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Found 9 results

  1. I have to believe most people want the ability to choose how fast the in game day cycle moves. There seems to be nothing to do during the night. Once it gets dark I'm just waiting until I can sleep again. Why not let us choose a long day and a short night. 3 second of real time to one minute in game time is way too quick.
  2. Infelizmente, o horário do jogo congelado fica no dia 40 como 8:10 da manhã e, portanto, falta de progresso no jogo! Árvores e animais que não desovam! A comida não cozinha e o equipamento não gera água! Porta do laboratório ficou trancada! E como forma de atacar, não atacar mais, ficou passivo! att. gamertag: Fehzo1Tz
  3. Just to add some more steam to this issue... I got stuck at some point but didn't notice until I tried to cook food and noticed it never completed. So I thought they just patched it to make it longer to add more realism? So I slept for a night and sure enough my tasty aphids were done. Went on my way and noticed I haven't been seeing wolf spiders, went to cook and nothing finished again. Just hit me time must not be progressing. So I looked at sure I got stuck at 6AM when I woke up. You can't sleep again because it doesn't let you until night..so thats not a fix. ~ Before that something odd happened. I went back to the starting hole you spawn in. The screen went black and had the skip option on the bottom like a cutscene. My character said her same lines as you did when you first leave the tunnel. I would venture to say THAT is when my time stopped. Since then I haven't been able to progress, this is before even finding the explosion at the tree. But I have explored every possible place on the map, even beyond..at the Hedge I managed to hop the wall and get over before I was meant to, discovering some kinda lab and tons of spiders. Also found the berry tree and "larva corner". Even managed to get on the bird bath! All of this was after I realized time stopped so breaking boundary was not the cause.
  4. Greetings, everyone. I hope you're having a nice day. As the title says, what are some survival horror games that require a considerable time investment to beat? I've recently stumbled upon "Lost in Vivo" which seems to be right up my alley save for its disappointingly short campaign. I don't hold it against the developer because they're indie and all but it has me thinking whether there are any other games in the same vein that take more than just a few sittings to complete. Does anything come to mind? Cheers to anyone who helps me fill my upcoming Christmas break with neat games.
  5. Hi, after all the updates, after erasing all my saved files but the only one that I need, after disable the steam cloud, after check through steam that all the files of my game are ok. I still have like 1 minute load time when I press continue at the main screen and 15/20 seconds load time between different areas. Is there any solution that I have not found? Thank you
  6. First I'd like to thank all devs and backers for bringing this wonderful game to us, It's great! But so far, the only thing that keeps me from enjoying it fully is the stronghold turn-based tax system. I understand that it was implemented to restrict money farming by resting, but I really hope it gets reverted to fixed timescale someday. If someone wants to rest 21 times to collect ~1000 gold, for the love of Berath LET HIM. I want to be able to calculate if I can afford hirelings instead of hoping that the tax comes before payday... Adventures are also the same proble, I'd like to know for how long a party member will stay locked in an adventure instead of guessing.
  7. Hi.I have cipher aoe(int) bug and also stronghold hirelings currently unpaid bug.I noticed in game journal there are dates on the side in every addendum and update.But dates are imposibble.There are like 15.someting.16678 or 27.someting.1584.Game shows corret date in UI but not in the journal.I am asking people having smiliar issues to me look in-game date in the journal.It might be connected if people have these bugs also have crazy years in-game journal.
  8. Let's make a comprehensive list of everything in the game so far that has been Backer Made. Obviously, this will be filled in over time, but for now, I think we can get started with a few of the Backer Portraits and the Celestial Sapling. The rules are simple. We post images and/or name of people, places, and things such as: LARS WESTERGREN UNKNOWN CELESTIAL SAPLING ---- UNKNOWN UNKNOWN And then we fill it in as needed.
  9. Because tabbing in and out is annoying. Would be very welcome
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