them with new outfits, hairstyles, etc to make them more unique to us or add a few more characters to be able to pick from.
  4. ok, so you know how there are nails in wood in the backyard? well, what if you could use tier 2 tools to mine them and craft lvl 3 tools. or what if you could go in the house, or the vents of the house and encounter cocroaches (had to spell it like that cause censoring) and maybe lint for a cold place or smn. k, so, this is cool but what if you could make a radio as one of the quests. a part of the yard where there are giant chickens where there is a lab where there are shrunken chickens presumably for testing. yo, so if you could make a full set of aphid armour and the set bonus is, i dunno, stealth improvement? improved workbench that look like those in labs and can craft lvl 3 and, maybe lvl 4 stuff? maybe you could go in a freezer or fridge as a cold place... WITH POPSICLES! more exploration in the pond depths with another big dangerous fish like the koi fish. getting wood for tools from popsicle sticks found on the lawn, harvested by lvl 3 tools weather like: raining, sunny, stormy, dark clouds to show when a storm is coming, rarely maybe snowing. a room with everything in the game in creative. an improved backpack from BURG.L where you can have 15 or maybe, 20 per stack. dying armour. zipline you can ride upwards Finally, im done and i hope you guys consider adding some of these and i thank you for reading this! sincerely: me
  5. Ok, so before anything else, loving the game so far. I've spent a majority of my in-game time building and testing the mechanics/physics of the game. Although I have enjoyed the story and game as a whole too, I think its far more important at the early stages of development to do this in any game where the developers have asked for our input (Thanks). I know a lot of people may have already made these suggestions (I've seen some mentioned) but its worth saying again anyway even if its just to give another thumbs up to the idea. This post may be a little long as its my first real one (culmination of a few weeks of ideas). Anyway, it would be nice to hear what the community itself thinks of the following: First, I have a few suggestions for building components or actions which are currently unavailable: 1) Building component orientations - Building components that currently only have 4 orientations should be changed to 8 (triangle walls, floors, doors, stairs, scaffolds, roof sections). For example, its annoying to not be able to put a door on a diagonally placed wall/opening (or even place two inverted triangle walls as a door alternative). It is this same mechanic which hinders any attempt to build entire structures that are orientated diagonally. On this note - I would also like to see an angled scaffold , shaped like the roof section or stairs ( / ), so you can support platforms, like balconies, to buildings without having to build straight down. Or support a platform to the tree/ rock. Its more about the aesthetics and making something look genuinely supported, rather than having floating floors or messy scaffolding (You could also use them to neaten up any existing scaffolding). 2) Half walls - When snapping a wall onto a floor, it can be snapped along the edge of a square or, can be snapped halfway across to span half of two squares. The issue is that if you incorporate both methods into a build, you can never get the walls to connect/ build how you envisioned. The introduction of half walls would solve this and allow you to build more elaborately. You would also need a half roof section though (this could get problematic to implement if you consider 8 possible orientations or having half corner roof sections etc, unless they just altered their size like the wall sections do when snapped diagonally). 3) Bounce Web Trajectories - I personally hate having long or bulky staircases so tend to create bounce web elevator systems to get up to any platform that I make. I successfully made an automated version (27 webs) where you only had to jump on the first one and the physics would take you to the top of the tower. However, apart from 3 occasions, my path was interrupted by a floor/wall, getting caught on the next bounce web too early (way up), or just the slightest deviation in how you have placed or jumped on the previous webs. Therefore, elevators can actually be really difficult to use. I would love to see the bounce webs have the option to set a trajectory. That way, no matter how or where you jump on a bounce web (or what direction you are facing), you will always travel on the same path and will always land in the same place. I have fallen to my death so many times from unintentional bounces that lead to, well...anywhere but a safe landing zone . I still think this should only be optional. it just makes bouncing on them more efficient. I also believe that the bounce web should be resized so it can fit within 1 square. 4) A pulley elevator - Bounce web elevator systems (and stairs) can take up a lot of space and resources depending on how you build them. As an alternative, I think you should be able to build a very simple pulley elevator. The basket itself could be made out of acorn tops/shells, with weed stems and woven fibre for the basket support. (maybe have bee fuzz or something inside for comfort). The idea is that you set up a pulley at ceiling height (made from animal parts - I don't know) with no floor below, and attach a rope made out of spider silk to the basket (1/2 spider silk for each level to the ground). You get in and can lower/raise the basket by pulling on the silk by directionally holding up or down. As it would only need to take up 1 square section, 1 or even 4 lifts wouldn't be problematic. Its a space-saving and resource-saving way of getting back down to the floor from a pre-existing platform. You could even add a skip action to this so you are just getting out of the basket at the end. 2 minute stair climbs are rarely fun. 5) Palisade and Palisade gate height customisation - As someone with experience building on uneven ground (such as across/over a rock), palisades are a particular annoyance to me. I love the artwork of the palisade itself but you can't always stack them. (even when you can they look ghastly .) When placing on uneven ground they look messy and can actually just be impractical (i jumped over my single height palisade from the panel beside it because of the height difference). If you could independently alter the size of the left or right palisade post (extending the artwork) then you could match the height of the palisade either side of it, regardless of their ground positioning. Would look more like an effective defensive wall in my opinion. 6) Potted plants and wall planter decorations - As a scientist, I can say that some of the most impressive and beautiful structures in the microscopic world are those of fungi. Obviously with the concept of you being small, it doesn't leave a lot of scope for plants and potted versions due to a scarcity of tiny flora in the natural world (unless we could somehow take a cutting of the different flowers that currently exist in game for novel mini versions). You can get around this problem with fungi. The variety, colour and shape of fungi could become great ways to implement new decorations and could also be used as ingredients for smoothies (basically just a content update to the simple mushroom). Even adding 4 extra mushroom types or something and allowing us to grow them in the mushroom gardens would be cool. 7) A Raft/ Boat/ Canoe and paddle - This one is a little self-explanatory. Some sort of weed stem raft or something that you can control/move and haul objects across the top of water. Could also be an interesting way of attracting fish or pond creatures (dropping bits of food into the water from the boat). Secondly, I am experiencing issues with the following: - Triangle floors blocking ascent on staircases (if they are orientated a certain way). This is the same issue as when walls behind staircases would block you from walking up. I still try to avoid placing walls behind stairs though (even though it looks better) because you essentially jump over it and the action isn't smooth. - When you recycle zip line anchors, the zip line itself is not deleted and floats in the air. You are unable to click on it or perform any actions/are forced to reload a previous save. - I have broken the game again since the 26th August update in terms of building capacity and loading big builds (sorry!), I had nearly finished my creative build but it was taking 10 -15 seconds to place any panel and now I'm back to 1 - 2 hour unsuccessful load times (oops ). Finally, just two last points on what I think could be good considerations for future content or updates that have already been hinted at. Tames (Bees in particular)- There seems to be a big debate about tames, particularly bees and riding them. Even as someone who likes to take the long route for experience (run through the grass) and not have a fast track flight from the shed to the berry bush, I can see the appeal. I would be interested to be able to ride a bee the way only a grounded player could, however, I'm really struggling to see a need for other tames in the game at all (even ladybug haulers etc). Bees are something that could easily be implemented (such as having a flight bar that you recharge with nectar which has been mentioned). There is a problem with this. If the stuffed bee is anything to go by, they are way too small (proportionally the size of the stuffed ants), to ride, or just to BEE a BEElievable-sized BEE (sorry, couldn't help myself). I think they should be scaled up to around bombardier size. Basically, I only think there is use in the bee but the way to get a bee tame should be difficult. For example, Have to gather level 3 resources to make a harness. That way, you at least have to spend a lot of time running through the grass and experiencing the game as it should be played before you upgrade to a bee to avoid the monotony of running the same routes everyday later in the game. (the bee is therefore more of a reward for putting a lot of time and effort into the game). Weather - This is an absolute must for me and it opens up so many possibilities for new landscapes/environments, crafting materials/ weapons, and additions to the storyline. I think the weather should be randomised so, for example, there is a 1% chance of snow (which would remain on the ground for a few days and slowly melt away) 4% chance of lightning and a 20% chance of rain on any given day. Wind could be constant but alter in its strength. This give a huge element of surprise (unless we have a weather detector) and makes each player's experience unique. For lightning in particular, I thought that maybe there could be a toy or something in the sandbox which has been modified (by a previous explorer or scientist) so that every time that there is a lightning storm lightning strikes the sand and creates glass shards. Glass shards could be used to create panes for windows (or new types of window and doors), could create glass floors so that you could watch the bugs running around under your base. Glass could be also be used for decoration such as mirrors, advanced cutting tools, or burn traps (like we see with the magnifying glass). I'm excited to see what they do with weather but I hope they make a spectacle and a storyline of certain aspects. (First time you get to the sandbox, you get a cutscene with a brewing lightning storm and a side quest to visit the sandbox lab). That's all I have for suggestions right now, but thanks for reading
  6. I played quite a reasonable amount of time in the game (but had not finished it) and there is this thing that bugs me a bit. All this luscious and fertile land, yet no rainfall. I would like to see some rainfall from time to time. Maybe some snowing in the upcoming White March? Pillars of Eternity is heavily influenced on IE games, Baldur's Gate being the first of them to come out. And in all BG installments there were changing weather conditions. Rain would fall on all of the outdoor locations in BG, and some snow was possible while adventuring on the southermost regions of the world-map. Not to mention the slight possibility of a random lightning hitting suddenly a character from the sky - t'was hilarious. Although the image is from a BG:EE version of the game (the only I could find online) this would happen in the original vanilla game from 1998. So, is it possible to throw such a feature into the PoE game engine? Even though there was no rain in the base campaign of Fallout New Vegas, Obsidian somehow managed to add rainfall in Honest Hearts - yay! It would be awesome to see it happen in Eora! Or am I asking too much? Cheers!
  7. Player limitation is a strange business, a smart player will often buck at authority or ask why he cannot pursue some course of action, when it seems the most logical option. Sometimes this is a good thing, and a good party of inventive characters can drive the story as much or more than the GM. However one is left wondering what subtle or not so subtle shepherding you have found to be palatable? Obviously this is a matter of taste, and with the modern prevalance and popularity of graphical picture books like Dear Esther and Bioshock: Infinite where there is no choice, no consequence and no real interaction, there are obviously players who just want to be told a story rather than play a game. But for those of us who like interactivity, what limitations do not chafe too heavily? For myself I have found weather to be very effective, the avalanche in the pass in Icewind Dale for instance, a seemingly insurmountable obstacle, at least for low level characters.
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